Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Frank Kobayashi
Nicole Porter
Lisa Cardoza
Koue Vang
Brian Knirk
Veronica Lopez
David McCusker
Elizabeth Geisser
Mary Goodall
Caitlyn Spencer
Kaitlyn Collignon
Kimberly Bossman
Kevin Hill
Alisa Shubb
Jeffrey Sacha
Mary Goodall
Marianne Harris
BJ Snowden
Amanda Lewis
Alicia Szutowicz-Fitzpatrick

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Executive Leadership Team
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: Welcome new ELT members and provide brief orientation to ELT; Consider adoption of various project team charters and reports; Review the governance calendar for 2020-21; and discuss the progress made in implementing our DI project team recommendations as well as discuss possible scaled implementation of one or more key strategies associated with our Districtwide success targets for AA/Black, Latinx, and Native American student groups.
DATE OF MEETING: 09/14/2020
TIME: 3:00pm-5:00 pm
CALL-IN NUMBER:1 253 215 8782
CALL-IN CODE: 924 3035 2656#
FACILITATOR(S): Thomas Greene
MEMBERS PRESENT: BonnyJean Bowman, Naomi Dasari, Amy Gaudard, Thomas Greene, Adam Karp, Frank Kobayashi, Sarah Lehmann, Janay Lovering, Olga Prizhbilov, Alisa Shubb, William Simpson, Tressa Tabares, Regena Tiner, Scott Crow, Susan McCoy, Jeff Stephenson, Koue Vang
Attached Files:
API Project Team Charter
ELT Notes 05.20.20 (Draft)
Strategic Enrollment Management - Schedule Development Guidelines (Second Reading)
S/A to Accelerate DI Project Team Recommendations and Achieve DW/C Targets
ARC Equitable Decision Making Tool- September 13, 2020 Draft
Governance Calendar
LGBTQIA+ Project Team Charter
Accreditation Self-Evaluation Project Team Charter
Accreditation Self-Evaluation Project Team Charter (link)
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
Council Chairs and/or Co-Chairs will provide an update on the work of their Councils, including efforts of their respective project Teams. Council Chairs / Co-Chairs
Student Success Council
- Welcome back to Sarah Lehmann
- Acknowledgements to Pam for stepping in while Sarah was on leave
- Charters on today’s agenda; team leads have been collaborating over several weeks and teams are ready to move forward with the work
- First meeting of the semester had a robust discussion on teaching/learning and students barriers in remote instruction
- One barrier was the petition process for which we now have a new process in place
- Next meeting will include a professional development update
- Larger topic will be accreditation work 

Operations Council
- First meeting held
- Topics covered include 1) update on operations and on-ground courses; 2) update on technology (returning and re-issuing); 3) budget

Institutional Effectiveness Council
- Council has not yet met
- Coming attractions include accreditation self-evaluation project team
- Support for DI project teams
- Unit planning and program review – extension for unit planning and last spring’s program review will continue in the fall
- Faculty access to equity data
- Spreadsheet put together breaking out each accreditation standard and identifying individuals who will be responsible for identifying and locating the evidence needed
Constituency group representatives from the ASB, Classified Senate, Academic Senate and Management will provide brief updates on their current efforts. Constituency Group Leaders
- Vote on strategic enrollment management plan and approved
- Asked senators to watch town hall meeting to have common vocabulary on equity
- Discussed Homebases, mechanism to discuss class size, support faculty with remote instruction
- Some issues with Canvas that are irksome and starting a discussion board on items faculty would like to see changed

- Holding elections in October (postponed from last April)
- Increased interest in senate participation
- Holding trainings for new senators
- Discussed relationship between unions and classified senate

- Basic needs committee working on scholarship and event (Your Voice, Your Value) 
- Published website
- Updated ASB motto changed to equity and success

- Focused on professional development in urgency of the moment and shifting operations to remote work
- This week launching program with ALC members reaching out to students and offering themselves as a resource
- Acknowledgement that everyone is being asked to do more in these times
The ELT will review and provide feedback on the planned governance calendar for the 2020-21 academic year (attachment). Adam Karp
- Calendar produced every year with councils and constituency group meetings
- Changes needed:  Student Senate meets Friday (10:30-12:30); CAEB meets Tuesday 10:30-12
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
Approval of May 20, 2020 Meeting Notes Thomas Greene - Sarah emailed edits (incorporated)
- Thumbs up
Does the ELT authorize the work of the LGBTQIA+ Project Team as described within the proposed Project Team Charter? Frank Kobayashi and Pam Chao - Charter info based on team charters from last academic year
- Aggressive timeline
- Leads (Emilie Mitchell & Roger Davidson) have been working over the past few weeks identifying team members and research work
- Thumbs up

Does the ELT authorize the work of the AAPI Project Team as described within the proposed Project Team Charter? Frank Kobayashi and Pam Chao - Thumbs up
Does the ELT support the adoption of the recommendations contained within the Strategic Enrollment Management Plan as developed by the SEM Project Team? (Second Reading) Frank Kobayashi and Pam Chao - Carried over from the spring to provide the Academic Senate more time to review and approve
- Academic Senate confirmed they had sufficient time
- Question – could it be routinely reviewed
- Possibly incorporate into training provided to new faculty department chairs
- Frank to facilitate in the Spring and include Interim Dean of Equity & Inclusion
- Thumbs up

Does the ELT support the adoption of the Accreditation Project Team Charter? Adam Karp - Reviewed edits including membership of project team
- Thumbs up

Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
What are the opportunities and obstacles associated with an institution-wide adoption of the ARC Equitable Decision-making Tool (aka, ARC Budget Operationalization Principles), and what would be required in order to facilitate a scaled adoption over the fall term? (Attachment) Thomas Greene and Others - How do we maintain focus and energy in both immediate sense and long-term goals
- Equitable Decision-Making Tool originally designed to be applied to budgets
- Now being used more widely
- Nick reviewed tool
- Question – how do we adopt and scale it across the college with the expectation it will be used
- Question – possibly bring it to Academic Senate to review
- Don’t have a college history of bringing expansive documents forward for adoption
- Question – is it a mandated prescription or suggested guidelines
- Include in governance training
- Designed to be used for big decisions but wouldn’t stop a department from using to determine i.e., the number of sections of a specific course
- Use as a lens to make a decision
- Really make certain you’re talking about the designed definition of equity as approved by the college
- Should be seen as the foundation to start a conversation, not stop one
- Question – does every department need to review and agree to use it
- Possibly provide some equity-based training similar to the District’s IBA training
- Would like to see ELT approve the document and incorporate into governance training, have it vetted through the constituency groups
- If we adopt, it will help us all practice using it and it becomes more a part of our culture
- A key area that instructional deans are interested in using – framing decisions in equity
- Example of where it could have been helpful: Bookstore transition to Follett and the only payment method for books was credit card; not all students have credit cards
- Suggested next steps based on discussion: 1) proposal for ELT to adopt at next meeting to use this tool within ELT and embed into our governance structure, 2) move into constituency groups either as an information item or other for dialog and inquiry with perhaps formal adoption in constituency groups, 3) think about how to support folks using the tool (create scenarios, embed in trainings, etc)
- Before next ELT Meeting, think about other ways to implement
- Clarified that vetting take place first before ELT formally adopts
- On agenda for next month
- Recommend council chairs have that same conversation

On a site note
- Bureaucracy in remote operations has been amplified
- College identified a group of students who could benefit most from advocacy from managers
- Approximately 270 students identified who will be contacted by an administrator
- Support and advocacy will be offered
- This is a project (not program) that will hopefully continue in subsequent semesters
- Suggestion – have managers participate in the Call Center during peak times to acquire first-hand knowledge of students’ frustrations and challenges

What progress has the college made in the implementation of the adopted recommendations contained within the Institutional Equity and DI Project Team Plans since adoption in May 2020? How are these aligned with the active and/or proposed strategies associated with the two district wide "targets" of closing the opportunity gap in course success/achieve a 73% course success rate; and the gap associated with throughput in transfer-level Math and English 300? How do we approach the scaled adoption of those specific strategies/actions that hold the greatest opportunity for broad, positive impact on these targets/goals? Thomas Greene and Others Insufficient time to cover
Topic Contact Person
Presentation on progress achieved in the implementation of previously adopted project team recommendations. Adam Karp
Presentation on findings from comprehensive 2019 Campus Climate Survey Report Adam Karp