Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Koue Vang
BJ Snowden
Derrick Booth
Kathryn Sorensen
Steven Roberson
Margaret Lednicky
Chris Day
Adrienne Andrews
Jeff Bucher
Michele Arnott
Pamela Bimbi
Jordan Meyer
Stephanie Saucedo
BonnyJean Bowman
Hannah Blodgett
Mary Goodall
Lori Shull

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Operations Council
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: Monthly Meeting of Operations Council
DATE OF MEETING: 10/23/2018
TIME: 1:30pm
LOCATION/ROOM #: Fine Arts Conference Room
FACILITATOR(S): Kuldeep Kaur, Olga Prizhbilov
ASSISTANT: Beth Madigan
MEMBERS PRESENT: Pamela Bimbi, BonnyJean Bowman, Jeff Bucher, Christopher Day, Adam Karp, Kuldeep Kaur, (Trish Caldwell substituted for Frank Kobayashi), Beth Madigan, Sarah Mattson, Cheryl Sears, Parrish Geary, Olga Prizhbilov, Craig Weckman.
Attached Files:
PD Work Group Report
ARC Campus Master Plan Assessments
Revised Campus Master Plan Design Guidelines
Projects List proposed by Facilities Master Planning Project Team
Campus Map with Proposed Projects
Campus Map with Open/Community Spaces
Revised Facilities Master Planning Project Team Charter
Revised Wellness Center Project Team Charter
Facilities Master Planning Project Team Proposed Calendar
Student Centered Funding Formula Overview
2018-19 Physical Plant and Instruction Support Funding (SIEF/SMSR)
Operations Council Notes 9-4-2018
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
What is the progress on the Facilities Master Planning Project Team's chartered work? What are the proposed changes to the Charter? What feedback does the council have on the team's work? Kuldeep Kaur/Jeff Bucher
Two sections were added to the Facilities Master Plan including: 1) Inclusion, Social Justice and Equity and 2) Sustainability with a net zero energy policy for all new buildings by 2030. The only change to the Charter corrected a typo error.  The Project List was reviewed with several areas that carried over from the old list such as the Tech Ed, Corporation Yard, Davies Hall, Administration Building. Revised Campus Master Plan Design Guidelines will be used for all future construction.
What is the progress on the Wellness Center Project Team's chartered work? What the proposed changes to the Charter? What feedback does the council have on the team's work? Parrish Geary
Reported that an email was sent to Los Rios students informing them of the new Health Fee of $20. ARC will provide baseline services, and we will contract out other services such as mental health from Well Space (therapist and clerk 2 - 3x per week); WEAVE; and ARC nurses will expand their services. A survey sent to student will ask what services they need. The floor plan has been confirmed, recommendations will be made to Operations Council in November, and Wellness Center is on track to open in January 2019 with baseline services.
What are the facilities & maintenance updates since the last meeting? Cheryl Sears
Workforce Division of 19 people will be moving to the lower Library over the winter holidays . There are furniture projects,  carpet renovations, removal and construction of walls and doors in Davies Hall, Student Center, Child Development Center, Counseling, Library, Life Science, Athletics, Learning Resource Center, and a  new Fashion Lab will be built.  The Food Pantry, boiler project, two monument signs, and Prop 39 lighting are almost completed; Arcade Creek Bridge had a dedication ceremony recently; the Alertus system will be connected to RAVE system and tested in November; Liberal arts demolition will be completed next week with groundbreaking on Nov 5; and a new math lab will be housed in portables.
What are the safety updates since the last meeting? Chris Day
Captain Day informed about damage on campus from a homeless student, a fire, and letters and postings from students. Staffing of police is very low district-wide, so there will be only one officer assigned per shift with a cover officer who will float between all 4 campuses. Los Rios Police Department initiated fire drills are scheduled for Spring; Prepareness Assessment Teams (PAT) will meet district-wide in Fall; there is a link on the website now to Active Shooter Training; Los Rios has contracts outside agencies to assist as needed including the Sheriff's department, California Highway Patrol, and the firehouse chief on College Oak Drive.
What are the technology updates since the last meeting? Jeff Bucher
The IT migration and upgrade to Microsoft 2016 is on schedule and will begin with Administration. Shared calendars may be a challenge, especially the Facilities Bulletin.
What is the progress on the "Wayfinders" work? What feedback does the council have for the "Wayfinders"? Cheryl Sears
Cheryl provided an update from Wayfinders.  The proposal includes renaming of parking lots by the street names they border such as Myrtle, Orange Grove, College Oak, Stadium and Ranch House.  The proposal also shows Campus being divided into 4 - 5 zones which will be distinguished by different colors and parking lots with each zone would be same color as each zone. There will be electronic navigation via QR codes.
What are the the updates on the professional development work since the last meeting? Kuldeep Kaur/Olga Prizhbilov
The first meeting of a classified PD was held including all union presidents (LRCEA president was out of town), VPA, Classified Senate President and two classified reps. The group discussed professional development funding, needs, and the application process for SEIU, LRCEA and LRSA union groups. This group will continue to meet and will inform the larger Institutional Professional Development Plan in the future.
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
Do the notes accurately represent the discussion from the last Operations Council Meeting All Approved by Consensus
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
Basecamp Overview Olga Prizhbilov An overview of Basecamp and the different use from IGOR was demonstrated. This was very helpful to the members.
District Budget Committee Update: - State's New Funding Formula - State Instructional Equipment Funding (SIEF)/Schedule Maintenance Services and Repairs (SMSR) Funding Allocations for 2018-19 - Lottery Funding Allocations for 2018-19 Kuldeep Kaur The State's new funding formula was reviewed including the three areas of funding including: 1) Full Time Equivalent Students (FTES) at 70%; 2) Supplemental Allocation which includes Pell Grant recipients and AB 504); and 3) Student Success Outcomes at 10%. Los Rios and other community colleges will be "held harmless" for three years by the State; otherwise, Los Rios would experience a $3 million decline in funding. Scheduled maintenance will receive the entire $1.1 million allocation, and instructional equipment needs will be met through funding approved by the President's Executive Staff (PES) as no allocation will be provided by District this year.
What worked effectively at the council meeting? What can be improved? All The council appreciated an overview of basecamp and updates from each of the project teams.
Topic Contact Person
How can certificates given by departments to students for various milestones be counted under Student Success Outcomes? Kuldeep Kaur