Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Frank Kobayashi
Nicole Porter
Lisa Cardoza
Koue Vang
Brian Knirk
Veronica Lopez
David McCusker
Elizabeth Geisser
Mary Goodall
Caitlyn Spencer
Kaitlyn Collignon
Kimberly Bossman
Kevin Hill
Alisa Shubb
Jeffrey Sacha
Mary Goodall
Marianne Harris
BJ Snowden
Amanda Lewis
Alicia Szutowicz-Fitzpatrick

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Executive Leadership Team
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: The ELT will consider adoption of the DI Project Team Reports/Recommendations; Discuss the draft framework for equitizing decision making during the current budget crisis; review draft community standards for administrator/supervisor email distribution utilization.
DATE OF MEETING: 05/20/2020
TIME: 3:00pm-5:00pm
CALL-IN NUMBER:1 669 900 6833
CALL-IN CODE: 941 4292 6321#
FACILITATOR(S): Thomas Greene
MEMBERS PRESENT: Aesha Abduljabbar, BonnyJean Bowman, Pam Chao, Amy Gaudard, Thomas Greene, Adam Karp, Frank Kobayashi, Janay Lovering, Olga Prizhbilov, Alisa Shubb, William Simpson, Tressa Tabares, Regena Tiner, Scott Crow, Susan McCoy, Jeffrey Stephenson, Koue Vang,
Attached Files:
ELT Notes 05.11.20 (draft)
Draft Community Standards for Administrator/Supervisor Email Distribution Utilization
ACCJC Annual Report Submission
Project Initiation: DI Population - LGBTQIA+
Project Initiation: DI Population-API
Native American DI Project Team Recommendations
LatinX DI Project Team Recommendations
African American DI Project Team Recommendations
Location Safety Committee Draft
Equity Advisory Committee Draft
DRAFT ARC Budget Operationalization Principles
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
Council Chairs and/or Co-Chairs will provide an update on the work of their Councils, including efforts of their respective project Teams. Council Chairs / Co-Chairs
Student Success Council
- Great meeting to close out Student Success Council for the year
- Some future topics:  Accreditation, HomeBase, track project of Start Right, AB705, digital equity, professional development
- Discussion on preparing students for fully online semester; beginning to think through the implications to our students
- Appreciation for council’s work and leads’ leadership

Operations Council
No meeting since last report

Institutional Effectiveness Council
- Off year for program review
- Finish up annual unit plan
- Accreditation self-evaluation team
- Exploring topics for focus essay
- Beginning to gather evidence information and sources
- Governance evaluation going to all council and project team members; results will be incorporated into fall governance training
Constituency group representatives from the ASB, Classified Senate, Management and Academic Senate will provide brief updates on their current efforts. Constituency group representatives from the ASB, Classified Senate, Management and Academic Senate will provide brief updates on their current efforts.
Academic Senate
- Reflection with leadership
- Communication and outreach were themes for the year
- Use of Canvas has been pretty effective

Classified Senate
- Olga not available to report

Student Senate
- Appreciation to Aesha for her leadership this year
- Aesha thanked the ELT for her ability to serve on the committee and the information she’s learned

- Sheer and utter exhaustion
- “fried”
- Social on Friday to celebrate the year’s accomplishments
- Focused on cadence of meetings (possibly going dark on Fridays over the Summer)
- Looking at the planning and work ahead
The annual ACCJC report has been submitted per normal processes and timelines. A copy is provided to this agenda in support of a brief discussion. Adam Karp
- Report format redesigned by ACCJC
Draft community standards for the Administrator/Supervisor email distribution list will be presented as one example for establishing email distribution usage guidelines. Scott Crow
- Serves as an example of how to handle the smaller distribution lists
- Important to ask the community themselves how they want their distribution list utilized
- Possibly serve as a test case
- Probably start with the larger, constituency-based groups; constituency group leader to have a conversation with their respective constituency groups
- Document will be presented to the ALC for feedback and thoughts; will share the discussion based results
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
Approval of May 11, 2020 Meeting Notes Thomas Greene Thumbs up
Does the ELT support the adoption of the recommendations contained within the Disproportionately Impact Project Team reports (2nd Reading)? All Thumbs up
Does the ELT support the attached recommendation in support for establishing an advisory committee for the Location Safety Committee? Thomas Greene - Required by collective bargaining agreements
- Led by Cheryl Sears and also acts as liaison to district committee
- Thumbs up

Does the ELT support the attached recommendation in support for establishing an Equity Advisory Committee? Nick Daily / Thomas Greene - Presented by Nick Daily
- Intended to provide support and information to office of equity and inclusion (concerns, issues, opportunities, etc.)
- Align equity issues across campus
- Stems from a recommendation of the Institutional Equity Plan
- Title V also says we should have advisory committee
- DI project team report also references some advisory groups – any intersection with this advisory committee and others
- Thumbs up

What is the purpose and key deliverables associated with the Project Initiation request from the SSC as it pertains to the API and LGBQTI+ Disproportionate Impact? Frank Kobayashi and Pam Chao Moved from Discussion Item to Action Item
- Changes in project initiation were fairly minor
- SSC discussion on naming of API project team
- what terminology to use; probably best left to the project team’s determination
- LGBTQTI+ received thumbs up at SSC
- Leave the naming of the group to the project team (to be finalized early in the process)
- Next steps: determine project leads; charter; and work with constituency groups for appointments
- Thumbs up

Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
What are the general principles that we will be using to achieve our budget reduction targets? How do these same principles apply to how we continue to redesign the college in light of COVID-19? What will be our approach to operationalizing these principles? Nick Daily - Draft document shared from the district level
- Could be applied to all major decisions made on campus and how they could potentially impact marginalized communities
- There are disproportionate impacts when budget decisions are involved
- Need to be aware of those impacts and how to mitigate
- Could potentially be used in the decision making process regarding the reduction of courses

Topic Contact Person