Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Angela Milano
Nicole Porter
Lisa Cardoza
Koue Vang
Brian Knirk
Veronica Lopez
Jeffrey Sacha
Liz Geisser
Mary Goodall
Carissa Thomas
Kaitlyn Collignon
Sapeidah Saeedi
Alisa Shubb
Jeffrey Sacha
Mary Goodall
Marianne Harris
BJ Snowden
Amanda Lewis
Alicia Szutowicz-Fitzpatrick
Brenda Valles

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Executive Leadership Team
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: To consider final approval of various project team recommendations as well as review and discuss recommendations from the Institutional Equity Plan Project Team.
DATE OF MEETING: 05/06/2019
TIME: 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
LOCATION/ROOM #: Student Center Board Room
FACILITATOR(S): Thomas Greene
MEMBERS PRESENT: Gary Aguilar, Thomas Greene, Adam Karp, Lisa Lawrenson, Sarah Lehmann, Janay Lovering, Olga Prizhbilov, Rebeca Rico-Chavez, Alisa Shubb, William Simpson, Tressa Tabares, Nicole Williams, Alden Crow, Susan McCoy, Jeffrey Stephenson
Attached Files:
Strategic Enrollment Management Project Charter Draft
Sustainability Project Charter Draft
Institutional Equity Plan Draft Report (version 5.1)
ARC Meeting Draft Notes (4/8/19)
Institutional Professional Development Draft Charter
EMP Project Team Charter Draft
DI Project Team for ELT Draft B
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
Council Chairs and/or Co-Chairs will provide an update on the work of their Councils, including the efforts of their respective project teams. Council Chairs / Co-Chairs
Student Success Council
- discussed the Disproportionately Impacted project team charter
- discussed the Student Equity & Achievement (SEA) plan and issues w/data and how to approach
- template from CCCCO different from NOVA systems where data is input
- approved the ARC Online 2.0 project team final report
- received report from resource panel on first year experience and council is recommending that recommendations go to VPSS team with hiring of new director position

Institutional Effectiveness Council
- A/R staff will be working in ITC for three weeks beginning May 15 while the remodel in Administration continues 
- survey distributed regarding governance process
- data on demand system workshops have gone well; currently requesting feedback with a harder rollout planned for later in May
- governance clerk position currently in recruitment phase (closes May 22)

Operations Council
- received facilities update (new admissions counter)
- with Business Services move, furniture will become available – contact Operations if anyone has needs
- safety update (still down in officers but cadet recruitment looks promising)
- discussed myriad of forms students have to fill out; Admissions currently looking at online system of forms
Constituency group representatives from the ASB, Classified Senate, Management and Academic Senate will provide brief updates on their current efforts. Constituency Group Reps
- approved incorporation of indigenous land statement at all ASB meetings
- passed resolution to work with library to possibly extend library hours
- last meeting this week with end-of-year celebration and swearing in of new officers

Classified Senate
- elections complete:  Olga re-elected as President, BonnyJean Bowman elected as VP; four new senators
- Professional Development conference in April with 68 attendees; good feedback and variety of workshops

- first round of program review presentations completed; presentations enjoyed and appreciated
- currently in the height of hiring season for both instruction and student services
- deans preparing for end of semester
- hoping to go to scale with all new students
- while instruction winds down, student services is getting busy with student registration

Academic Senate
- elections complete:  Alisa Shubb elected as President, Janay Lovering as VP, Amy Gaudard as Secretary

Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
Approval of April 8, 2019 ELT Notes Thomas Greene thumbs up
Does the ELT support the recommendations of the Clarify Programs Path Project Team as contained in the "Clarify Program Paths Final Report?" (Second Reading) - See previous agenda file list for document. Thomas Greene - all top ten and ADT maps will be approved as of the last meeting this week
- final report approved
Does the ELT support the adoption of the draft ARC Indigenous Land Statement, recognizing that it will be utilized as part of a larger, more holistic recognition and education process that focuses on the contributions and experiences of the Indigenous Peoples who resided on the land upon which our College currently operates? (Second Reading) See previous agenda file list for document. Thomas Greene/ Kuldeep Kaur - statement approved
- further details on incorporating statement coming in early fall

Does the ELT support the recommendations of the ARC Online 2.0 Project Team as contained in the Draft ARC Distance Education Plan 2019-2025 v3? (Second Reading). See previous agenda file list for document. Thomas Greene - final report approved
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
Does the ELT support the recommendations of the Institutional Equity Plan Project Team as contained in the American River College Equity Plan 2019? (First Reading) Thomas Greene - question: is there an editorial process taking place
- found it difficult to follow organizationally
- team is still collecting feedback and editing document
- not expecting substantive changes as a result of the feedback
- perhaps graphics can better display data and help understand connections
- recommendation: be more comprehensive
- CUE’s (Center for Urban Education) philosophy is either a documents focuses on race or it doesn’t; perhaps we need to have a goal; if talking about race than be more explicit in the language used; words matter
- offering team assistance in making document more accessible and prepare graphics (recommend graphic design assist), etc.;
- Academic Senate will vote this week
- one version of document references VP of Equity position
- currently some confusion among college staff with role of College Equity Officer vs Dean of Equity & Pathways
- to achieve the ends of the recommendations there is full support but the means as how to achieve that has constraints outside of our control
- some differences of opinion as to how to achieve the end
- recommendation: add language “such as”, “consider”, etc.
- question: can we make recommendations to the team and expect to approve it next week
- suggestion: approve with caveats as the summer is needed to plan and implement
- suggestion: develop specific suggestions for revisions with agreed-upon changes by the project team then provide a sufficient timeline to make edits
- question: could Cheri provide some assistance as she has done this work with other documents
- suggestion: go back to project team leads to say document has widespread report but now needs structural organization, accessibility, etc.; consistent language; graphics
- questions: any feedback provided by students; ASB has heard very positive results; Veterans concerned about VP of Equity position (specifically, if there’s funding for that position, then why isn’t there funding for other needs)

What are some of the key topics and areas of interest for a fall ELT Retreat? Further, what is the best possible date for this retreat? Thomas Greene - convocation as a touchpoint for laying out strategic plan for institution
- role of councils in supporting their teams
- discuss what we normally wouldn’t discuss in a meeting
- what is role in supporting governance process
- not a repeat of training
- fold in overlap w/district and what’s going on there – how do we lead and follow
- incorporating our new members, particularly student leaders

Does the ELT have feedback on the draft Project Team Charter for Supporting DI Populations (Document to Be Uploaded ASAP). Lisa Lawrenson and Sarah Lehmann - second reading planned for tomorrow in Student Success Council
- consider this first reading w/second reading next week
- three different groups doing separate work specific to them and then all three join together as one
- question: how is the work of the team going to be presented to the college (possibly add to deliverables)
- question: is collaboration between this and the Professional Development project team built into membership; not built into membership
- recommendation: need to work on sharing information from one council to another
- proposed regular meetings between Lisa, Adam, and the leads for this project team as well as the Professional Development project team
- Academic Senate is an avenue of communication to the college (specifically faculty)
- administrator will serve as overall lead and then a lead for each disproportionately impacted group will also be identified
- project steward will be very helpful with this team
- question: is the lead restricted to faculty only or can a classified employee be considered
- return next week

Topic Contact Person