
Documents by Category

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Document Name Council/Team Category
01.28.22 Agenda ASB Senate
02.23.24 Governance Agenda ASB Senate
02.23.24 Student Senate Agenda ASB Senate
09.01.23 Student Senate Minutes ASB Senate General
09.15.23 Student Senate Minutes ASB Senate General
09.19.23 CAEB Agenda ASB Senate General
09.19.23 CAEB Minutes ASB Senate General
09.26.23 CAEB Agenda ASB Senate General
09.26.23 CAEB Minutes ASB Senate
09.29.23 Student Senate Agenda ASB Senate General
1.19.24 ASB Student Senate Agenda ASB Senate General
1.24.25 Student Senate Agenda ASB Senate General
1.30.24 CAEB Agenda ASB Senate
10.06.23 Student Senate Governance Committee Agenda ASB Senate
10.10.23 CAEB Agenda ASB Senate
10.15.24 CAEB Agenda ASB Senate General
10.20.23 ASB Senate Meeting Agenda ASB Senate
10.25 CAEB Agenda ASB Senate
10.31 Tutoring Center Committee Agenda ASB Senate General
10.6.23 Student Senate Agenda ASB Senate
11.17.23 ASB Senate Agenda ASB Senate
11.17.23 Student Senate_Governance Committee Meeting Agenda ASB Senate
11.19.24 CAEB Meeting Agenda ASB Senate General
11.19.24 Student Senate Accessibility Committee ASB Senate General
11.3.23 ASB Senate Agenda ASB Senate
11.8.24 Student Senate Agenda ASB Senate General
12.5.24 Senate Governance Committee ASB Senate
12.6.24 Student Senate Agenda ASB Senate General
12/7 ASB Senate Agenda ASB Senate
2.20.24 CAEB Agenda ASB Senate
2.20.24 CAEB Minutes ASB Senate General
2.4.25 CAEB Minutes ASB Senate
2.9.24 Student Senate Agenda ASB Senate
2023-24 Annual Unit Planning (SUP) Summary Report Executive Leadership Team General
3.19.24 CAEB Agenda ASB Senate General
3.22.24 ASB Student Senate Agenda ASB Senate
3.26.24 CAEB Agenda ASB Senate
3.29.24 Student Senate Agenda ASB Senate General
3.5.24 CAEB Agenda ASB Senate General
3.8.24 Student Senate Agenda ASB Senate General
3/22/24 Student Senate Governance Committee ASB Senate
4.12.24 Senate Governance Agenda ASB Senate
4.12.24 Student Senate Agenda ASB Senate
4.16.24 CAEB Agenda ASB Senate
4.19.24 Sehate Agenda ASB Senate
4.26.24 Student Senate Agenda ASB Senate
4.9.24 CAEB Agenda ASB Senate
4/18/23 CAEB Agenda ASB Senate
4/7 Student Senate Agenda ASB Senate
5.3.24 Senate Agenda ASB Senate General
5.3.24 Student Senate Agenda (updated) ASB Senate
5.7.24 CAEB Agenda ASB Senate
5/2 CAEB Agenda ASB Senate
8.29.23 ASB Club and Events Board Agenda ASB Senate General
8.29.23 ASB Club and Events Board Agenda (updated) ASB Senate General
8.9.23 ASB Senate Minutes ASB Senate General
8.9.23 Senate Agenda ASB Senate General
9.20.24 Student Senate Agenda ASB Senate General
9.24.24 CAEB Agenda ASB Senate General
9.27.22 CAEB Agenda ASB Senate
9.6.24 ASB Senate Agenda ASB Senate General
Academic Senate Agenda 01.27.2022 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Agenda 04.08.2021 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Agenda 04.22.2021 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Agenda 05.13.2021 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Agenda 08.26.21 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Agenda 10.14.21 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Agenda 11.04.21 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Agenda 2021-11-18 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Agenda 2021-12-09 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Agenda 2022-02-10 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Agenda 2022-02-24 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Agenda 2022-03-10 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Agenda 2022-03-24 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Agenda 2022-04-07 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Agenda 2022-04-21 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Agenda 2022-05-12 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Agenda 2022-08-25 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Agenda 2022-09-08 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Agenda 2022-09-22 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Agenda 2022-10-13 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Agenda 2022-10-27 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Agenda 2022-11-17 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Agenda 2022-12-8 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Agenda 2023.02.09 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Agenda 2023.02.23 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Agenda 2023.03.09 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Agenda 2023.03.23 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Agenda 2023.04.13 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Agenda 2023.04.27 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Agenda 2023.05.11 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Agenda 2023-01-26 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Agenda August 29, 2024 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Approved Minutes 04.08.2021 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Approved Minutes 04.22.21 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Approved Minutes 05.13.21 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Approved Minutes 2021-11-04 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Draft Agenda Sept. 12 2024 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Draft Minutes Aug. 29, 2024 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Minutes 2022.12.08 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Minutes 03.11.2021 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Minutes 09.09.21 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Minutes 09.09.21 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Minutes 09.23.21 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Minutes 10.14.21 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Minutes 2021-10-28 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Minutes 2021-11-18 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Minutes 2021-12-09 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Minutes 2022.09.22 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Minutes 2022.11.17 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Minutes 2022.12.08 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Minutes 2022-01-27 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Minutes 2022-02-10 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Minutes 2022-02-24 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Minutes 2022-03-10 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Minutes 2022-03-10 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Minutes 2022-03-24 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Minutes 2022-04-07 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Minutes 2022-04-21 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Minutes 2022-05-12 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Minutes 2022-08-25 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Minutes 2022-09-08 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Minutes 2022-10-13 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Minutes 2022-10-27 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Minutes 2022-10-27 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Minutes 2023.01.26 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Minutes 2023.02.09 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Minutes 2023.02.23 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Minutes 2023.03.09 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Minutes 2023.03.23 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Minutes 2023.04.13 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Minutes 2023.04.27 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Minutes Package 04.08.21 Academic Senate
Academic Senate Resolution Regarding Curriculum & Equity Academic Senate
Advisory Committees Document General
African American DI Project Team Report Disproportionate Impact: African American, LatinX, Native American Team Final Report
API Report Disproportionate Impact: API (2020-2021) Team Final Report
April 4, 2023 CAEB Agenda ASB Senate
ARC Distance Education Plan 2019-2025 ARC Online 2.0 (2018-2019) Team Final Report
ARC Governance Framework General
ARC Governance Structure 2019-2020
AS Agenda 09.09.21 Academic Senate
AS Agenda 09.23.21 Academic Senate
AS Agenda 10.28.21 Academic Senate
AS Agenda 2023.09.14 Academic Senate
AS Agenda 2023.09.28 Academic Senate
AS Agenda 2023.10.12 Academic Senate
AS agenda 2023.10.26 Academic Senate
AS Agenda 2023.11.09 Academic Senate
AS Agenda 2023.11.30 Academic Senate
AS Agenda 2023.12.07 Academic Senate
AS Agenda 2024.01.25 Academic Senate
AS Agenda 2024.03.07 Academic Senate
AS Agenda 2024.03.28 Academic Senate
AS Agenda 2024.04.11 Academic Senate
As Agenda 2024.04.25 Academic Senate
AS Agenda 2024.05.09 Academic Senate
AS Agenda 8.24.2023 Academic Senate
AS Agenda Oct 10 2024 Academic Senate General
AS Minutes 08.26.21 Academic Senate
AS Minutes 08.26.21 Academic Senate
AS Minutes 2023.05.11 Academic Senate
AS Minutes 2023.08.24 Academic Senate
AS Minutes 2023.09.14 Academic Senate
AS Minutes 2023.09.28 Academic Senate
AS Minutes 2023.09.28 Academic Senate
AS Minutes 2023.10.12 Academic Senate
AS Minutes 2023.10.26 Academic Senate
AS Minutes 2023.11.09 Academic Senate
AS Minutes 2023.11.30 Academic Senate
AS Minutes 2023.12.07 Academic Senate
AS Minutes 2024.01.25 Academic Senate
AS Minutes 2024.02.08 Academic Senate
AS Minutes 2024.02.08 Academic Senate
AS Minutes 2024.02.22 Academic Senate
AS Minutes 2024.02.22 Academic Senate
AS Minutes 2024.03.07 Academic Senate
AS Minutes 2024.03.28 Academic Senate
As Minutes 2024.04.11 Academic Senate
As Minutes 2024.04.25 Academic Senate
ASB Agenda 09.24.21 ASB Senate
ASB Agenda 10.01.21 ASB Senate
ASB Joint Budget Committee Meeting 10.19 ASB Senate
ASB Orientation 7.30.24-8.1.24 ASB Senate Training
ASB Senate ASB Senate
ASB Senate 11/10/22 ASB Senate
ASB Senate 12.2.22 ASB Senate
ASB Senate 2/24 ASB Senate
ASB Senate 4.29 ASB Senate
ASB Senate 5/8/23 ASB Senate
ASB Senate 8.09.22 ASB Senate
ASB Senate 9.15 Agenda ASB Senate General
ASB Senate 9.9.22 Agenda ASB Senate
ASB Senate 9/23 Minutes ASB Senate
ASB Senate Agenda ASB Senate
ASB Senate Agenda 08.27.21 ASB Senate
ASB Senate Agenda 09.03.21 ASB Senate
ASB Senate Agenda 09.10.21 ASB Senate
ASB Senate Agenda 10.15.21 ASB Senate
ASB Senate Agenda 10.22.21 ASB Senate
ASB Senate Agenda 11.4.22 ASB Senate
ASB Senate Agenda, Feb 4, 2022 ASB Senate
ASB Senate April 7th Minutes ASB Senate
ASB Senate Governance Committee 10.20.23 ASB Senate
ASB Senate Governance Committee 11.3.23 ASB Senate
ASB Senate Governance Committee 12.1.23 ASB Senate
ASB Senate Governance Committee Agenda 2.5.25 ASB Senate General
ASB Senate Governance Committee Agenda 4.5.24 ASB Senate
ASB Senate- Halal Food Committee 1/22/25 ASB Senate General
ASB Senate May 5, 2023 ASB Senate
ASB Senate May 6th ASB Senate
ASB Senate Minutes 4/21 ASB Senate
ASB Senate Minutes 8.25 ASB Senate General
ASB Senate Minutes 8.26.22 ASB Senate
ASB Senate Nov 18th Agenda ASB Senate
ASB Senate Public Relations Committee Agenda 1.27.25 ASB Senate General
ASB Senate. 3/24 Minutes ASB Senate
ASB Student Senate ASB Senate
ASB Student Senate ASB Senate General
ASB Student Senate ASB Senate General
ASB Student Senate 3/24 Agenda ASB Senate
ASB Student Senate 4.1.22 ASB Senate
ASB Student Senate 4.8.22 ASB Senate
ASB Student Senate 8.25.23 ASB Senate General
ASB Student Senate 8.30.24 Agenda ASB Senate General
ASB Student Senate 9.23.22 Agenda ASB Senate
ASB Student Senate Agenda 2.7.25 ASB Senate General
ASB Student Senate Agenda 3.18 ASB Senate
ASB Student Senate Agenda Oct 7th, 2022 ASB Senate
Bias Response Team Report Bias Response Team Final Report
CAEB 1.23.24 Agenda ASB Senate General
CAEB 10/18 agenda ASB Senate
CAEB 11/26/24 Agenda ASB Senate General
CAEB 4.30.24 Agenda ASB Senate
CAEB Agenda 1.28.25 ASB Senate General
CAEB Agenda 1/31/23 ASB Senate
CAEB Agenda 10.1.24 ASB Senate General
CAEB Agenda 10.22.24 ASB Senate General
CAEB Agenda 10.24.23 ASB Senate
CAEB Agenda 10/11/22 ASB Senate
CAEB agenda 11.12.24 ASB Senate
CAEB Agenda 11.28.23 ASB Senate
CAEB Agenda 2.11.25 ASB Senate General
CAEB Agenda 2.13.24 ASB Senate
CAEB Agenda 2/21/23 ASB Senate
CAEB Agenda 2/28/23 ASB Senate
CAEB Agenda 2/7/23 ASB Senate
CAEB Agenda 3.21.23 ASB Senate
CAEB Agenda 8.1.24 ASB Senate General
CAEB Agenda 8.30.22 ASB Senate
CAEB Agenda 9.10.24 ASB Senate General
CAEB Agenda 9.20.22 ASB Senate
CAEB Agenda 9.5.23 ASB Senate General
CAEB Agenda 9/13/20 ASB Senate
CAEB Agenda Jan 24, 2023 ASB Senate
CAEB Agenda Nov 7 ASB Senate
CAEB Agenda Oct 17, 2023 ASB Senate General
CAEB Agenda, Dec 6, 2022 ASB Senate
CAEB Club Day Committee (10.31) ASB Senate
CAEB Club Day Planning Committee 2/14 ASB Senate
CAEB Minutes- 10.10.23 ASB Senate General
CAEB Minutes 9.13.22 ASB Senate
Charter - Institutional Effectiveness Council (2018-2019) Institutional Effectiveness Council
Charter - Operations Council Operations Council
Charter - Operations Council (2018-19)
Charter - Strategic Enrollment Management (2019-2020) Strategic Enrollment Management (2019-2020)
Charter - Student Success Council Student Success Council
Charter - Sustainability Improvement (2019-2020) Sustainability Improvement (2019-2020)
Charter - Wellness Center Project Team (18-19) Wellness Center (2018-2019)
Clarify Program Paths 2018-2019 Clarify Program Paths (2018-2019) Team Final Report
Classified Senate Agenda 10.13.21 Classified Senate
Classified Senate Agenda 11.10.21 Classified Senate
Classified Senate Minutes 09.08.21 Classified Senate
Club and Events Board Agenda ASB Senate General
Club and Events Board- Feb 7 Minutes ASB Senate
Communication Diagram
Decision Tree for Project Deliverables
Designees and Alternates
DI Executive Summary Disproportionate Impact: African American, LatinX, Native American Team Final Report
DI Final Report: African American, Latinx, Native American Disproportionate Impact: African American, LatinX, Native American Team Final Report
Education Master Plan Educational Master Plan (2019-2020) Team Final Report
ELSS Schedule Development Guidelines Enterprise Level Scheduling Solution - ELSS (2018-2019) Team Final Report
Equity Tool
Executive Leadership Team: 2017-18 Agendas Executive Leadership Team
Executive Leadership Team: 2017-18 Notes Executive Leadership Team
Facilities Master Plan Facilities Master Plan (2018-2019) Team Final Report
Fall 23 ASB Orientation ASB Senate General
Feb 25 Student Senate Agenda ASB Senate
Feb 3, 2023 Student Senate Agenda ASB Senate
Governance Assignments
Governance Diagram
Governance Diagram for Fall 2018
Governance FAQ
Governance Framework
Governance Meeting Schedule Overview
Governance Scheduling Overview General
Governance Terms to Know
Halal Food Committee- Student Senate 10.3.24 ASB Senate
How to Create Agendas Training
How to Create an Agenda (Instructions for IGOR)
How to Record Notes Training
How to Record Notes (Instructions for IGOR)
Institutional Effectiveness Council - Charter revised Spring 2022 Institutional Effectiveness Council
Institutional Effectiveness Council: 2017-18 Agendas Institutional Effectiveness Council
Institutional Effectiveness Council: 2017-18 Notes Institutional Effectiveness Council
Institutional Equity Plan Institutional Equity Plan (2018-2019) Team Final Report
Integrated Planning Guide Integrated Planning Improvement (2018-2019) Team Deliverable
IPaSS Project Team Report Student Success Council Team Final Report
Jan 31, 2025 Student Senate Agenda ASB Senate General
Joint Budget Commitee Jan 31, 2023 minutes ASB Senate
Joint Budget Committee 11.2.23 ASB Senate
Joint Budget Committee 3.8.24 ASB Senate General
Joint Budget Committee April 25th, 2023 ASB Senate
Joint Budget Committee- ASBARC Jan 31, 2023 ASB Senate
LatinX DI Project Team Report Disproportionate Impact: African American, LatinX, Native American Team Final Report
LGBTQIA+ Report Disproportionate Impact: LGBTQIA+ (2020-2021) Team Final Report
Lifecycle of a Project Team
Lifecycle of a Project Team
Minutes 09.23.21 Academic Senate
Native American DI Project Team Report Disproportionate Impact: African American, LatinX, Native American Team Final Report
Notetaking Tips
Nov 15 CAEB Agenda ASB Senate
NWUAU Senate Ad Hoc Committee ASB Senate General
Operations Council: 2017-18 Agendas Operations Council
Operations Council: 2017-18 Notes Operations Council
Participation Charter
Participation Charter - Adopted
Professional Development and Training Project Team Report Professional Development and Training (2019-2020) Team Final Report
Project Communication
Project Initiation Flowchart
Project Initiation Timeline
Project Team Communication Training
Project Tools Summary
Readings Schedule
Resource Panel
Resource Panel
Retaining and Supporting Employees of Color_ Summary & Actions Student Success Council
Role of the Note Taker
Roster Management
Scheduling Overview
Senate Ad Hoc- Tutoring Center ASB Senate
Senate Halal Food Committee ASB Senate General
Senate Tutoring Committee 11.14.24 ASB Senate
September 3rd, 2024 Club and Events Board Agenda ASB Senate General
Start Right Project Team Report Student Success Council Team Final Report
Strategic Goals
Student Participation
Student Participation Fall 19-20
Student Senate 1/20/23 Agenda ASB Senate
Student Senate 10.25.24 ASB Senate General
Student Senate 2/11/22 ASB Senate
Student Senate 9.1.23 Agenda ASB Senate
Student Senate Accessibility Committee ASB Senate General
Student Senate Agenda 11.15.24 ASB Senate General
Student Senate Agenda 2.21.25 ASB Senate General
Student Senate Agenda 8.1.24 ASB Senate General
Student Senate Agenda 9.27.24 ASB Senate General
Student Senate Agenda 9.27.24 ASB Senate General
Student Senate Agenda Aug 26, 2022 ASB Senate
Student Senate Agenda March 11, 2022 ASB Senate
Student Senate Executive Committee Agenda 9.26.24 ASB Senate General
Student Senate Feb 3, 2023 Minutes ASB Senate
Student Senate Finance Committee ASB Senate General
Student Senate- Friday March 4, 2022 ASB Senate
Student Senate Halal Food Committee ASB Senate General
Student Senate Halal Food Committee 10.24.24 ASB Senate
Student Senate Halal Food Committee 12.12.24 ASB Senate General
Student Senate Legislative Affairs Committee 11.12.24 ASB Senate General
Student Senate March 25, 2022 ASB Senate
Student Senate Minutes 8.30.24 ASB Senate General
Student Senate Public Relations Committee ASB Senate
Student Success Council: 2017-18 Agendas Student Success Council
Student Success Council: 2017-18 Notes Student Success Council
Summary of Tools Training
Sustainability Plan Sustainability Improvement (2019-2020) Team Final Report
Tutoring Committee- Emergency Meeting- Student Senate ASB Senate General
Updated Senate ad hoc Halal Food Committee ASB Senate
Wellness Center Project Team Report Wellness Center (2018-2019) Team Final Report