Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Frank Kobayashi
Nicole Porter
Melanie Ortega
BJ Snowden
Hannah Blodgett
Carina Hoffpauir
Mikhail Drobot
Justin Tseng
Eliza Arata
Sharon Gott
Marianne Harris
Brian Knirk
Nimo Ali
David Shrope-Austin
Caroline Prieto
Allyson Joye
Tera Reynolds
Arthur Jenkins
Anthony Carter
Kim Herrell
Elizabeth Geisser
Dianne Cervantez
Maria Elena Pulido-Sepulveda

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Student Success Council
DATE OF MEETING: 12/05/2023
TIME: 1:00pm
CALL-IN NUMBER:1-669-900-6833
CALL-IN CODE: 895 3280 0273 (Meeting ID)
FACILITATOR(S): Frank Kobayashi & Marianne Harris
ASSISTANT: Mary Goodall
MEMBERS PRESENT: Eliza Arata, Dianne Cervantez, Mikhail Drobot, Sharon Gott, Marianne Harris, Kim Herrell, Allyson Joye, Frank Kobayashi, Nicole Porter, Caroline Prieto, Tera Reynolds, BJ Snowden, Nimo Ali, Hannah Blodgett, Mary Goodall, Jennifer Laflam, Angela Milano, Jessica Nelson, William Robey,
INVITED GUEST(S): Bill Simpson, Megan Bevens
Attached Files:
Proposal for New GE Pattern_Simpson
ARC’s Local AA/AS GE Pattern_Bevens
CSU GE Pattern_Bevens
IGETC GE Pattern_Bevens
Assembly Bills slideshow
Local GE Pattern Comparison_Simpson
Local and CalGETC GE Patterns_Simpson
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
Welcome Frank Kobayashi
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
Megan Bevens will share an overview of AB1111 and AB928 and speak to the difference between the current patterns (see attachments w/extension "Bevens") and speak to what's to come with Cal-GETC. In preparation, please bring any questions you may have about either bill, and review the current GE patterns in preparation. Here's a brief description of both bills: AB928 - will consolidate existing GE pathways for CCC students into a single pathway to CSUs or UCs. AB1111 - will require all California Community Colleges adopt a common course numbering system for all required general education courses and transfer pathway courses. Megan Bevens (available until 2pm) [AB 928] calls for the Implementation of a singular lower division general education pathway (called Cal-GETC) that meets transfer requirements for both CSU and UC systems. The transition will be confusing to students, please refer to counselors for the most up-to-date information.
- 34 units to complete
- starts Fall 2025
- This will connect to our 26 AA-T and AS-T degrees
- One less Arts & Humanities class requirement
- It will not have an Area E requirement
- No language other than English proficiency
- It will include the new Ethnic Studies requirement

Slides (under attached files) include accurate information and graphs pertaining to current requirements, greatest impacts, and upcoming changes.

[AB 1111] Common Course Numbering requires California Community Colleges to adopt a student-facing common course numbering system for all GE and Transfer Pathway courses was signed into law in 2021 and attempted a few times, most recently for July of 2024. However, and extension to 2027 has been submitted.
- New teams will be formed after the first of the year.
- This should come about in stages.

The slides have more information concerning this Bill as well; including links to meetings, reports, and presentations.

Bill Simpson will speak to the proposal the District Curriculum Coordinating Committee (DCCC) workgroup has generated in response to the California Community Colleges Board of Governors approval of a proposal to change the graduation requirements for associate degrees, which includes an updated general education (GE) pattern. In the attached proposal, you'll find the DCCC workgroup recommendations as well as their pro/cons for adding the following requirements: Living Skills, and American Institutions, as well as the option that would allow students a choice of GE Patterns. And here are some guiding questions Bill provided for consideration as you read the proposal: - As it regards the second recommendation, would students working on a local AA/AS degree benefit from having a choice of GE patterns? - Do you value American Institutions and Living Skills courses in terms of the benefits students get from taking them? If so, do you value them enough to require them for all students earning a local AA/AS degree? - Does the benefit to students outweigh the cost? If a student has met all of the degree requirements except one of those additional local requirements, should we tell them they cannot have a degree? - How does equity fit into the decision about including additional local GE requirements? How would our disproportionately impacted groups be affected by the decision? Would it benefit them? - How do we get input from students and from faculty outside of the departments that teach American Institutions and Living Skills? Bill Simpson Bill shared local GE comparison charts and new Title 5 Requirements to Cal-GETC (added to notes on 12/7).

At their core, the changes being considered are:
1) Should district require Living Skills be added as a graduation requirement?
2) Should district require American Institutions be added as a graduation requirement?
3) Should district offer students a choice of GE patterns?

GE patterns haven't been updated in decades; previous patterns weren't designed with an equity lens and don't reflect equity work that's been done.

Questions to consider when determining revisions include:
- As it regards the second recommendation, would students working on a local AA/AS degree benefit from having a choice of GE patterns?
- Do you value American Institutions and Living Skills courses in terms of the benefits students get from taking them? If so, do you value them enough to require them for all students earning a local AA/AS degree?
- Does the benefit to students outweigh the cost? - If a student has met all of the degree requirements except one of those additional local requirements, should we tell them they cannot have a degree?
- How does equity fit into the decision about including additional local GE requirements?
- How would our disproportionately impacted groups be affected by the decision? Would it benefit them?
- How do we get input from students and from faculty outside of the departments that teach American Institutions and Living Skills?

Future presentations on this content will take place at spring district convocation; Alisa Shubb (as District AS President) is working with district to develop website.

No analysis has been done to determine impact on FTE; Frank will add this task to his team's homework.
Homebase Update Nicole Porter & Frank Kobayashi The work in our Homebases has been guided by the work and recommendations of the HomeBase Resource Panels (part 1 and part 2).

At the conclusion of the Spring 2023 semester, the College was reorganized to align HomeBases and Areas of Interest. During the Fall 2023 semester, the HomeBase staff began to report to their respective instructional dean. Unfortunately, much of the work for HomeBase implementation was stalled as a result of the Davies closure.

The work of the HomeBases will be driven by the recommendations of the HomeBase Resource Panel recommendations. The work of the HomeBases will:

- Align with the Strategic Plan
- Focus on growth and success of DI groups
- Ensure that students not only get in the door, but complete with degrees and certificates.

Note: HomeBase counselors will not be reporting to Instructional Deans
Topic Contact Person
Professional Development Opportunities: Spring Program Review Training - Thursday, January 11 from 10:30am - 11:50am - Monday, January 22 from 3pm - 5pm In this training, we will share information and resources to support you and your department as you go through the Program Review process, including responding to ARC's new Program Review questions with a focus on equity. College Community Healing Spaces - POSTPONED - Tuesday, December 5 from 4pm - 6pm (space is limited to 16, a light meal will be served) - Thursday, December 14 from 9am - 11am (space is limited to 20, coffee and a light meal will be served) Following the online Processing Session, there will be additional small in-person gatherings held to offer an intentional space for healing and deeper processing of the grief and uncertainty that campus community members may be experiencing (related to the closure of Davies Hall). These gatherings will use a combination of individual, small and large group activities to support participants in healing and deeper processing while in the presence of community. For more information and registration, access the Fall Online PD Document: