Notes - Approved
Meeting Notes
Koue Vang
BJ Snowden
Derrick Booth
Melissa Fish
Steven Roberson
Margaret Lednicky
Kelly Benitez
Adrienne Andrews
Jeff Bucher
Michele Arnott
Pamela Bimbi
Jordan Meyer
Stephanie Saucedo
BonnyJean Bowman
Hannah Blodgett
Luke Bourez
Mary Goodall
Dr. M. Martinez
Lori Shull
NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Operations Council | |||
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: Review updates from Facilities & Maintenance, Safety, Technology, Way Finding, Wellness Center Implementation, Sustainability Team Update, Technology Plan Team Update. | |||
DATE OF MEETING: 03/31/2020 TIME: 1:30pm |
FACILITATOR(S): Kuldeep Kaur, Olga Prizhbilov | |||
ASSISTANT: Beth Madigan | |||
MEMBERS PRESENT: Michele Arnott, Pamela Bimbi, BonnyJean Bowman, Jeff Bucher, Roger Davidson, Christopher Day, Keri Jumelet, Adam Karp, Beth Madigan, Cheryl Sears, David Shrope-Austin, BonnyJean Bowman, Jacob Couch, Jan DeLapp, Kennedy Galvez, Parrish Geary, Beth Madigan, Olga Prizhbilov, Regena Tiner, Koue Vang, Kuldeep Kaur | |||
INVITED GUEST(S): Jesus Valle | |||
Attached Files:
Native Flags Display in Cafeteria - Request Sustainability Plan v6 Operations Council Charter Technology Master Planning Project Team Draft Charter Notes from Feb meeting Draft Everyone on Exchange Email Guidelines March 2020 Topic: Operation Council 3/24/2020 Meeting Time: Mar 24, 2020 01:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 547 062 552 One tap mobile ,,547062552# US Toll Dial by your location US Toll Meeting ID: 547 062 552 Find your local number: |
Topic | Person(s) Responsible | Notes | |
What are the facilities and maintenance and access updates? | Cheryl Sears | Facilities projects continue to move forward, including: 1) concrete poured between Counseling and Wellness & Support Center; 2) Mather is being re-keyed by landlord, Sacramento County Office of Education (SCOE); 3) stadium lights and tennis courts are on pause; and 4) Technical Education and Natomas Center are underway, albeit remotely. |
What are the safety updates? | Captain Day | Cheryl Sears reporting for Captain Chris Day. Police presence on campus 24/7. Homeless are congregating on the athletic fields which creates safety concerns for this vulnerable population. Cameras are being installed per Los Rios's plan. |
What are the technology updates? | Jeff Bucher | Adam Karp reported out for Jeff Bucher. Employees should access VPN only to access files on their office computer, peoplesoft, etc. Not to use their email, skype, or anything that can be accessed from the home computer. Also, employees should not shut down their office computer through VPN. When not using VPN, please close it on your computer because when everyone has it open, it slows it down for everyone and then people who need to use it don't have access. |
Question | Person(s) Responsible | Notes and Decision(s) | Next Steps |
Approval of meeting notes for 2/25/2020 | Kuldeep Kaur, Olga Prizhbilov |
5 |
Approved by consensus. |
What are the Sustainability Improvement Project Team recommendations? Second Reading. | Cheryl Sears and Narine Madramootoo |
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Sustainability Team Co-Chair Narine Madramootoo presented the Sustainability Plan to an enthusiastic Academic Senate. Narine reports that although the title of "Office of Sustainability" remains flexible, capacity building can be increased by creating a hub to institutionalize ARC's many silos of institutional memory. One centralized hub/office will allow metrics to be established for projects and for training of students. The Sustainability Office will be under Operations. No FTE is being requested. Industry has traction and educational degrees will follow providing an educational pathway for students. |
Discussion about "everyone on exchange email." | Scott Crow/Kuldeep Kaur |
Consensus to postpone this to the April meeting for more discussion and potential action. Consensus was to not implement now but continue to draft recommendations for verbiage. Potentially want to discuss this being a policy rather than just guidelines. |
Question | Person(s) Responsible | Notes and Next Steps | |
What is the possibility for creating a local Native nations tribal flag display along the grey border in the cafeteria? | Jesus Valle |
Professor Jesus Valle presented the concept of creating a local Native Nations tribal flag exhibit high along the gray border area wall in the Cafeteria which will explain the significance of each flag and offer an indigenous learning platform for student of history, art, anthropology, and social justice. Three local Native Nations could contribute a flag, including: UAIC, Wilton Rancheria, and Shingle Springs. The flag contributions could align with Indigenous People's Day. Consensus that item will be added to April 28 meeting as an Action Item. |
Technology Plan Project Team Charter Review | Kuldeep Kaur |
Kuldeep Kaur provided context for this item indicating a difference between a crisis management plan to address a pandemic versus an IT plan to address classroom and staff resources. A draft Charter is under review along with the Team composition by the President's Executive Staff (PES). Leads will be an Administrator and ITC Supervisor Jeff Bucher. Timeline is Fall into mid-Spring 2020 with adoption in Spring 2021. |
Review Operations Council Agenda. Does it accurately reflect what Operations Council Does? | Olga Prizhbilov |
Olga Prizhbilov reports that the Operations Council Charter is reviewed every two years, and is in Year Three: 2018 - 2021. The Charter remains current and accurately reflects what the Operations Council does. |
What are the budget implications in light of COVID-19? | Kuldeep Kaur |
In her role as ARC's Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Kuldeep Kaur reviewed the budget implications for the remainder of our current fiscal year, and into 2021. A hiring freeze was put into effect for classified staff for 2020-21. Initially, Los Rios will be cutting staff through attrition when vacancies arise. Loss in revenues from Prop 98 is expected and will determine how deep cuts will go. During 2008-09 Great Recession, there was a 40% cut to categorically funded programs. |
Topic | Contact Person | ||
NA | |||