Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Alisa Shubb
Olga Prizhbilov
Jennifer Laflam
Christina Wagner
Alice Dieli
Kathryn Sorensen
Yesenia Castellon
Pamela Chao
Corinne Arrieta
Gary Hartley
Matthew Blevis
Beth Madigan
Cheri Jones

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Professional Development and Training (2019-2020)
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: Orientation to Professional Development & Training Project and Team
DATE OF MEETING: 08/30/2019
TIME: 1:30pm
LOCATION/ROOM #: Student Center Board Room
FACILITATOR(S): Alisa Shubb/Olga Prizhbilov
ASSISTANT: Olga Prizhbilov
MEMBERS PRESENT: Alisa Shubb, Olga Prizhbilov, Jen LaFlam, Christina Wagner, Emilie Mitchell, Alice Dieli, Yesenia Castellon, Corinne Arrieta, Angela Milano Cheri Jones (Project Stewart) 
Attached Files:
Professional Development & Training Project Charter
ARC Institutional Equity Plan
Workflow/Agenda Planner
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
Welcoming Introductions Alisa & Olga Alisa went over IGOR.
History of Professional Development (PD) - PDCC task force - results showed that there was no institutional/thematic PD; lack of institutional collaboration.
Review & Discussion of Project Charter Alisa & Olga Background and need questions:
- Did PD (individual) meet institutional goals. What trainings are optional vs. required (e.g. equity training)?
- We all work in silos/duplicating services; our biggest resource - people.
- On boarding training (e.g. K-12 need to pass training before they start teaching)
- All PD should be aimed at meeting at least one section of the Institutional Equity Plan (human resources, etc.)
- when good things fade away - how to we make sure that the Equity Plan stays; would be nice if this is something we (ARC) are known for.
Institutional Equity Plan demanded that we come up with PD plan.
- The group needs to caucus outside of the PD group - intentionally getting other perspectives/voices and bring back to the group.
- Collaboration with DI groups - team leads meetings are in the work flow.
- Explicitly relate to college mission/vision/goals.
- Get feedback after each PD event.
- Incentivize to come to PD/accountability.

Project Charter
- What training is needed for existing employees in order to foster a culture where new diverse employees feel included (add to page 2, bullet 1)?
- Positive approach without judging values.
- Time Constraints
- What are people busy with that they don't need to be doing?
- Department meetings - bring value/quality (e.g. Psychology dept. had an Equity Retreat)
- Why to people who don't go don't go?
- Survey fatigue
- IEP and EMP teams - what are they doing? Need a list of their recommendations to guide the work of the PD group.
- Supervisor support/when people go on vacation, they should not be expected to come back to more work (working overtime for a month after that).
- Current state: Classified update - PD available, but not all is institutionalized.
- More equity training for management as well; workload for management, is it in employee review?
- Make a case - what will you get if you participate in PD? (e.g. competency areas)
- Funding formula - DI groups/success rates - could be an argument for more PD.
- provoding managemetn with the "how" for PD.
Institutional commitment to allow employees to start the process (equity process) - individualize the process; book club.
Working Definition of PD - personal grown vs. event
-Rapidly changing environment - the goals of institutions were not to change over time. How do we make sure that we evolve and change as an institution?

Success Indicators
- Vetting a short version of the plan through governance so that the comprehensive plan does not seem overwhelming.
- How do we see the big picture BEFORE implementing the PD plan as we go (short term)?

Other Considerations
- Respect the culture of our college and satellite campuses.
Resources to Inform the Work - Institutional Equity Plan Alisa w/ Cheri Jones Would be helpful to see some other frameworks.
Review Work Flow Plan Alisa w/Cheri Jones Decided not to use Basecamp. Will use Google Drive instead.
“Homework” & Next Steps Alisa & Olga Alice will set up Google Team Drive and a Google Doc for a conversation on resources.
Team members will suggest ideas for resources they would like to have access to/consult.
Topic Contact Person