Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Frank Kobayashi
Nicole Porter
Lisa Cardoza
Koue Vang
Brian Knirk
Veronica Lopez
David McCusker
Elizabeth Geisser
Mary Goodall
Caitlyn Spencer
Kaitlyn Collignon
Kimberly Bossman
Kevin Hill
Alisa Shubb
Jeffrey Sacha
Mary Goodall
Marianne Harris
BJ Snowden
Amanda Lewis
Alicia Szutowicz-Fitzpatrick

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Executive Leadership Team
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: Develop a shared understanding of ARC Redesign recommendations and corresponding role of councils in providing support; Develop a shared understanding of the rapidly shifting landscape of online education in system and state and implications for ARC; Review revised ARC Redesign Implementation Diagram and council charters; 
DATE OF MEETING: 09/10/2018
TIME: 3:00pm
LOCATION/ROOM #: Administrative CR
FACILITATOR(S): Thomas Greene
MEMBERS PRESENT: Gary Aguilar, Thomas Greene, Adam Karp, Kuldeep Kaur, Lisa Lawrenson, Olga Prizhbilov, Alisa Shubb, William Simpson, Tressa Tabares, Nicole Williams, Alden Crow, Susan McCoy, Robin Neal
INVITED GUEST(S): Marsha Reske, Dean of the ARC Virtual Education Center
Attached Files:
Operations Council Action Charter_Draft Changes
Draft ELT Notes from 8-17-2018
Operations Council Draft Master Calendar 2018-19
Redesign Diagram-v11-tbd.pdf
Redesign Report-v9-tbd.pdf
SCC Charter Revisions Draft
Student Success Council Draft Annual Council Calendar 2018-19
Support Docs Attached.  
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
Welcome & Creating Connections Thomas Greene
Council Chairs and/or Co-Chairs will provide a brief update on the work of the Council, including any recommendations as well as the progress of their respective project teams. Each will provide an overview of their Council Calendars. Lisa Lawrenson, Kuldeep Kaur and Adam Karp
Student Success Council  
- Met once
- Update provided regarding progress made w/three reports from last semester
- Provided concrete examples of how specific items were addressed 
- Recommendations to ELT:
   1.	Approve revised charter with updated language and membership roster (more broad descriptors); EAI rep to be appointed by Academic Senate President; wording to be worked out
   2.	Appoint resource team to research – result of Start Right team report; provide information not recommendation; preferably not council members; perhaps council can provide specific recommendations for appointments in this case because of the specificity; allow council chairs to run resource teams and identify members with notification to ASP; heavily charged issue and council seeking senate/union input on recommendations; based on participation charter is SSC seeking ELT approval and just informing; ELT supportive of recommendation and team members will be appointed based on recommendations from council chairs

Operations Council
- Met once
- Objective to review charter and master plan and wellness center team charter
- Revision made to deliverables and membership roster
- Facilities Master Plan / Wellness Center charters  had no recommended changes
- Wayfinding project – most leg work is done; small subset of council members and experts to vet through students and bring back to OC; OC to bring recommendation to ELT; Implement over summer and fall ‘19

Institutional Effectiveness Council
- Meeting next week
The Academic Senate President and/or other ELT members will provide an update on recent district-facilitated and other discussions concerning AB705, with a particular focus on Reading. Gary Aguilar
- AB705 relates to specific math and English placements
- Didn’t mention reading programs
- CCCCO came out w/guidance for math/English over summer (no mention of reading)
- District requested guidance from CCCCO
- Response believes that English reading and writing curriculum should be combined; reading competency in Title V as local decision; CCCCO says if students meetings English competency they also meet reading competency
- District looking to transition all full-time reading faculty into other FSAs
- Need to create English 300 course that meets English and Reading – has repercussions
- District Reading Competency committee will help guide the solution
- Most English departments in District do not wish to modify current course
- District not in favor of adding units
- Preference for reading adjuncts – District says no but union indicates yes
- Should a reading department be incorporated into writing department or standalone while teaching English writing; local decision
- Don’t want to see students become the casualty of whatever outcome is determined
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
Draft Notes: Does the ELT agree to adopt the notes from the August 17, 2018 meeting? Thomas Greene Thumbs up
Project Team Composition: Does the ELT support the inclusion of the College Public Information Officer or designee on the ARC Online 2.0 Project Team? Thomas Greene Need connection between website redesign and ARC Online 2.0/Distance Ed
Thumbs up

Does the ELT support the adoption of the revised Participation Charter? Please note: The ELT supported this action via electronic communication on Friday, August 31st, 2018. Thomas Greene Thumps up
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
How will the landscape of online education in our state and system evolve over the next several years, and how can ARC position itself, in collaboration with the other Los Rios Colleges, to ensure our student's access to and successful participation in a high-quality, online educational experience? Thomas Greene and Marsha Reske - District urgency in moving forward w/DE
- Project to develop process and procedures for moving forward – mapping fully online certificates and degrees
- Be responsive to labor market changes
- Course accessibility
- Need robust support services for fully online students – i.e., online counseling appointments
- Experimenting w/District IT
- Build community for online students
- Faculty training in online environment
- More intradistrict dependence and collaboration
- Course ranking/badging – OEI badging course – aligns w/OEI rubric, 100% accessible, etc.
- Badged courses are listed first
- Winter intersession possible return??
- Problematic for students – received F’s if no show due to compressed timelines
- Courses labeled as OT (other term) with no drop deadlines, etc., - flexible online offerings fall into same category; requires district support and changes

What are the key activities/recommendations of the Clarify Program Paths Project Team, and what do they suggest in terms of the role each councils has in supporting their implementation? Thomas Greene Areas of Interest
- Fairly clear definition of nine areas and names
- Recommendations from convocation being considered
- Areas of Interest then ready to use across the campus
- Graphic representation to be used for each discipline within an area and then combined to represent the area of interest

Program Roadmaps
- Went from no one wanting to map programs to being overwhelmed with responses
- By end of September, map format approved and 60-75 maps approved and put on website for feedback
- Usefulness testing this fall and then published in the spring
- Map posters will be displayed/discussed at October Board Retreat
- Note: Nicole signed contract w/Sac State that student agrees to complete in the timeline and Sac State agrees to continue to offer the highest level of priority to guarantee access to classes
- Suggestion: Move up advertising to employees on timeline

Council Charters: What are the draft changes/edits to the Council charters, and how will these changes improve the effectiveness of the council(s)? Council Chairs/Co-Chairs - Discussed in Updates & Brief Reports
- Thumbs up w/caveat of language clarification relative to designee/representative of EAI

Reflection: Think back on today's meeting and prepare to share your thoughts. 1. What insights did you gain or what peaked your interest for further exploration? 2. Were all the relevant perspectives represented and/or considered in the dialogue? If not, how could we do better next time? 3. Did we fully accomplish our objectives? If not, what was overlooked or needs to be further addressed? 4. What could we have done to enrich the dialogue and better inform our decisions? All - Appreciate council updates
- Systems in place for agendas, documents, notes working

Topic Contact Person
- Continue to unpack and discuss the ARC Redesign Implementation Timeline - Take action on revised Council Charters - Discuss Project Team progress Thomas Greene