Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Koue Vang
Jeffrey Sacha
BJ Snowden
Adam Windham
Kathryn Sorensen
Diana Garcia
Yujiro Shimizu
Jeffrey Moran
Veronica Lopez
Jeffrey Sacha
Jessica Nelson
Diana Lopez
Christina Wagner
William Robey
Joel Keebler
Jennifer Laflam
Aleia Stalker

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Institutional Effectiveness Council
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: Discuss Agenda Items
DATE OF MEETING: 09/16/2019
TIME: 3:00pm
LOCATION/ROOM #: Student Center Board Room
FACILITATOR(S): Adam Karp and Bill Simpson
ASSISTANT: Joelle Gibson-Wittrup
INVITED GUEST(S): Chris Olson, Mary Goodall
Attached Files:
Professional Development Project Team Draft Work Plan
Professional Development Project Team Charter
ARC Participatory Governance Kickoff Training Slides 9-6-19
Summary of Data Issues from Annual Unit Plans Submitted Spring 2019
Participation Charter -- Equity and Social Justice
The Future of Work: Will Our Children Be Prepared
ARC IdeaScale for EMP
Institutional Equity Plan - July 2019
ARC Institutional Climate Survey - Common Themes
Campus Climate slides
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
What is the charge of the Institutional Effectiveness Council? Adam Karp and Bill Simpson
Reviewed the bullet points in the IEC Charter (see attached).
ARC Participatory Governance Training Kickoff, 9/6/19. For Council members who were able to attend: what were a few highlights from that training? Adam Karp
Helpful tips: letting people know what to complete prior to the meetings. -Additionally, hoped for more practical tips.
-The slides from the training are attached.
What technical updates have been made in support of the governance process? What improvements are in progress? Adam Karp
Communication has been a big concern for governance members. 
-Changes to IGOR: Project charters have been pulled out of the documents tab. Able to access Forward Motion which has information about the latest council meetings. 
-New feature of fill in the blanks able to help project chairs create new charter.
What is the status of the Professional Development project team? What does the team's draft work plan entail? Adam Karp
-Project charter and work plan are attached. IGOR has latest versions. 
-Two main ideas from Friday's meeting: 1. Project charter written prior to Institutional Equity Plan being finalized. Equity needs to be really clear in the objectives and project deliverables. 
2. The team feels project membership is too limited. Need representatives from stake holder groups listed in the Institutional Equity Plan. Hoping for four more positions to get the representation needed.
Formatting updates made to the Institutional Equity Plan over the summer Adam Karp
Formatting was done over the summer. Cover and table of contents were added and layout has been modified for readability. 
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
Does the Council support adding the proposed Equity and Social Justice: Guiding Principles language to the Governance Participation Charter? Adam Karp Describes what it means to participate in governance.The red text is copied from the Institutional Equity Plan, page 8.
Approved by consensus.

Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
What is a campus climate survey? Why is one being conducted at ARC? What input do you have on the survey? Adam Karp and Chris Olson Institutional campus climate will be broadly focused with many indicators. (See attachment for possible categories of questions.)
-State of California required a campus climate survey.
-Self-evaluation is part of accreditation. We have almost no data to evaluate the Strategic Plan goals 3 and 4.
-Discussion regarding sample sizes for both employees and students. Assurance of anonymity.
-Timeline discussed at length. Fall semesters have a larger population of students. In addition, if there are issues that can be addressed, sooner is better.
-A separate student satisfaction survey, will most likely be conducted in the spring.
-Suggestions for categories: equity mindedness questions (referring to convocation speaker), transparency in communication, way finding, physical accessibility, how students feel about the institution's expectations for them. Idea to remove the program & services participation topic.
-Suggestion: survey employees in Fall and students in spring, to give faculty more time.

What input does the Council have regarding follow-up on the summary of data issues addressed in the annual unit plans that were submitted in spring 2019? Adam Karp and Yuj Shimizu First year of revised AUP, hoping to have the college goals drive planning. In the past, it was a resource request list.
-Analysis of the system: appears the system is being used the way it is intended. Presenting data to the units, Disproportionate Impact (DI) is the greatest need.
-In addition to the 4 goals from the Strategic Plan, objectives were created from the goals for users to choose. All objectives were chosen at least once.
-Half of the user chosen actions did not include a resource, which is a change from the previous system.
-Professional Development was the most frequently chosen resource.
-Ability to identify departments that are working on the same actions. Option for PD: research team could lead a DI discussion, start departmental conversations.

How is the Educational Master Plan project team collecting input using Watch video: "The Future of Work: Will Our Children Be prepared?" Demo: OEI-CVC (Online Education Initiative - California Virtual Campus) website: Discussion question: what implications does emerging technology have for ARC in the next 5-10 years? Adam Karp IEC is responsible for plans and integration of the plans, need input from DI teams.

-Ideascale is a platform to share and vote on the future of EMP and other ideas. Three current campaigns.
-Discussion about the term EMP; may not resonate with classified and students.

Topic Contact Person
How will the College prepare for writing the ACCJC Institutional Self-Evaluation Report (ISER) as part of the Accreditation process? Adam Karp and Bill Simpson
OTHER INFORMATION: Adam and Bill are reaching out to the Accreditation Liaison office, starting the process for spring. The commission has made some changes to the accreditation process, including having a trainer come here. Need to establish a group for accreditation oversite.