Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Frank Kobayashi
Nicole Porter
Lisa Cardoza
Koue Vang
Brian Knirk
Veronica Lopez
David McCusker
Elizabeth Geisser
Mary Goodall
Caitlyn Spencer
Kaitlyn Collignon
Kimberly Bossman
Kevin Hill
Alisa Shubb
Jeffrey Sacha
Mary Goodall
Marianne Harris
BJ Snowden
Amanda Lewis
Alicia Szutowicz-Fitzpatrick

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Executive Leadership Team
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: To continue to build a shared foundation of knowledge concerning the "Pathway Communities" elements of the ARC Redesign and to learn more about efforts to strengthen and refine the College's new governance system.  Review/support revised various Council and Project Team Charters
DATE OF MEETING: 10/01/2018
TIME: 3:00pm
LOCATION/ROOM #: Administration Conference Room
FACILITATOR(S): Thomas Greene
MEMBERS PRESENT: Gary Aguilar, Thomas Greene, Adam Karp, Kuldeep Kaur, Lisa Lawrenson, Olga Prizhbilov, William Simpson, Tressa Tabares, Nicole Williams, Alden Crow, Susan McCoy Absent: Robin Neal, Tamara Floyd, Janay Lovering; Alisa Shubb
Attached Files:
2018-19 ELT Planning Calendar (Draft)
ARC Redesign Diagram - version 11
ARC Redesign Timeline Report - version 9
Institutional Effectiveness Council Charter
Operations Council Charter - Revised 9/25/2018
Facilities Master Planning Charter - Revised 9/25/18
Integrated Planning and Improvement Project Charter - Revised 9/25/2018
Draft ELT Meeting Notes - 9-10-2018
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
Welcome & Creating Connections Thomas Greene
Council Chairs and/or Co-Chairs will provide a brief update on the work of the Council, including any recommendations as well as the progress of their respective project teams. Councils Chairs/Co-Chairs
Institutional Effectiveness Council
- Two major issues: reviewing progress on program review portal and data on demand system
- Tinal draft of IEP project team charter reviewed
- Council’s own charter reviewed and finalized
- Accreditation mid-term report:  colleges to report on status of items self-reported in the self study as needing to be worked on and/or recommendations for improvement (not meeting standards)
- Timeline distributed

Operations Council
- Not met since last ELT meeting
- Facilities Master Plan PT:  reviewed charter; design guidelines discussed; reviewing plans in current master plan and constituency members asked to provide list of desired long-term projects at the next meeting; Davies Hall and Tech Ed already on the list; is Admin Building being represented on the project team; instructional needs are a priority

Student Success Council
- Council received update from Clarify Program Paths, SEA, ELSS & Achieve
- Reviewed recommendation brought to ELT in September regarding first year experience; Tressa and Lisa to develop deliverables for research group/panel
- Kale Braden made presentation on ELSS and Ad Astra made on-campus presentation last Friday
- Tressa provided an overview of Basecamp

Special Update(s)
- Thomas indicated that a decision regarding student experience lifecycle project is expected in the near future; may be structured similar to ELSS; council may need to initiate project team; strong interest in early alert process; Chancellor’s Exec Staff likely to make the decision
- Another round of IEPI funds coming out soon with focus on this implementation; question regarding SEL coming from State Chancellor’s Office; no statewide SEL likely being created
An initial draft of the ELT 2018-19 Calendar will be presented for review and input. (See Attached). Thomas Greene
- Incorporated deliverables from council calendars
- Facilities Master Plan add to February/March
- Council chairs to provide updates as available so document is current
- Goal is to have charters finalized and appointments made before the end of the spring semester
- Future project teams already identified; can have conversation relative to timeline to be respectful of workloads
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
Draft Notes: Does the ELT agree to adopt the draft notes from the September 10, 2018 meeting? Thomas Greene - Suggested edits from Gary to be incorporated
- Thumbs up

Project Team Charters: What are any final suggested changes/edits to the Project Team Charters, and does the ELT support these changes? Note: Once finalized, the ELT will be asked to take action in support of finalizing these charters. Council Chairs/Co-Chairs Facilities Master Plan
- Suggested minor changes: remove one SS faculty member (intent to have one counselor and one student services faculty rep); remove Career Education and Workforce Development
- Thumbs up

Integrated Planning Improvement
- Suggested minor changes reviewed
- Thumbs up

Institutional Equity Plan
- Still in process

Wellness Center
- Still in process

Enterprise Level Scheduling Solution
- Completed and ready to post online

Clarify Program Paths
- Completed and ready to post online

ARC Online 2.0
- Completed and ready to post online

Request made to clarify term designee vs alternate
- Designee attends all meetings in lieu of a council/team member
- Alternate serves as a substitute on an as-needed basis

Calendar issue
- Still have project team meetings which conflict with each other and council meetings
- Need to provide blackout dates to leads/co-leads when scheduling meetings

Institutional Effectiveness and Operations Charters: What are any final suggested changes/edits to the Institutional Effectiveness and Operations Charter, and does the ELT support these changes? Operations Council
- Recommend use of alternate as opposed to designee for council charters
- Representatives chosen with intent
- Notation to be made in handbook and council charge to request use of alternate
- Can also use “invited” guest
- Thumbs up

Institutional Effectiveness Council
- Would like to take back to council for one additional review w/track changes

Institutional Effectiveness Council charter approval to return to ELT on November agenda
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
What is the intended purpose of the "Pathway Communities" component of the ARC Redesign, and what are the critical tasks and timeframe for it's implementation? See Supporting Documents "ARC Redesign Timeline" - Version 9, Page 12. Thomas Greene - Redesigning the Student Experience document will be presented to Board of Trustees at Board Retreat on Saturday
- Used Course Schedule Choices as revised language
- Inertia to go to default course schedule which student can then opt out of
- Possible language options discussed: term schedule options; course schedule options; first term schedule and first term schedule options
- Needs to be clear and simple
- Recommendation to move forward with first term schedule options
- Need to communicate clearly and widely

What are the highest priority items being worked on to strengthen and refine the new governance process, and what guidance, if any, can be provided to the Council Chairs/Co-Chairs regarding the process for establishing a "resource team and/or panel?" Tressa Tabares and Adam Karp Resource Team and/or Panel Discussion
- Document developed to describe a resource panel
- Already shared with Academic/Classified Senate Presidents
- To be shared with ELT members

Strengthen/Refine the New Governance Process
- Continue to make refinements to IGOR
- Priority to make certain that those who need to create/edit agendas can do so
- In the process of institutionalizing processes/documents already established

What can be done to assist Council Chairs/Co-Chairs
- Expand permissions to update roster – right now Council Chairs/Co-Chairs have ability to create/update rosters
- What is process for reporting an issue
- Why can’t note takers publish agendas
- Not all chairs/leads or co-chairs/co-leads have assistants who serve as note takers; could create challenge with someone other than note taker’s direct supervisor directing work
- Recommendation made to add button to notify chair/co-chair and lead/co-lead of draft agenda ready to review
- Decision made to give most permissions to council note takers but not to publish agendas – can review in the future

Reflection: What insights did you gain or what pique your interest for further exploration? or What could we have done to enrich the dialogue and better inform our decisions? All
Topic Contact Person
The ELT will receive a progress update on the efforts of the ELSS Project Team. Kale Braden
The ELT will receive/review the Mid-Term Accreditation Report Adam Karp