Notes - Approved
Meeting Notes
Kuldeep Kaur
Jeff Bucher
Annaliese Pennell
Paul Bethel
Marc Condos
Traci Gourdine
Sarah Mattson
John Coldiron
Lorraine Chow
Rick Anderson
Aileen Halseth
Mike Payne
Richard Stoker
Jennifer Scalzi
Daniel Crump
Rina Roy
Cheryl Sears
Jeff Stephenson
Cheryl Watt
Richard Wood
Kathleen Sullivan-Torrez
NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Facilities Master Plan (2018-2019) | |||
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: At the conclusion of the meeting, the team will have a common understanding of the facilities master planning team charter, process, and the role that the team plays in updating the Campus Master Plan. | |||
DATE OF MEETING: 09/19/2018 TIME: 2:00pm |
FACILITATOR(S): Kuldeep Kaur, Jeff Bucher | |||
ASSISTANT: Annaliese Pennell | |||
Attached Files:
2018-19 Facilities Master Planning Team Charter ARC Campus Master Plan Assessment ARC Campus Master Plan Final Schedule Campus Master Plan Update Facilities Master Planning Team Charter ARC Campus Plan Final Schedule and Assessment Draft |
Topic | Person(s) Responsible | Notes | |
Question | Person(s) Responsible | Notes and Decision(s) | Next Steps |
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Question | Person(s) Responsible | Notes and Next Steps | |
Team Introductions | Kuldeep Kaur |
Kuldeep conducted the team introductions |
Review of the Project Team Charter, Project Goals Defined and Objective of the Meeting | Kuldeep Kaur and Jeff Bucher |
Kuldeep presented the project team charter. Kuldeep shared that the team's role is to review the existing campus master plan and make updates and present an updated campus master plan through the college's governance process. The team' objective is to review and assess gathered resources in determining facilities needs and prioritize those needs and Develop an updated Campus Master Plan and campus graphic by December 2018.Facilities Master Planning Project Team reports to the Operations Council and the Draft Campus Master Plan will be presented to the Operations Council for the 1st reading in December, and for the 2nd reading in January. The Campus Master Plan is to be presented to the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) for 1st reading in February and 2nd reading in March. Our deadline for the district is March 2019 and therefore ARC's Campus Master Plan will be provided to the district facilities planning for inclusion of district-wide facilities planning discussions and prioritization. |
Planning Process Defined | Kuldeep Kaur, Jeff Bucher and Dan McKechnie |
Dan provided an overview of the colleges role in the district-wide facilities planning, LRCCD plans for growth for local and state funding, and discussed age/capacity v. load |
State Standards - Campus Planning Process, Growth vs. Modernization, ARC Enrollment Projects, State Match vs. Local Funds, ARC Projects, and Focus of the Project Team's work | Dan McKechnie |
Dan provided definitions of Growth versus Modernization -He shared that colleges receive Assignable Square Footage to Assignable Square Folotage (ASF for ASF) in a modernization scenario -Goal is to not to over build -ARC currently has no growth based on the projected FTES provided by the State Chancellor's Office Campus Master Plan - Current Order of Modernization Plan for ARC -Student Center Modernization & Expansion, 2012 (1) -Life Science and Fine Arts Portables Modernization, 2012 (2) -TAP/New Parking Structure, 2013 (3) -Culinary Arts Building, 2014 (7) -Student Services Addition, 2014 (8) -Liberal Arts Building Modernization, Academic Building Modernization, 2014 (5) -PE (6) -Tech Ed (4) -New Instruction Space (12) -Relocated Corp Yard (13) -Davies Hall - cannot do Davies Hall until relocate Corp Yard (10) -Administration - Modernization, counseling not included, Dan to contact the State. Can modernize entire building as long as we don't overbuild (11) -New Instruction Space (9) State Funding - Protocol for Modernization Submission -First Step: Initial Project Proposal (IPP), provides a general overview of what is requested -Next Step: Final Project Proposal (FPP). More detail provided regarding the types of spaces (lab/learning space, etc.) -Current Projects Discussed (see Dan's handout) -Facility Condition Index shown, explains State's order of replacements based on need, as well as replacement costs. Significant amount of deferred maintenance -Infrastructure Master Plan was discussed to provide insight on the backbone of the buildings, HVAC, data, so that classes run smoothly Proposed Building List for Future Discussion -Science -Raef -Stadium -Fine Arts Homework: -Use the 4 projects given and discuss with your constituency as an example of the types of projects. The team was asked to provide their own list of which buildings/projects their department believes to be the most in need of modernization. Overall Plan for future meetings -We will identify our projects -Determine rough order of magnitude (dollar amount) for these projects -Present these projects to the district level -Our goal is to have it finalized by March 2019 |
Assessment of Campus Documents - Gould Evans Assessment and Findings - Planning Team Discussion - organized by the 2012 Campus Master Plan document | Graham Smith, GouldEvans |
Timeline -Compressed, five meetings over the next four months. Fifth meeting we will plan to have new draft Master Plan 2018. -Next Meeting we will discuss the design guidelines. Design guidelines are for each of the districts/areas in the campus. -Confirm or redefine how the districts shape the campus -December begins the internal adoption process through March through the college's governance process -This master plan only concerns ARC Main Campus - District has a separate plan for the college's outreach centers -Discussed Visions - Transform the future of all students and our community through inclusive, equitable education (Gould Evans). The team acknowledged that "Premier learning community that transforms and enriches peoples lives (FMP vision)" is ARC's old vision. Need to use our current vision for ARC for this Project Team -Work things in alignment with ARC's strategic plan -Objectives: provide a plan for preferred sites for future improvement; provide design guidelines which inform and plan for future projects Proposed Design Guidelines: -District/Area/Zone Identification -Site and Landscape Design -Boundaries and Perimeters -Signage, Gateways and way-finding -Plazas and Open Space -Temporary Facilities -Transportation, Access and Parking -Architectural Design Guidelines Design Guideline will address "equity" and under that umbrella we discussed gender neutral restrooms and/or spaces for disadvantaged populations -Need to update Design Guideline to include Equity & Social Justice and Need to update the Campus Master Plan to include Commitment to Social Justice and Equity -The group agrees that the design guidelines will address the main points needed for our campus, with the addition of equity and social justice; Questions/Comments form the Group: 1) Area under constructions, there was prior discussion regarding the potential for a bus turnaround? Is that on the agenda? -Don't know that there is a specific project within the STEM building. There is a plan for parking lot to become a transit center so it would have multiple pull out for busses 2) Are we looking for a list of ideas that could be improved upon? -Yes -Math has previously asked for gender neutral bathrooms and were told no 3) Are we updating/replacing the Master Plan? -Yes. Both, update and recreate 4) Flow of Traffic was discussed as a potential issue 5 )Is there a potential for creating designated smoking areas? -A designated space makes the campus a non-smoke free campus. 6) Designated bicycle areas that are safer, getting police involved, work with City (more bike friendly campus/roads) -Transportation guideline includes a bike network on campus identified -Environmentally friendly - state mandate for buildings need to be 2030 zero net energy. Sustainability projects are a part of the district master plan. Interest in having solar in parking lots. -Sustainability should be one of the design guidelines Sustainability -Eliminating stand alone units, such as Raef Hall, Old CDC -District's interest to remove portable structures (with the exception of swing space needed during construction) -Highly flexible spaces (Ex. STEM Facility has a transition space which is a collaborative space for students) Districts - We need to come up with a new name for "Districts". The group has been tasked to discuss this within their groups. -open spaces -landmarks -circulation |
Topic | Contact Person | ||
Design Guidelines List of Projects from Team members based on their constituency feedback through a Matrix - due to Annaliese by 9/27/18 (Send out Reminder, Excel Template with Basecamp Instructions/Links) District Discussion | |||