Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Frank Kobayashi
Nicole Porter
Lisa Cardoza
Koue Vang
Brian Knirk
Veronica Lopez
David McCusker
Elizabeth Geisser
Mary Goodall
Caitlyn Spencer
Kaitlyn Collignon
Kimberly Bossman
Kevin Hill
Alisa Shubb
Jeffrey Sacha
Mary Goodall
Marianne Harris
BJ Snowden
Amanda Lewis
Alicia Szutowicz-Fitzpatrick

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Executive Leadership Team
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: The ELT will be presented with the recommendations from the three DI Project Teams; consider the adoption of the recommendations from the Strategic Enrollment Management and Professional Development Project Teams; and consider recommendations from the Student Success Council regarding the initiation of two additional project teams for the 2020-21 academic year.  Lastly, the ELT will review the revisions made to the email guidelines as initially presented by the Operations Council, review the annual ACCJC report submission and discuss how we will be utilizing/operationalizing equity-framed principles in our budget and other related decision making processes.
DATE OF MEETING: 05/11/2020
TIME: 3:00pm-5:00pm
CALL-IN NUMBER:1-646-876-9923
CALL-IN CODE: 620-628-856#
FACILITATOR(S): Thomas Greene
MEMBERS PRESENT: BonnyJean Bowman, Pamela Chao, Amy Gaudard, Thomas Greene, Adam Karp, Hironobu Kobayashi, Janay Lovering, Olga Prizhbilov, Alisa Shubb, William Simpson, Tressa Tabares, Regena Tiner, Alden Crow, Susan McCoy, Jeffrey Stephenson, Koue Vang,
INVITED GUEST(S): DI Project Team Leads and Membership  and Nick Daily, Dean of Office of Equity & Inclusion
Attached Files:
ELT Notes 05.04.20 (draft)
Project Initiation Request - Disproportionate Impact: Asian Pacific Islander
Project Initiation Request: LGBTQIA+ DI
African American DI Project Team Report
Latinx DI Project Team Report
Native American DI Project Team Report
New ARC Everyone on Exchange Email Guidelines May 2020 v5
Native Flags Display in Cafeteria - Request
Professional Development Project Team Report: Final
HomeBase Advisory Committee Request
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
Council Chairs and/or Co-Chairs will provide an update on the work of their Councils, including efforts of their respective project Teams. Chairs / Co-Chairs
Insufficient time - postponed to next meeting
Constituency group representatives from the ASB, Classified Senate, Management and Academic Senate will provide brief updates on their current efforts. Constituency Leaders
Insufficient time - postponed to next meeting
The annual ACCJC report has been submitted per normal processes and timelines. A copy is provided to this agenda in support of a brief discussion. Adam Karp
Insufficient time - postponed to next meeting
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
Does the ELT support the adoption of the recommendations contained within the Strategic Enrollment Management Project Team Report (2nd Reading)? Thomas Greene - Academic Senate not able to vote on plan because of timing but supports the implementation of recommendations for the purpose of scheduling Fall 2020
- They would like more time to review the plan and have constituency group review
- Concerns include use of data to make determinations, what data they might have access to, and fear of committing w/o sharing with faculty campus-wide
- Would like the opportunity to review for long-term implications
- Because of the timeline to submit the Spring 21 schedule, implementation of guidelines would affect Sp21 scheduling as well
- Thumbs up.

Does the ELT support the adoption of the recommendations contained within the Professional Development Project Team Report (2nd Reading)? Thomas Greene Thumbs up.
Does the ELT support the operationalization of the Native Land Statement by placing local Native nations tribal flags along the grey border in the cafeteria? (second reading) Thomas Greene Thumbs up.
Does the ELT support the formation of a Homebase Advisory Committee? Jeff Stephenson - Comment: generally support, composition of committee to ensure that work of DI team is present on the committee composition
- Thumbs up

Approval of May 4, 2020 Meeting Notes Thomas Greene Thumbs up
Does the ELT have any further feedback and/or concerns regarding the REVISED recommendations contained within the "ARC-Everyone On Exchange Email Guidelines"? If not, are we prepared to move this to a second reading today? Thomas Greene - Second bullet mentions use of general personal opinions, possibly use political opinion
- Is it directed towards a particular person?
- Harder to define the “don’t” list as opposed to giving guidelines of appropriate use
- Difficult to get to concrete statements about what you should/shouldn’t do
- Discussion at last meeting mentioned that we wanted to promote this outside of when something happened and now something has happened
- Majority of conversation is around advocacy or possible ideas of reducing budget as equitable; reduction of access to email may quash the flow of ideas
- Wanted to keep guidelines brief and not overwhelming
- Not restricting use of subset of distribution lists – guidelines focus on use of ARC Everyone on Exchange
- Need to spend some time on guidelines for other distribution lists (constituency lists)
- Is there less controversy around the guidelines for ARC everyone on exchange
- ARC employees no longer have access to CRC, DO, FLC, SCC – Everyone on Exchange distribution lists
- Perhaps let CTL Director have access to ARC Everyone on Exchange
- Will work to include other entities that are offices as opposed to individuals
- Operations Council discussed a soft rollout of guidelines
- Guidelines can be used as a way to organize the communication that comes into an inbox particularly given our current circumstances of not seeing each other in the hallways
- Support for uncoupling and moving forward with ARC Everyone on Exchange guidelines
- Thumbs up
- More thought and time will be given to other distribution lists

Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
What are the key findings and primary recommendations of the Disproportionately Impact Project Team reports? What do you see as the most significant implications associated with these recommendations? (First Reading) Project Team Leads - Derrick and project leads presented report
- Leadership appreciated
- Great deal of passion behind the project
- Stellar work produced in spite of obstacles (HUB issue, remote work, etc.)
- Surveyed students of African American, Latinx & Native American descent
- Question: is the Tribal Relations office separate from Native American Resource Center or a part of it; initially envisioned as separate but, with current circumstances as they are, now likely a part of a faculty member’s workload via reassign time
- What are the effects of Covid-19 on the disproportionately impacted groups: technology, interruptions, family obligations, employment status
- Emphasize self-care
- Sense of community among students
- Disproportionate impact on education also seen in health care – need to look at students holistically
-Student share: mental health care involved; this situation came on suddenly; single parent w/toddler; used to come to campus because it served as a sanctuary; now experiencing daily crisis on top of a global crisis; prioritizing school, family, health challenges, etc.
- Derrick shared portions of the reports w/outside colleagues – they were excited to see this work being done
- Appreciation for alignment with PD team work
- Question to leads: what recommendations can we operationalize immediately in this current environment of continued remote operations

What is the purpose and key deliverables associated with the Project Initiation request from the SSC as it pertains to the API and LGBQTI+ Disproportionate Impact? Frank Kobayashi and Pam Chow Insufficient time - postponed to next meeting
What are the general principles that we will be using to achieve our budget reduction targets? How do these same principles apply to how we continue to redesign the college in light of COVID-19? What will be our approach to operationalizing these principles? Thomas, Nick Insufficient time - postponed to next meeting
Topic Contact Person