Student Success Council

The Student Success Council (SSC) is responsible for providing input, feedback, coordination, and project management support for all aspects of the College that impact student success and learning. We strive to approach this work from an equity framework and lens and to continually expand our capacities as equitable practitioners. We support “continuous growth and improvement of outcomes and experiences for those who are disproportionately impacted and marginalized in society and on campus,” as described in ARC’s Institutional Equity Plan.

Group Members

Name Role Perspectives Constituency
Frank Kobayashi Chair Vice President of Instruction Management Ex Officio
Marianne Harris Co-chair Classified or Faculty Representative (any area) Faculty Term 1
Allyson Joye Member Instructional Representative - ESL Faculty Term 3
Anthony Carter Member Homebases Representative Classified Term 1
Arthur Jenkins Member GE/Transfer Faculty Term 1
BJ Snowden Member Faculty, Classified, or Manager from the Office of Equity, Institutional Effectiveness, & Innovation Management Term 1
Brian Knirk Member Academic Senate Representative Faculty Term 1
Carina Hoffpauir Member Dean Representative - Instructional Management Term 1
Caroline Prieto Member Instructional Representative - English Faculty Term 1
David Shrope-Austin Member Expertise working with DI students Faculty Term 1
Dianne Cervantez Member Expertise working with DI students Classified
Eliza Arata Member AVP Workforce Development (or designee) Management Ex Officio
Elizabeth Geisser Member Expertise working with DI students Classified
Hannah Blodgett Member Dean Representative - Student Services Management Term 1
Justin Tseng Member Associated Student Body Representative Student Current Year Only
Kim Herrell Member Instructional or Student Services Rep (any area) Faculty Term 2
Maria Elena Pulido-Sepulveda Member Classified Representative - Instruction Classified Term 1
Mikhail Drobot Member Instructional Representative - CTE Faculty Term 3
Nicole Porter Member Interim VP of Student Services and Equity Management Ex Officio
Nimo Ali Member Student Services Representative Classified Term 3
Sharon Gott Member Instructional Representative - Math Faculty Term 2
Tera Reynolds Member Expertise working with DI students Faculty Term 3
Unassigned Member Associated Student Body Representative Student Current Year Only
Unassigned Member Student Services Representative Faculty Term 3
Unassigned Member Dean of Institutional Effectiveness and Innovation Management Ex Officio
Melanie Ortega Assistant Classified

Meetings Agendas & Notes

Meeting Date Agenda Notes Has Attachments
09/18/2018 View Agenda View Notes Yes
10/02/2018 View Agenda View Notes Yes
09/04/2018 View Agenda View Notes Yes
10/16/2018 View Agenda View Notes Yes
11/06/2018 View Agenda View Notes Yes
12/04/2018 View Agenda View Notes Yes
02/05/2019 View Agenda View Notes Yes
03/05/2019 View Agenda View Notes Yes
03/19/2019 View Agenda View Notes Yes
04/02/2019 View Agenda View Notes Yes
04/23/2019 View Agenda View Notes Yes
05/07/2019 View Agenda View Notes Yes
09/03/2019 View Agenda View Notes Yes
09/17/2019 View Agenda View Notes Yes
10/01/2019 View Agenda View Notes No
10/15/2019 View Agenda View Notes No
11/19/2019 View Agenda View Notes Yes
12/03/2019 View Agenda View Notes No
02/04/2020 View Agenda View Notes Yes
03/03/2020 View Agenda View Notes Yes
04/21/2020 View Agenda View Notes Yes
05/05/2020 View Agenda View Notes Yes
12/17/2019 View Agenda View Notes Yes
05/19/2020 View Agenda Not Available Yes
09/01/2020 View Agenda View Notes Yes
09/15/2020 View Agenda View Notes Yes
10/06/2020 View Agenda View Notes Yes
10/20/2020 View Agenda View Notes No
11/03/2020 View Agenda View Notes Yes
11/17/2020 View Agenda View Notes Yes
12/01/2020 View Agenda View Notes No
12/15/2020 View Agenda View Notes Yes
02/02/2021 View Agenda View Notes Yes
02/16/2021 View Agenda View Notes Yes
03/02/2021 View Agenda View Notes Yes
03/16/2021 View Agenda View Notes Yes
04/06/2021 View Agenda View Notes Yes
04/20/2021 View Agenda View Notes Yes
05/04/2021 View Agenda View Notes No
09/07/2021 View Agenda View Notes Yes
09/21/2021 View Agenda View Notes Yes
10/05/2021 View Agenda View Notes Yes
10/19/2021 View Agenda View Notes Yes
11/02/2021 View Agenda View Notes Yes
11/16/2021 View Agenda View Notes Yes
12/07/2021 View Agenda View Notes Yes
02/01/2022 View Agenda View Notes Yes
02/15/2022 View Agenda View Notes Yes
03/01/2022 View Agenda View Notes Yes
03/15/2022 View Agenda View Notes No
04/05/2022 View Agenda View Notes Yes
04/19/2022 View Agenda View Notes Yes
05/03/2022 View Agenda Not Available Yes
05/17/2022 View Agenda Not Available Yes
09/06/2022 View Agenda View Notes Yes
09/20/2022 View Agenda View Notes Yes
10/04/2022 View Agenda View Notes Yes
10/18/2022 View Agenda View Notes Yes
11/01/2022 View Agenda View Notes Yes
11/15/2022 View Agenda View Notes Yes
12/06/2022 View Agenda View Notes Yes
02/07/2023 View Agenda View Notes Yes
02/21/2023 View Agenda View Notes Yes
03/21/2023 View Agenda View Notes Yes
04/18/2023 View Agenda View Notes No
05/02/2023 View Agenda View Notes Yes
09/05/2023 View Agenda View Notes Yes
10/03/2023 View Agenda View Notes Yes
09/19/2023 View Agenda View Notes Yes
10/17/2023 View Agenda View Notes Yes
11/07/2023 View Agenda View Notes Yes
11/21/2023 View Agenda View Notes Yes
12/05/2023 View Agenda View Notes Yes
01/16/2024 View Agenda View Notes No
02/06/2024 View Agenda View Notes Yes
03/05/2024 View Agenda View Notes Yes
03/19/2024 View Agenda View Notes Yes
04/02/2024 View Agenda View Notes Yes
04/16/2024 View Agenda View Notes Yes
05/07/2024 View Agenda Not Available Yes

Group Documents and Meeting Attachments

Filename Date Uploaded
Charter - Student Success Council 2018 08 08 August 08, 2018
ARC Online 2.0 Charter 2018 08 27 August 27, 2018
Clarify Program Paths 2018 08 27 August 27, 2018
ELSS Charter 2018 08 27 August 27, 2018
ARC Redesign Plan 2018 08 27 August 27, 2018
Student Success Action Charter Revisions 2018 08 27 August 27, 2018
Student Success Council Draft Agenda Items for Academic Year 2018 08 27 August 27, 2018
Redesign Report - Vol. 8 2018 09 04 September 04, 2018
Redesign Glossary 2018 09 04 September 04, 2018
SSC Recommendations to ELT 2018 09 10 September 10, 2018
Achieve PowerPoint for SSC 2018 09 11 September 11, 2018
Achieve Notes for SSC 2018 09 11 September 11, 2018
ARTS 2018 09 17 September 17, 2018
APPLIED TECH 2018 09 17 September 17, 2018
BUS HOSP RECRE 2018 09 17 September 17, 2018
HEALTH HUMAN SERVICES 2018 09 17 September 17, 2018
LANG AND COMM 2018 09 17 September 17, 2018
MANUF CONSTR 2018 09 17 September 17, 2018
PEOPLE CULTURE AND SOC 2018 09 17 September 17, 2018
PUBLIC SERVICE AND EDUC 2018 09 17 September 17, 2018
STEM 2018 09 17 September 17, 2018
TOP TEN 2018 09 17 September 17, 2018
SSC Action Charter-ELT APPROVED 2018 09 17 September 17, 2018
Governance: Resource Panel - general information 2018 10 01 October 01, 2018
Proposed Resource Panel - FYE 2018 10 01 October 01, 2018
Program Pathways Mapping website example (Bakersfield) 2018 10 02 October 02, 2018
Equity Charter - Draft 2018 10 16 October 16, 2018
Equity Town Hall - Flyer 2018 10 16 October 16, 2018
Resource Panel (FYE) Proposal 2018 10 19 October 19, 2018
Student Success Council: 2017-18 Agendas 2018 10 25 October 25, 2018
Student Success Council: 2017-18 Notes 2018 10 25 October 25, 2018
ELSS Report 2018 11 06 November 06, 2018
ACCJC Midterm Report 2019 Draft 2018 12 04 December 04, 2018
ARC Integrated Planning Portal 2018 12 04 December 04, 2018
Clarify Program Progress Report Fall 2018 2018 12 05 December 05, 2018
EducationalMasterPlan 2019 02 04 February 04, 2019
Strategic Enrollment Management 2019 02 04 February 04, 2019
Online 2.0 Draft Plan 2019 02 25 February 25, 2019
Final Equity Plan Template 2019 02 25 February 25, 2019
Local Trauma Informed Care Workshop from Chancellor's Office 2019 03 04 March 04, 2019
Educational Master Plan Charter 2019 03 04 March 04, 2019
Strategic Enrollment Management Charter 2019 03 04 March 04, 2019
Clarify Program Paths Status Report 2019 03 15 March 15, 2019
ARC Online 2.0 Draft Plan 2019 03 15 March 15, 2019
SEA Draft 2019 03 15 March 15, 2019
ELSS Project Update 2019 03 19 March 19, 2019
Program Paths - Final Report 2019 03 29 March 29, 2019
DI Project Initiation 2019 03 29 March 29, 2019
Institutional Equity Plan 2019 03 29 March 29, 2019
Draft ARC Distance Education Plan 2019-2025 v3 2019 04 01 April 01, 2019
SEA Draft C - For Second Reading 2019 04 02 April 02, 2019
DI Project Team Draft Charter 2019 04 23 April 23, 2019
FYE Final Report 2019 04 29 April 29, 2019
DI Project Charter Draft B 2019 05 03 May 03, 2019
Institutional Equity Plan 2019 08 30 August 30, 2019
California Virtual Campus - Online Education Initiative (CVC-OEI) 2019 08 30 August 30, 2019
Video: The Future of Work: Will Our Children Be Prepared? 2019 08 30 August 30, 2019
ARC Participatory Governance Kickoff Slides - 9/6/2019 2019 09 10 September 10, 2019
Areas of Interest and Schools - Chart 9-16-19 2019 09 16 September 16, 2019
Areas of Interest and Schools - PowerPoint 2019 09 16 September 16, 2019
School AOI POS 2019 09 17 September 17, 2019
Institutional Campus Climate Survey -- Overview 2019 09 17 September 17, 2019
DI Project Team Charter version F 2019 09 18 September 18, 2019
EMP Report 2019 11 08 November 08, 2019
Dual Enrollment FAQ 2019 11 19 November 19, 2019
Homebase Powerpoint 2019 12 16 December 16, 2019
Homebase FAQ's 2019 12 16 December 16, 2019
HomeBase Input Summary 2020 02 04 February 04, 2020
Guided Pathways 2020 02 13 February 13, 2020
SEM 2020 02 18 February 18, 2020
ARC Textbook Affordability Presentation Google Slides: 2020 03 04 March 04, 2020
API Project Initiation 2020 04 13 April 13, 2020
LGBTQ+ Project Initiation 2020 04 13 April 13, 2020
Strategic Enrollment Management 2020 04 13 April 13, 2020
Methods Findings 2020 04 21 April 21, 2020
DI-African Americans 2020 04 21 April 21, 2020
DI-Latinx 2020 04 21 April 21, 2020
DI-Native Americans 2020 04 21 April 21, 2020
DI-Native Americans 2020 04 27 April 27, 2020
DI Populations API 2020 04 28 April 28, 2020
DI-African Americans 2020 04 28 April 28, 2020
DI-Latinx 2020 04 28 April 28, 2020
Methods Findings 2020 04 28 April 28, 2020
Updated LGBTQ+ Project Initiation 2020 05 04 May 04, 2020
Tentative SSC 20-21 Meeting Dates 2020 05 14 May 14, 2020
API Project Charter 2020 08 31 August 31, 2020
LGBTQIA+ Project Charter 2020 08 31 August 31, 2020
ARC Equity Framework 2020 09 09 September 09, 2020
IPaSS Project Team Report 2020 09 11 September 11, 2020
Start Right Project Team Report 2020 09 11 September 11, 2020
Draft PD & Training Map 2020 09 11 September 11, 2020
Equitable Decision-Making Tool 2020 09 23 September 23, 2020
Accreditation Standards - Project Team Assignments 2020 09 23 September 23, 2020
Student Success Council Members 2020 10 30 October 30, 2020
Accreditation Spreadsheet 2020 10 30 October 30, 2020
Governance Framework: Pages 11-13 (Council Composition) 2020 11 03 November 03, 2020
Actionable Equity Series 2020 11 13 November 13, 2020
Retaining Employees of Color at ARC: Resource Panel Report 2020 12 14 December 14, 2020
Cultural Wealth Emerging Leaders 2021 01 22 January 22, 2021
Cultural Wealth and Your Career Narrative 2021 01 22 January 22, 2021
Whose Culture Has Capital 2021 01 22 January 22, 2021
Guided Pathways - Scale of Adoption 2021 02 01 February 01, 2021
DRAFT Reopening Plan 2021 02 01 February 01, 2021
Retaining and Supporting Employees of Color at ARC: Summary and Actions 2021 02 11 February 11, 2021
IPASS Report: Student Communication Recommendations (Sprint 2018) 2021 02 11 February 11, 2021
Student Success Perspectives 2021 03 02 March 02, 2021
IPASS Report: Student Communication Recommendations (Spring 2018) 2021 03 02 March 02, 2021
Revisiting Student Communication Recommendations 2021 03 02 March 02, 2021
Advisory Committees Document 2021 03 02 March 02, 2021
Resource Panels 2021 03 02 March 02, 2021
LGBTQIA+ Project Team Report 2021 03 11 March 11, 2021
LGBTQIA+ Executive Summary 2021 03 11 March 11, 2021
LGBTQIA+ Programming Addendum 2021 03 11 March 11, 2021
Student Success Council Perspectives 2021 03 11 March 11, 2021
LGBTQIA+ Project Team Report: FINAL 2021 04 05 April 05, 2021
LGBTQIA+ Executive Summary 2021 04 05 April 05, 2021
DI-API Project Team Report 2021 04 05 April 05, 2021
DI-API Project Team Report (Second Reading) 2021 04 19 April 19, 2021
Student Success Council Perspectives: Final Approval 2021 04 19 April 19, 2021
HomeBase Implementation Team Resource Panel 2021 09 03 September 03, 2021
Bias Response Team Charter draft 2021 09 16 September 16, 2021
Bias Response Team Charter 2021 09 30 September 30, 2021
ARC ISER Draft Report 2021 2021 10 14 October 14, 2021
Student Success Council co-chair role 2021 10 19 October 19, 2021
Student Success Council Charter 2017-2020 2021 10 29 October 29, 2021
Student Success Council Perspectives 2021 11 01 November 01, 2021
ARC ISER Draft Report 2021 2021 11 09 November 09, 2021
HomeBase Resource Panel Report 2021 12 02 December 02, 2021
OER Award Program 2021 12 02 December 02, 2021
Student Textbook Survey: All Responses 2021 12 03 December 03, 2021
Student Textbook Survey: Disaggregated Data 2021 12 03 December 03, 2021
Retaining and Supporting Employees of Color_ Summary & Actions 2022 01 11 January 11, 2022
HomeBase Resource Panel II: Draft Charter 2022 01 27 January 27, 2022
HomeBase Resource Panel Report 2022 01 27 January 27, 2022
Bias Response Team Charter draft II 2022 01 31 January 31, 2022
HomeBase Resource Panel II: Draft Charter 2022 02 12 February 12, 2022
Strategic Enrollment Management 2.0: Draft Charter 2022 02 12 February 12, 2022
Guided Pathways Scale of Adoption Report Draft 2022 02 12 February 12, 2022
Homebases discussion - notes from 2/1/2022 2022 02 12 February 12, 2022
Decentering Whiteness in Guided Pathways CUE Webinar: Part I 2022 02 12 February 12, 2022
Decentering Whiteness in Guided Pathways CUE Webinar: Part 2 2022 02 24 February 24, 2022
HomeBase Resource Panel II: Draft Charter 2022 02 24 February 24, 2022
Strategic Enrollment Management 2.0: Draft Charter 2022 02 24 February 24, 2022
CUE Checklist for Sustaining Institution-Wide Racial Equity 2022 03 31 March 31, 2022
Student Success Council Charter Revision 2022 03 31 March 31, 2022
Updated Bias Response Charter 2022 04 01 April 01, 2022
Draft: Student Success Council Charter 2022-2025 2022 04 18 April 18, 2022
A Checklist for Sustaining Institution-Wide Racial Equity 2022 04 18 April 18, 2022
Comparison of ARC Employees of Color and ARC White Employees on the Fall 2019 ARC Institutional Campus Climate Survey - March 2022 Re-Analysis 2022 04 18 April 18, 2022
LimeSurvey - 2022 Los Rios Campus Climate Survey v3 2022 04 18 April 18, 2022
A Checklist for Sustaining Institution-Wide Racial Equity 2022 04 28 April 28, 2022
LRCCD Restroom Design Brief 2022 05 12 May 12, 2022
Checklist for Sustaining Institution-Wide Racial Equity 2022 05 12 May 12, 2022
Student Success Council Charter 2022 09 02 September 02, 2022
Climate Survey 2022 09 02 September 02, 2022
ISER DRAFT Response 2022 09 02 September 02, 2022
Student Success Council Calendar 2022 09 02 September 02, 2022
Enrollment UPDATED version 2022 09 06 September 06, 2022
Checklist for Sustaining Institution Wide Racial Equity 2022 09 06 September 06, 2022
A Checklist for Sustaining Institution-Wide Racial Equity 2022 09 06 September 06, 2022
CHIRLA Student Legal Services - Info Sheet 2022 09 16 September 16, 2022
CHIRLA Student Legal Services - Flyer 2022 09 16 September 16, 2022
UNITE Org Chart 2022 09 20 September 20, 2022
Checklist for Sustaining Institution-Wide Racial Equity 2022 09 30 September 30, 2022
Checklist for Sustaining Institution-Wide Racial Equity 2022 09 30 September 30, 2022
Undocumented Week of Action 2022 10 04 October 04, 2022
Draft UndocuScholar Advisory Committee 2022 10 04 October 04, 2022
SSC Communications 2022 10 05 October 05, 2022
Executive Summary: Employees (Revision) 2022 10 18 October 18, 2022
Executive Summary Context 2022 10 18 October 18, 2022
Student Equity and Achievement Plan (SEAP) 2022 10 18 October 18, 2022
HomeBase Resource Panel Report 2022 10 26 October 26, 2022
A Checklist for Sustaining Institution-Wide Racial Equity 2022 10 26 October 26, 2022
American River College Bias Response Team Report Fall 2022 2022 10 28 October 28, 2022
HomeBase Resource Panel Report 2022 11 08 November 08, 2022
Bias Response Team Report 2022 11 08 November 08, 2022
Petitions Update - Jason Ralphs 2022 11 08 November 08, 2022
ARC Strategic Planning Metrics Report 2022 11 10 November 10, 2022
On-ground vs Online Course Success Rates at ARC (updated version) 2022 12 07 December 07, 2022
Refund Request Policy - Tuition or Fees 2022 12 16 December 16, 2022
Executive Summary: Student Retention 2023 02 03 February 03, 2023
Foundation Scholarships - Eligibility 2023 02 20 February 20, 2023
Executive Summary - Student Retention 2023 02 20 February 20, 2023
Math Department - Response to Student Retention Rates Summary 2023 02 21 February 21, 2023
Institutional Implications/Set Standards 2023 03 09 March 09, 2023
Summary of Actions/Set Standards 2023 03 09 March 09, 2023
Strategic Plan - Strategic Goals and Strategies (23-30) 2023 03 18 March 18, 2023
Strategic Plan - Metrics (23-30) 2023 03 18 March 18, 2023
Degree Programs 2023 03 20 March 20, 2023
Certificate Programs 2023 03 20 March 20, 2023
Dual Enrollment Summary 2023 03 27 March 27, 2023
Dual Enrollment Presentation 2023 03 27 March 27, 2023
Campus Climate Survey 2023 04 14 April 14, 2023
Student Centered Funding Formula 2023 04 14 April 14, 2023
Community Cultural Wealth 2023 04 14 April 14, 2023
Statewide College Attendance Survey 2023 04 15 April 15, 2023
Pride Center 2023 05 09 May 09, 2023
Black Student Success 2023 05 09 May 09, 2023
ReEmerging Scholars 2023 05 11 May 11, 2023
The Chance Program 2023 05 11 May 11, 2023
Creating Neighbors 2023 05 11 May 11, 2023
SEM 2.0 Charter _ SSC May 3 Feedback 2023 05 14 May 14, 2023
Strategic Plan 2023 08 29 August 29, 2023
Institutional Equity Plan - ARC Equity Lens (p. 13) 2023 08 29 August 29, 2023
Strategic Plan 2023 09 17 September 17, 2023
Institutional Equity Plan (pg 11 in doc) 2023 09 17 September 17, 2023
Institutional Equity Plan (pg 11 in doc) 2023 09 17 September 17, 2023
Strategic Plan 2023 09 17 September 17, 2023
Update: New Student Notifications 2023 09 18 September 18, 2023
Governance and Participation Charter 2023 09 19 September 19, 2023
Participatory Governance...Framework (2017) 2023 09 19 September 19, 2023
Student Success Council Charter 2023 10 01 October 01, 2023
National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS) 2023 10 04 October 04, 2023
Email concerning NSL Charter 2023 10 05 October 05, 2023
OER/ZTC vs Non-OER/ZTC 2023 10 11 October 11, 2023
DRAFT Student Success Council Charter, 2022-2025 2023 10 11 October 11, 2023
OER Initiative 2023 10 17 October 17, 2023
ZTC Presentation 2023 10 17 October 17, 2023
DRAFT - Student Success Charter 2023 11 02 November 02, 2023
DSPS Survey - Employee 2023 11 02 November 02, 2023
DSPS Survey - Student 2023 11 02 November 02, 2023
Statement from the American Academy of Religion's (AAR) --the professional organization that most scholars of religion belong to---on the crisis in Israel and Palestine 2023 11 07 November 07, 2023
Department of Humanities and Religious Studies' (Oct 12) statement from on the crisis in Israel and Palestine 2023 11 07 November 07, 2023
Discrimination form 2023 11 08 November 08, 2023
Bias Response Team Report 2023 11 19 November 19, 2023
DRAFT SSC Charter 2023 11 20 November 20, 2023
Bias Response Team Update 2023 11 27 November 27, 2023
Proposal for New GE Pattern_Simpson 2023 12 02 December 02, 2023
ARC’s Local AA/AS GE Pattern_Bevens 2023 12 02 December 02, 2023
CSU GE Pattern_Bevens 2023 12 02 December 02, 2023
IGETC GE Pattern_Bevens 2023 12 02 December 02, 2023
Assembly Bills slideshow 2023 12 06 December 06, 2023
Local GE Pattern Comparison_Simpson 2023 12 07 December 07, 2023
Local and CalGETC GE Patterns_Simpson 2023 12 07 December 07, 2023
Options for New Office and Classroom Space Presentation 2024 01 25 January 25, 2024
California's Fiscal Outlook 2024 01 26 January 26, 2024
Overview of the Governor's Budget 2024 01 26 January 26, 2024
Joint Analysis 2024 01 26 January 26, 2024
Davies Portable Village Project Charter 2024 02 06 February 06, 2024
Davies Hall Project Team 2024 02 14 February 14, 2024
Student Success Charter 2024 02 28 February 28, 2024
Board Goals - First Read 2024 02 28 February 28, 2024
SSC Group Members 2024 02 28 February 28, 2024
Learning Outcomes - Definitions 2024 02 28 February 28, 2024
AARR Open Ended Comment - SLO & ISLO Discussion 2024 03 04 March 04, 2024
2023 ARC Graduate Survey - SLO & ISLO Discussion 2024 03 04 March 04, 2024
Student Characteristics Summary: Year-over-Year (Fall 23 vs Fall 22) 2024 03 13 March 13, 2024
Board Goals - Second Read 2024 03 13 March 13, 2024
Calendar and Meeting Schedule Overview - Governance Groups 2024 03 15 March 15, 2024
CDC Guest Reader Sign Up 2024 03 30 March 30, 2024
CTL Flex/PD Calendar 2024 03 30 March 30, 2024
Draft Charter - AI Resource Panel 2024 04 13 April 13, 2024
AB 1705 Math Presentation PPT 2024 04 18 April 18, 2024
Draft Charter - AI Resource Panel 2024 05 04 May 04, 2024
AB 1705 Math Presentation PPT 2024 05 04 May 04, 2024
Additional AB 1705 Content/Context 2024 05 04 May 04, 2024