Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Frank Kobayashi
Nicole Porter
Melanie Ortega
BJ Snowden
Hannah Blodgett
Carina Hoffpauir
Mikhail Drobot
Justin Tseng
Eliza Arata
Sharon Gott
Marianne Harris
Brian Knirk
Nimo Ali
David Shrope-Austin
Caroline Prieto
Allyson Joye
Tera Reynolds
Arthur Jenkins
Anthony Carter
Kim Herrell
Elizabeth Geisser
Dianne Cervantez
Maria Elena Pulido-Sepulveda

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Student Success Council
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: Update Project Teams Discuss Project Initiation - DI
DATE OF MEETING: 03/19/2019
TIME: 1:00pm - 3:00pm
LOCATION/ROOM #: Submarine Conference Room
FACILITATOR(S): Sarah Lehmann, Lisa Aguilera Lawrenson
ASSISTANT: Teresa Helms
MEMBERS PRESENT: Roderic Agbunag, Derrick Booth, Adam Karp, Lisa Lawrenson, Sonia Ortiz-Mercado, Kate Williamson, Susan Andre, Eliza Arata, Heidi Bennett, Pamela Chao, Jennifer Laflam, Nicole Moise, Gladis Sanchez Pantoja, Jeffrey Stephenson, Teresa Wigner,
INVITED GUEST(S): Marsha Reske and Daniel Gilbert-Valencia
Attached Files:
Clarify Program Paths Status Report
ARC Online 2.0 Draft Plan
SEA Draft
ELSS Project Update
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
Program Paths Bill Simpson
Please see attached document.  Bill Simpson spoke on Clarify Program Paths. Currently there are 166 maps total and by graduation all will be done and there will be  over 200 maps in total.  Bill commented that there is at least one diversity class in maps.  We need to create a proposal for online which is Atlas and all deliverables will be met.  High school counseling Dash Board.  Jennifer Laflam, Marsha Reske, counseling and faculty came together to help with this.  Students can't come in undecided.  We can't have links, degrees and courses get pulled out of Socrates.  Down the road there can be career Education and Bill would like to see if we can maybe create a handbook to help.  Bill will continue to add maps to this website during this summer.  Bill and Phil will work on ensuring Atlas and Socrates work together for mapping project. 
SEA Lisa Aguilera Lawrenson and Sarah Lehmann
Please see SEA DRAFT in attachments.  SEA Plan Jeff and Sonya put in activities.  Lisa and Sarah do Student Equity, FYE for 2019-2022 achievement plan.  Adam Karp and Kate Williamson went over data, which came in beforehand and they have raw data.  It is a compliance report with  33% as a baseline and 53% as goal.  SEA meetings occurring at District Office.  ARC has outlines a process and created a schedule for evaluating progress toward meeting the goal. Members of the committee provided input for plan revisions to the following sections:   integrated strong workforce,  integration of Professional Development, CTL and campus-based activities, retention activities in Native American Resource Center,  and increase of professional development. 
ELSS Kale Braden and Dyne Eifertsen
The Enterprise Level Schedule System Committee (ELSS) is working with the vendor selected by district and district to fully implement two scheduling systems. Ad Astra Schedule (which will be used for academic and event room assignments and optimizations of our facilities) and Platinum Analytics (which will be used for historical and predictive analytics which will be generated through analysis of five past semesters of enrollment, program pathway maps, and student intentions entered into their degree planner). The intention is for both Ad Astra Schedule and Ad Astra Platinum Analytics to be used to build ARC’s schedules, replacing the various google docs, paper-based systems, and other individual procedures that divisions have historically used to respond to the schedule rounds provided by the instruction office. 
The ELSS Committee identified 46 tasks or goals for the project at the end of last semester. These goals have been aligned to resource teams or AVP Braden to help with the configuration of both Ad Astra Schedule and Ad Astra Platinum Analytics. The tasks and goals broadly fit into four categories of actions which are being worked on:
1.	Events and Non-FTE Facility usage
2.	Academic Facilities usage
3.	Strategic Enrollment Management
4.	Business Practices for Academic Scheduling. 
Events and Non-FTE Facility Usage
We have made substantial progress on configuring the system for non-academic facility scheduling. On February 22nd a meeting was held with 30 key stakeholders (AA’s, clerks, facilities staff, faculty, deans, etc) to present the system, answer questions, and gather additional information needed for the continued work on configuring the system. Working with facilities, a standing meeting has been established for Friday mornings where different staff, faculty, and administrators involved in scheduling events will be invited in to troubleshoot the configuration and fine-tune how we have the system configured. At this point we are on schedule to be able to roll-out Ad Astra as the method for reserving non-academic spaces at ARC for the Fall of 2019. 
Academic Facility Usage
Ad Astra is on a development plan to converge their two products, Schedule and Platinum Analytics into a single interface. In addition they are working to address some limitations to the system that Los Rios has identified as potentially problematic (that could significantly impact the ability for divisions and departments to fully engage with this system as their sole scheduling platform. For example, as we have been working to implement the system it has become apparent that Platinum Analytics is missing two key elements which we will need to be successful in using this product across all divisions on campus:
•	Currently, Ad Astra Platinum Analytics (where we will be building semester schedules) does not allow for the control of access to schedules for different users. If a chair or dean has access to see and make changes to one department’s schedule they have access to see and make changes to all schedules in the sandbox. We are working with Ad Astra to allow us to set user levels so that someone does not inadvertently cause issues by making changes outside of their department. 
•	There is not an approval structure built into platinum—it is a sandbox where any user with access can make changes—therefore within the current configuration, we would not be able to build a workflow of: chairs recommend changes/a schedule; Division offices approve and find room resources; and approved schedule sent to ISAs to be finalized in PeopleSoft without attempting to graft processes onto a system not designed for tracking workflow. We are working with Ad Astra  to map out user access and workflow so that we do not need to continue to use shadow systems for our scheduling.
•	Ad Astra currently is able to write back a single field into PeopleSoft, the room. While there are reports which may be used in order to track the changes made by departments and divisions allowing the ISAs to then manually enter in the schedules, we continue to work with Ad Astra to implement an end-to-end scheduling infrastructure which would write everything back to PeopleSoft (avoiding the need for manual entry).
At this point district is working with Ad Astra to tie down expected dates for these changes to the system. Once we have those dates we will be able to better map out when and how we will be engaging divisions and deans regarding the use of Ad Astra to build schedules.  
Strategic Enrollment Management
Ad Astra has successfully imported 5 years’ worth of terms in order to perform historical analysis of future schedules. We have also provided Ad Astra with approximately 125 Program Pathway maps which they will enter into the system (in order to help predict enrollment trends). District is working on installing and implementing Highpoint as a student-facing planning tool which will help to provide data to Ad Astra to predict where students might want/need to take in order to reach their academic goals. 
We are working to bring together an interactive system to present the data provided by Ad Astra along with additional Los Rios specific data-points—FTEF, FTES, WSCH, etc that Ad Astra has not fully configured yet. (We are working with Ad Astra to assist their understanding of how funding works in California and therefore begin to be able to integrate recommendations with resource allocations). Here are some of the upcoming milestones for scheduling:
•	Starting March 25th, Ad Astra will begin to produce weekly enrollment reports for Fall 2019 semester. As we get closer to the start of the semester we will switch them up to daily reports. These will be distributed to deans and interested department chairs. 
•	District is scheduled to produce the first round of the Spring 2020 schedule on or around April 15th. This is generated from a roll-over query run against this semester’s classes. Around that same time, Ad Astra will produce their historical analysis and recommendation based off of the rolled over semester data. We will package up this data and distribute it to deans and chairs to assist in the creation of the Sp2020 schedule. 
The intention is to approach the implementation of Ad Astra for the creation of the academic schedule through two distinct paths:
1)	Distributing data and reports and curating discussions around specific data points in order to drive conversations regarding schedule choices (note: there is no intention of blindly using data to make the decisions for us, we will use the data provided to assist in conversations between deans and chairs building our schedule). 
2)	We will continue to work with Ad Astra to allow for controlled user access, workflow tracking and the ability to write back to PeopleSoft. When we have confirmation on the expected timelines for these new features, we will be able to build out a roll-out plan for fully building our schedules in Ad Astra.   
Business Practices for Academic Scheduling
The Strategic Enrollment Management group will be working on a number of plans and business practices including:
1)	Gather resources to inform the planning process such as existing data on ARC enrollments and enrollment management efforts, promising practices from other institutions, existing regulations and CCCCO materials (e.g., new funding formula), and other relevant research
2)	Assess the current state of ARC enrollment management practices and efforts
3)	Establish clear enrollment targets (goals) through 2025
4)	Using what is learned through assessment and gathered resources, define a SEM strategy that:
a.	focuses on student success across the entire life cycle while also providing a viable means of achieving the established enrollment targets 
b.	coordinates efforts across the institution and creates synergy to promote effective enrollment management at every stage (outreach, admission/onboarding, enrollment, retention, completion)
5)	Develop a draft strategic enrollment management plan that covers the period of 2019-2025*

Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
ARC Online 2.0 Marsha Reske and Daniel Gilbert-Valencia Marsha Reske and Daniel Gilbert-Valencia spoke on ARC Online 2.0 in its first read. The second read will be the SSC mtg. on 4/2/2019. There is a DRAFT of ARC Distance Ed Plan for 2019-2025. The report would benefit from an executive summary with a high level no more than 2 pages and expand section 1.2 for Social Justice. We still have an equity gap and goals and strategies are mentioned and in there as well. Marsha spoke on DE plan. Equity Plan moving into equitable system and linking data to disproportion. How can program meet plan to use tools as an impact training for faculty for pathways. Excellent tools in 1.2
Disproportionately Impacted Students - Proposed Project Team What would the scope of this project team be? What should the committee membership be comprised of? What would a two-year plan look like? Lisa Aguilera Lawrenson and Sarah Lehmann Lisa discussed a proposal for DI students that would focus on creating recommendations for how to specifically address the achievement gap for these populations. ACHIEVE and Pathways will help DI, but what other targeted approaches are being used? The group will consist of members of DI populations to create recommendations for serving their communities better.
Topic Contact Person