Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Frank Kobayashi
Nicole Porter
Lisa Cardoza
Koue Vang
Brian Knirk
Veronica Lopez
David McCusker
Elizabeth Geisser
Mary Goodall
Caitlyn Spencer
Kaitlyn Collignon
Kimberly Bossman
Kevin Hill
Alisa Shubb
Jeffrey Sacha
Mary Goodall
Marianne Harris
BJ Snowden
Amanda Lewis
Alicia Szutowicz-Fitzpatrick

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Executive Leadership Team
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: To discuss the next major stage of our student facing redesign, as well as share insights from the ongoing efforts of our councils and teams.
DATE OF MEETING: 10/07/2019
TIME: 3:00 - 5:00 pm
LOCATION/ROOM #: Admin Conference Room
FACILITATOR(S): Thomas Greene
MEMBERS PRESENT: Aesha Abduljabbar, Gary Aguilar, Amy Gaudard, Thomas Greene, Adam Karp, Lisa Lawrenson, Sarah Lehmann, Olga Prizhbilov, Alisa Shubb, William Simpson, Regena Tiner, Alden Crow, Kuldeep Kaur, Susan McCoy, Jeffrey Stephenson,
Attached Files:
ELT Notes 09.09.19 (draft)
Redesign Implementation
ARC Guided Pathways Presentation - Part 1
ARC Guided Pathways Presentation - Part 2
ARC Guided Pathways Presentation - Part 3
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
Council Chairs and/or Co-Chairs will provide an update on the work of their Councils, including the efforts of their respective project teams. Council Chairs/Co-Chairs
SSC (recent discussion items include):  
- Pathways communities updates
- Request to clarify difference between FYE, Pathways, achieve, etc.
- DI project team membership and difficulty in identifying some membership, clarified it was a one year charter and could have additional resources to ensure completion; some blanks in membership list because of outside membership
- Educational Master Plan feedback to council on student appointment; Appendix B not included on charter template on IGOR; still some possible confusion on project team member roles
- Climate survey
- Free speech
- Faculty co-chair going on maternity leave; Pam Chao stepping in 

IEC (recent discussion items include):  
- Campus climate survey and random selection of faculty and invited to participate
- New process for accreditation; institution self-report due in Jan 2022; team assigned to review report; recommendations from team with six months to follow-up; visiting team will be smaller in scope and focus on recommendations made on self –report
- Notes from some councils/teams not approved right away; draft notes will be published immediately and corrections made at a later date

OC (recent discussion items include)
- Facilities:  STEM bldg. now has roof; hydronics line trench; pathway in front of Welcome & Support Center open soon; end of January for opening of Wellness Center; corp yard project design finalized; selecting architecture firms for Natomas and Tech Ed; 14 RFQ’s for Natomas; 13 for Tech Ed
- Wayfinding:  some signage up and going, starting in parking lots and working inwards towards center of college; getting ASB feedback for implementation
- Safety update:  fire drills; camera updates campus wide
- Technology:  still need to update 65 computers (mostly for staff) for Windows 10 migration
- Sustainability project team work has started
Constituency group representatives from the ASB, Classified Senate, Management and Academic Senate will provide brief updates on their current efforts. Appropriates Leads
- Conversation continued around recommendations of student equity plan
- Raising awareness to administrators on interfaith calendar and impact on schedules

- Updating faculty handbook including specific advice on syllabus content
- Website
- Looking at impact of finals week on student success with student input; looking for any assistance on getting finals week schedule more visible to students upon enrollment

- All-day retreat held recently; Madera College shadowed first day; Regena and Olga met with them on second day; they are currently in the accreditation process to become a college
- Event planning for the year

- CAEB:  Club day scheduled for 10/10; Spirit Week scheduled for 10/21-24 with pre-game celebration football; Fright Day for Halloween
- ASB:   Attended parliamentary procedure conference; upcoming leadership conference; plastic display holders on cafeteria tables will have ASB/Club events and announcements; student give away for before finals (snacks, etc.) and winter giveaways (socks, blankets, etc.); project teams/councils all have student representation; concerns about Aramark contract shared with Kuldeep and she shared next steps; shared packet for community pathways and will be reviewing this Thursday
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
The 2019-20 Project Charters will be reviewed, discussed and where appropriate, affirmed. Appropriate Council Chair - Affirming DI Populations project team composition
- NEA forms required for all community member appointments
- Thumbs up

Approval of Notes: September 9, 2019 Thomas Greene - Thumbs up
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
What is the purpose of, and how can we best utilize the Governance Recommendations Implementation Tracking (GRIT) Report? Thomas - Designed to track recommendations of project teams and recognize all the work accomplished
- Currently in draft form
- Embed in governance system
- Any plans to sustain? PES

What are the key components of the next major stages of our student facing redesign, including “First-term Course Schedules” and “Pathway Communities?” [Attachment will be forthcoming] Thomas - Areas of Interest: People, Culture & Society; Learning & Communication; Arts; Business; Manufacturing, Construction & Transportation; STEM; Health, Human Services & Well Being; Public Service
- Provide personalized, localized support organized by area(s) of interest
- Physical student services support around campus focused on areas of interest; virtual communities
i.e., support center located somewhere in Davies Hall focusing on two areas of interest (People, Culture & Society and Learning & Communication)
- PASS – Pathways, Academic Skills & Services
- Timeline for implementation: goal is to have at least two operational in Spring 2020 to test assumptions with full implementation by Fall 2020
- Will be open and available when students are on campus
- Communication plan to constituency groups?
- Provide all first-year students a first-term schedule utilizing program maps
- Provide high school seniors with default first-term schedule with opt-out approach; incorporate into dual enrollment
- ARC has 5 districts and 30+ high schools

What were some of the key takeaways and how can the college take advantage of what was learned from the free speech workshop that was presented by the General Council at the district office? All Postponed for another meeting
What is ARC's "Advanced Industry" facilities concept, and how is it being considered for inclusion into the ARC facilities master plan? Thomas Greene - Concept designed by team of faculty/administrators when looking at McClellan facility
- Too expensive to pursue at that time
- Movement in Sacramento called Mobility Center – space that brings together venture capital and companies that have idea about advanced transportation
- Goes from ideation to production in very short timeframe
- Highly successful in Germany
- Partners in Sacramento interested in including UCD and CSUS
- Concept shared w/Board of Trustees at October retreat
- Now associated in our facilities master plan
- Will likely hold projects from other Los Rios colleges as well
- New facilities bond measure for District and this facility likely included in that measure
- Frank Kobayashi hosting Tech Ed town hall on October 25 so this and new Tech Ed building need to be connected
- Not just replacing building but re-envisioning for the future;
- Problem – world around tech education has shifted; we are the equivalent of Blockbuster right before Netflix shows up; tech changing so rapidly; employers now have ability to use technology to identify a set of skilled workers they need without using education; community college systems churn too slowly; this facility is flexible and interdisciplinary, can be responsive; if a company is thinking about moving to Sacramento this facility can emulate their production line and train their workforce (our students); workforce also returns to get upskilled (retrained); students interacting with state-of-the-art technology

Topic Contact Person
What were some of the key takeaways and how can the college take advantage of what was learned from the free speech workshop that was presented by the General Council at the district office?