Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Frank Kobayashi
Nicole Porter
Lisa Cardoza
Koue Vang
Brian Knirk
Veronica Lopez
David McCusker
Elizabeth Geisser
Mary Goodall
Caitlyn Spencer
Kaitlyn Collignon
Kimberly Bossman
Kevin Hill
Alisa Shubb
Jeffrey Sacha
Mary Goodall
Marianne Harris
BJ Snowden
Amanda Lewis
Alicia Szutowicz-Fitzpatrick

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Executive Leadership Team
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: In addition to finalizing some outstanding charters, the ELT will be invited to approve the ACCJC Mid-term Accreditation Report and consider the recommendations from the Wellness Center Project Team Report.
DATE OF MEETING: 12/03/2018
TIME: 3:00pm-5:00pm
LOCATION/ROOM #: Admin Conference Room
FACILITATOR(S): Thomas Greene
MEMBERS PRESENT: Gary Aguilar, Thomas Greene, Adam Karp, Kuldeep Kaur, Lisa Lawrenson, Olga Prizhbilov, Alisa Shubb, William Simpson, Tressa Tabares, Nicole Williams, Susan McCoy, Robin Neal,
INVITED GUEST(S): Kolleen Ostgaard & Breanne Holland - Wellness Center Project Report Recommendations
Attached Files:
ELT Notes 11.05.18 (Draft)
ACCJC Midterm Report 2019 Draft 11-27-18
Local Goal Setting Document 1
Local Goal Setting Document 2 FAQ
Local Goal Setting Document 3 - Guidance Memo
Local Goal Setting Guidance 4 - Presentation
Fiscal Mid-Term Data - Midterm Accreditation Report Addendum
Institutional Effectiveness Charter Final: Revised Nov 2018
Institutional Equity Plan Project Team Charter Final
Wellness Center Project Team Charter: Final
Wellness Center Project Team Report
Local Goal Setting Summary - November 18
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
Council Chairs and/or Co-Chairs will provide an update on the work of their Councils, including the efforts of their respective project teams. Council Chairs/Co-Chairs
Student Success Council
- Last meeting canceled
- Next meeting items:  final ELSS recommendations/report; distance education update; program review update; clarify program paths update
- Resource panel members for first year experience identified; Kate Jaques to shepherd/coordinate group

Operations Council
- Wellness Center Project Team recommended reviewed and accepted
- Updates from Facilities Master Plan Project Team, current facility issues, safety, wayfinders, and classified professional development

Institutional Effectiveness Council
- Program Review presentation made to Student Success Council
- Need some direction in the future on the ability of non-faculty instructional offices (i.e., student services, division offices, administrative services, etc.) to develop unit plans
- Need to schedule program review presentations to councils, invited deans, etc.; proposed use of scheduled SLT meetings
- Integrated Planning Project Team work coming to a close and expect recommendations to be on the February agenda
Student Success Council Roster Changes: 1. Assignment of new faculty co-chair 2. Potential changes to the roster and/or other means to create a consistent connection between the SSC and the District Matriculation Committee. Gary
Assignment of new Faculty Co-Chair
- Tressa Tabares transitioning off as co-chair of Student Success Council
- Sarah Lehmann appointed as replacement and will fulfill the remainder of Tressa’s three-year term

Potential Changes to Roster
- Tera Diggs-Reynolds has been representing ARC on the District Matriculation Committee
- College Matriculation Committee has been disbanded thus Tera has no means of reporting the district committee work to the college
- Reporting to Academic Senate is always an option
- Work and focus of the district committee is likely to transform in the near future; there is a commitment district-wide to redesigning the front door experience
- VPI & VPSS to gather additional information and report back to ELT in February
Updates on the maintenance and support of our governance process. Thomas, Tressa, and Adam
- Recommendations for the ongoing maintenance and support of the governance process are going to the Institutional Effectiveness Council for first and second reading
- Anticipate final recommendations to ELT in February
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
Approval of 11/5/18 ELT Notes Thomas Thumbs up
Approval of Wellness Center Project Team Charter Thomas Correct typo in #2 of Project Objectives

Thumbs up

Approval of the Institutional Equity Plan Charter Thomas Remove “Ask Cheri” from Planned Governance Flow of Deliverables

Thumbs up
Lead and co-lead to provide regular updates on plan to all four constituency groups
Approval of Institutional Effectiveness Council Charter Adam and Bill Thumbs up

Does the ELT approve the ACCJC Midterm Accreditation Report, recognizing that this document will be brought back for affirmation should the district review process and/or other input result in edits/changes to the report? Adam and Bill - Timeline: final draft due to DO on January 2; Trustee approval on February 13; final approval by ELT on March 4; ACCJC submission in March
- Two notations from the Academic Senate: 1) governance training information is technically correct but could be more self-reflective (intent is correct but not actually what happened); 2) system for discontinuing courses is not well used and perhaps need to indicate a need to investigate a better process (perhaps the joint use of High Point and Ad Astra)
- Thumbs up

Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
What are the key recommendations from the Wellness Center Project Team Report, and does this report meet the expectations as stated in the project team charter? Does the ELT need to tentatively approve any specific recommendations in this report now, due to timelines/deadlines? Kuldeep and Olga and guest - Kolleen Ostgaard & Breanne Holland - Recognized difference between health center and wellness center – consider when naming
- Anticipate space being ready by Fall 2019
- WellSpace partnership (district-wide) for mental health services
- Identified priorities: CLIA waiver, additional support, hiring of adjunct nurses & contracts
- Student survey almost ready for distribution – seeking input from students on what they would like to see in expanded services
- Question raised about special needs for marginalized groups - survey is detailed enough to capture special needs from marginalized groups; could also capture those needs through involvement in an advisory committee
- Survey to staff and faculty not discussed but is a future possibility
- Once student survey is deployed, an email will go to all staff in an effort to encourage student participation
- New job description will be needed for coordinator position (pending bargaining unit assignment); position seen as needing some clinical background but also managing/coordinating of events, contracts, etc.
- Thumbs up on the following: 1) workspace design; 2) coordinator position development; 3) CLIA waiver; 4) equipment identified and purchase process beginning in Spring; 5) identification of adhoc committee to oversee actual implementation of new center
- Note: Allocations not yet received from District to fully support all recommendations at this time

What are the short- and long-term implications of the Goal Setting Guidance by the CCCCO? Specifically, what are the College and District doing or will be doing to meet the December 15th deadline: Colleges must certify to the Chancellor’s Office that a process is underway to set measurable, aligned goals. Adam Karp - All colleges must indicate work (in process or planned) that aligns with CCCCO’s Vision for Success; certification of work required to CCCCO by December 15
- Going to develop a crosswalk between our Strategic Plan/work and the Vision for Success goals
- Initial rollout expected at Convocation presentation this Spring
- Suggestion to be very clear in communications/presentations on where target goals come from

Topic Contact Person