Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Koue Vang
Jeffrey Sacha
Adam Windham
Melissa Fish
Diana Garcia
Sumiah Alharasis
Yujiro Shimizu
Jeffrey Moran
Veronica Lopez
Jeffrey Sacha
Jessica Nelson
Diana Lopez
Joel Keebler
Brenda Valles
Tammi Driver

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Institutional Effectiveness Council
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: Monthly meeting of the ARC Institutional Effectiveness Council
DATE OF MEETING: 09/16/2024
TIME: 3:00pm
CALL-IN NUMBER:669 444 9171
CALL-IN CODE: 85419859834#
FACILITATOR(S): BJ Snowden/Jeff Sacha
Attached Files:
Sp24 SLO AARR by Department - Open Ended Comments
SLOAC Slides
AI Generated Summary of Themes
ARC Institutional Effectiveness Council Charter
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
Welcome and Introduction of New Committee Members BJ Snowden
New members (Brenda)
•	Brenda Valles
•	Melissa Fish
•	Jarvis Mills
•	Sumiah Alharasis
•	Omar Flores Hurtado (not here today)
Review of IEC Charter (please see attachment for supporting document) BJ Snowden
•	Brief discussion of how to take advantage of future opportunities, better utilize Council’s power
SLO Assessment Committee Update (please see multiple attachments for supporting documents) Jeff Moran
•	Reviewed membership; vacancies in adjunct faculty, Distance Ed, and Assoc. Student Body
•	Committee has grown, increased connections across campus, now meeting on campus
•	2024-25 Vision and Goals (developed at first SLOAC meeting) shared
o	Discussed differentiating SLOs between in-person and online modalities
	Less on the COR itself, and more about disaggregated evaluation of SLOs and recommendations for PD to support as needed and close DI gaps
o	Goal to build more buy-in from faculty and help college see the value of SLOAC
o	Vision is to have more visible and measurable impacts to the college
o	Continual focus on accreditation
•	SP24 AARR: open-ended question regarding facilities impact on instruction and student success
o	Detailed docs available, used AI to help summarize
o	No specific ask from SLOAC; discussion to avoid replicating the issues in PV1 with PV3
o	Jarvis: mentioned issues with restroom access from PV1 (access, sanitation)
	Related to SLOs, since students lose instructional time if restrooms are distant
ARC Strategic Plan Metrics Update Yuj Shimizu
•	Linked from ARC Data on Demand
•	Showed progress on all metrics for Goal #1, but 2030-31 goal has not yet been met for any
o	When disaggregated by race, equity gaps persist
•	For Goal #2, some goals met: enrollment goals, and certificate awards (likely Apprenticeship)
o	Some have also decreased: degree awards and transfers
•	For Goal #3, moderate improvement for all metrics
•	Discussed connection to accreditation
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
ARC Staffing Audit Several institutional problems have emerged this term related to staffing shortages at the administrative, faculty, and classified levels. To prevent future issues and to provide transparent communication to the campus, I propose an audit of all offices and departments on campus that will be shared as a report to ELT and made available to the campus. The report would include requests for staffing, current vacancies, and the timelines/status of current searches. Jeff Sacha 0
• High turnover in administration, faculty (full-time and part-time), classified staffing shortages
• Impacts to faculty and students due to these vacancies
• Proposed: shall we perform an audit to determine where vacancies exist and what the plan is to fill them?
o Discussion: How do we backfill staff when there is a temporary or sudden vacancy (jury duty, illness, sudden resignation)? How does our model support those vacancies?
o Discussion: How much of this is due to replacing staff and hiring issues? And how much is due to our new organizational structure?
o Proposed that we can get basic data on hiring impacts, including racial disaggregation
o Asked how do we make change? Should we at least measure the impact so we can report on the issue?
o Referenced remote work as a potential impact, and that staff hiring may be more difficult if remote work is not allowed. Negotiated each year, does not provide stability
o Discussed three possible project foci:
 How effectively we support students across modalities
 How hiring processes and their timelines impact institutional effectiveness
 How resilient our existing organizational structure against absences and resignations

Study of Failed Full-Time Faculty Searches This past academic year saw our campus fail 10 of the 22 full-time faculty searches we conducted. This high failure rate suggests the need for a study of the trends and processes that led to both successful and unsuccessful full-time faculty searches. I propose we study these failed searches to understand how to improve the institutional effectiveness of this vital College process. Jeff Sacha • 10 faculty searches out of 22 were failed last semester, impacting our ability to support students
• Proposed: that we do some research to find out why the searches were failed
• Concern: will the confidentiality of the process prevent us from being able to get the information we need?
• If we interview the committee chairs, and they say they followed the process, what further information do we have?
• Can we get the information we need from these interviews? What information can we glean from existing data (applicant demographics, etc.)?
• Desire to get broader data to observe trends in hiring practices, rather than a single snapshot.
• Proposed to interview committee members to get a sense of what worked well and what went wrong
• Can we get correlation with quantitative information (e.g. number of screening criteria, number of interview questions, weighting of criteria, etc.) and committee success?
• Suggested that we broaden this to look at effective hiring practices in general, so we’re not being so reactionary to this single set of committees.

Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
Topic Contact Person