Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Koue Vang
Jeffrey Sacha
BJ Snowden
Adam Windham
Kathryn Sorensen
Diana Garcia
Yujiro Shimizu
Jeffrey Moran
Veronica Lopez
Jeffrey Sacha
Jessica Nelson
Diana Lopez
Christina Wagner
William Robey
Joel Keebler
Jennifer Laflam
Aleia Stalker

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Institutional Effectiveness Council
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: Discuss draft ACCJC Midterm Report; Student Success Metrics; Recommendations for Institutionalizing Support for Governance; and status of Institutional Equity Plan team
DATE OF MEETING: 11/26/2018
TIME: 3:00pm
LOCATION/ROOM #: Student Center Board Room
FACILITATOR(S): Adam Karp and Bill Simpson
ASSISTANT: Joelle Gibson-Wittrup
MEMBERS PRESENT: Adam Karp, Kuldeep Kaur, Lisa Lawrenson, Inna Linnyk, Jesus Malaret, Kevin Porter, Yujiro Shimizu, William Simpson, Corinne Arrieta Katzorke, Joelle Gibson-Wittrup, Kay Lo, Tyler Rollins, Rina Roy, Alisa Shubb
Attached Files:
Local Goal-Setting Guidance Memo 11.5.18
CCCCO Goal-Setting Infographic
Student Success Metrics Memo - Chancellor Oakley
Governance Recommendations -- DRAFT
Midterm Accreditation Report DRAFT
Fiscal Mid-Term Data
Draft Revisions to Institutional Effectiveness Charter
Draft Institutional Equity Plan Project Team Charter -- Final
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
Welcome and Connection Adam Karp
Institutional Equity Plan Update Adam Karp and Bill Simpson
-Met with project leads of the IEP group. Their work is with various stakeholder groups and the key milestones stakeholder sessions were added to the document. 
-When the project team shares with IEC, they will be advised to also share with the senates. Townhall next semester to share out with campus community.
-What will be completed upon closure of the project team?
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
Does the Institutional Effectiveness Council suggest any further modifications to its charter before approving it? Adam Karp -Council accepts charter edits by ELT and will go forward.
Does the Council approve edits to the Institutional Equity Plan charter? Adam Karp and Bill Simpson -Consensus; will be brought to ELT.
Does the Council support forwarding the Draft Midterm Accreditation Report to the Executive Leadership Team? Adam Karp -Document was supposed to be reviewed at last academic senate meeting which was cancelled due to campus closure. However, the Academic Senate president will be asked to email the report to the constituents.
-Report will go to ELT, then to district accreditation group, board of trustees meeting in January, and then to ACCJC in March.
-Will have the word "draft" on the document until after the board of trustees meeting.
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
What are the draft recommendations for institutionalizing support for governance? Adam Karp -Cheri Jones, Tressa Tabares, and Adam Karp created this document with 10 recommendations for what is means to institutionalize governance. Some current governance work positions are not permanent, which needs to be addressed.
-Will this work listed in the document be for existing classified staff, faculty, or management?
-Document will be shared with college president for feedback.
What is the process for Local Goal Setting? Adam Karp -ARC's Strategic Plan (SP) is about institutional redesign, metrics through the lens of redesigning the college. Local goal setting has to do with the vision for success statewide, and links to the Student Success Council. The statewide lens is outcomes for students.
-Memo from CCC Chancellor Oakley references vision for success. Need to find alignment through everything we are already measuring. Chancellor wants this information to not be password protected. However, need to be aware of the data’s issues as MIS data can be unreliable. Funding is tied to these outcomes as well.
-Aligning this to our annual unit planning, which is forward planning versus program review which is retro (program review is based on the SP).
-By December 15th, ARC needs to certify that development of measurable aligned goals is in progress. There is a deadline for district to adopt as well. Need to align work across the councils and district. Create our own timeline to understand the process?
-Need direction from college president regarding what is the expected deliverable from the college.
Topic Contact Person