Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Frank Kobayashi
Nicole Porter
Melanie Ortega
BJ Snowden
Hannah Blodgett
Carina Hoffpauir
Mikhail Drobot
Justin Tseng
Eliza Arata
Sharon Gott
Marianne Harris
Brian Knirk
Nimo Ali
David Shrope-Austin
Caroline Prieto
Allyson Joye
Tera Reynolds
Arthur Jenkins
Anthony Carter
Kim Herrell
Elizabeth Geisser
Dianne Cervantez
Maria Elena Pulido-Sepulveda

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Student Success Council
DATE OF MEETING: 11/07/2023
TIME: 1:00pm
CALL-IN NUMBER:1-669-900-6833
CALL-IN CODE: 895 3280 0273 (Meeting ID)
FACILITATOR(S): Frank Kobayashi & Marianne Harris
ASSISTANT: Mary Goodall
MEMBERS PRESENT: Eliza Arata, Dianne Cervantez, Mikhail Drobot, Liz Geisser, Sharon Gott, Marianne Harris, Arthur Jenkins, Allyson Joye, Brian Knirk, Frank Kobayashi, Nicole Porter, Tera Reynolds, Nimo Ali, Hannah Blodgett, Anthony Carter, Mary Goodall, Jennifer Laflam, Angela Milano, William Robey, Kim Herrell
INVITED GUEST(S): Bill Zangeneh-Lester
Attached Files:
DRAFT - Student Success Charter
DSPS Survey - Employee
DSPS Survey - Student
Statement from the American Academy of Religion's (AAR) --the professional organization that most scholars of religion belong to---on the crisis in Israel and Palestine
Department of Humanities and Religious Studies' (Oct 12) statement from on the crisis in Israel and Palestine
Discrimination form
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
Welcome and introduction of newest member: Maria Elena Pulido- Sepulveda Community Health Worker for Tribal Health Native American Resource Center Frank Kobayashi
Welcome question: What are you binge watching right now, or what's a book you can recommend?
Welcome and introduction of newest member: Maria Elena Pulido- Sepulveda Community Health Worker for Tribal Health Native American Resource Center Frank Kobayashi
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
2023 Student and Employee DSPS Survey Results This is a follow-up to our conversations in the last two meetings about how the college serves students who have disabilities and their feelings of inclusion at the college. ARC distributed CCCCO DSPS surveys to employees and students in October in cooperation with Joe Rust. Attached are the results, and Joe Rust is aware they are being shared with the Council. I will briefly summarize the results and share related PD ideas in development with the Council. There will be opportunity for the Council to give input based on PD that could increase the inclusivity of students with disabilities at the college. Jen Laflam The State Chancellor's office survey had parameters in place concerning how many surveys went out, the questions asked, etc.

There was an employee survey (faculty and staff) that had an 24% return rate.

The student survey was sent to current and previous students of which there was a 5% overall, and 12% of current students.

Professional Development will work to integrate DSPS workshops into the training portfolio.

Concerns/Questions include:
- Low response rate considering the number of students w/disabilities on campus. Will another survey be distributed in attempt to reach more students?

- Some students unsure of where/how to file a complaint form. Dr. Nicole Porter is Title IX officer and can field complaints. Area deans can also support with the filing of complaints

- What are additional next steps for staff?
- Additional training?

- Decision makers of the college need to have that discussion
- There's a synergistic relationship between PD and SSC, so discussion items like help identify opportunities for professional development -- more to come
Dr. Bill Zangeneh-Lester looks forward to discussing the following questions with the Student Success Council: What impacts are the crisis in Israel and Palestine having on our students and staff? What can be done to ensure a safer campus climate that is resistant to rising rates of Antisemitism and Islamophobia? How can the Department of Humanities and Religious Studies and the Student Success Council lend support during these difficult times? Bill Zangeneh-Lester (1:30pm) Dr. Bill Zangeneh-Lester shared the following
-Religious Studies is a research based discipline.
- 2019 had the highest level of Antisemitism since tracking began in the '70's.
- 2016 was the worst time for Islamophobia since 9/11.
- Keep in mind that students and staff with these identities may be overstressed, under slept, bullied and we need to be mindful of that.
- We at ARC are opposed to all bullying.
-We don't need to be political experts to stand against Antisemitism and Islamophobia.

Department of Humanities and Religious Studies:
1) rejects hatred in
all it's forms
2) is committed to promoting religious literacy and support a safe campus climate

Jen Laflam, Hannah Blodgett, and Victoria Flores (Dean of Health Services at District Office are working to develop messaging so students know:
1) colleges are aware that something is going on that has impacted students
2) offer and publicize mental health resources available to students
3) to make sure students know where they can go to report
4) draft an interest survey to get a feel about other kinds of space students might need for support (e.g. processing sessions w/counselor, etc.)

Students who don’t hear messaging are left to make up their own or social media
- At Student Senate, one of the disappointments was how long it's taken for something to be said; stark contrast to responsiveness to other events that have taken place on campus (e.g. bathroom event).

How can the Department and SSC lend support?
- Ask how students are doing/do they need support?
- Recognize that trust is missing and restoring it (with a statement) could help restore that

OER Resource Panel Following their October presentation, Sarah and Kate asked if the SSC would consider creating an OER Resource Panel* to explore how to make it easier for students to get print copies of their OERs. They offered to serve on the panel and included a potential list of representatives from the following areas to be considered: - Printing services - Instructional faculty - Student services - The bookstore - A dean who has experience with this issue * To learn more about Resource Panels, access the following link: Frank Kobayashi The council expressed interest in having a Resource Panel.

Suggestion made to have that panel informed by student data to be collected re: OER use

At a future meeting, a draft resource panel charter will be presented to
Student Success Charter A recommendation was made to add the Vice President of Student Services and Equity to the SSC charter to serve as one of 3 co-chairs. In preparation for the discussion, a draft version of the Charter is attached. Members, please review and add your comments to the DRAFT and be prepared to contribute your suggestions and thoughts to the discussion. Marianne Harris Discussion continued. Requests for considerations included:
- if a second admin is added to chair, add another faculty/classified member for balance
- chairs could alternate roles

Questions posed:
- What does it mean to be chair?
- Is scheduling such a major deterrent to having more than 2 co-chairs?
Topic Contact Person
Bias response team update DI reports WAC