Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Nicole Porter
Angela Milano
Melanie Ortega
BJ Snowden
Hannah Blodgett
Narinedat Madramootoo
Mikhail Drobot
Eliza Arata
Francisco Chima Sanchez
Marianne Harris
Brian Knirk
Laketa Johnson
Daniel Alexander
Caroline Prieto
Caterina Falli
Tera Reynolds
Arthur Jenkins
Anthony Carter
Kim Herrell
Brenda Valles
Liz Geisser
Dianne Cervantez
Maria Elena Pulido-Sepulveda
Soraya Amin
Catherine Murillo

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Student Success Council
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: Discuss current events on campus and how that is affects areas served by this council
DATE OF MEETING: 09/19/2023
TIME: 1:00pm
CALL-IN NUMBER:1-669-900-6833
CALL-IN CODE: 895 3280 0273 (Meeting ID)
FACILITATOR(S): Frank Kobayashi & Marianne Harris
ASSISTANT: Mary Goodall
MEMBERS PRESENT: Eliza Arata, Liz Geisser, Marianne Harris, Kim Herrell, Arthur Jenkins, Allyson Joye, Brian Knirk, Frank Kobayashi, Nicole Porter, Caroline Prieto, Tera Reynolds, David Shrope-Austin, BJ Snowden, Hannah Blodgett, Anthony Carter, Mary Goodall, Jennifer Laflam, Dianne Cervantes
Attached Files:
Institutional Equity Plan (pg 11 in doc)
Strategic Plan
Update: New Student Notifications
Governance and Participation Charter
Participatory Governance...Framework (2017)
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
Welcome - New Member(s): Dianne Cervantes, Student Support Specialist Frank Kobayashi
Request for instructors to be notified when a student adds after the first day of classes by some kind of push notification (email, canvas alert, etc.,). Challenge: It's hard to help students get caught up if instructors don't even know they have new students who might be in this situation. Marianne Harris
Alisa Shubb, District Academic Senate President, has submitted this request to district IT as a priority via its IDEA process.
She offered to follow up asap and next steps may include an AS statement of support.
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
Davies Hall Closure All of us have experienced impact from last week's closure of Davies Hall, and the spectrum of what folks felt as a result is as diverse as we are. Navigating our way through will take time and support. So, here are a few questions to help us begin: What ways can SSC support the Davies Hall community of employees and students? What do students need? What do employees need? What does SSC need to be aware of to do its work of supporting student success? Marianne Harris Several items were brought up and shared, these will be bullets below:
- There is a concern about scheduling; looking elsewhere in district for those class locations, moving Davies classes to 2nd round picks
- Some classes are imperative to be held on-ground (like Speech). Please note these first.
- Look at course corrections (where there are issues, but no other space would suffice)
- Some classes will move to portable next week.
- Phase III - looking for office space for instructors

- Itemize school inventory
- Hold Davies Hall classes wherever we can
- Evaluate the current emergency level needs for classes
- Prioritize 3 unit classes
- Be thoughtful about scheduling; request for campus community to share the burden

From students' perspective: via Kevin Hill
- Provide clear communication
- Get through the immediate needs
- Thank leadership for handling this with poise and grace
- Modality via Zoom for those that cannot come to campus
- Offer to drop classes w/full refund if this has altered the ability to complete assignments

Have questions about SSC and/or your role in it? We're devoting the last 30 minutes of today's meeting to support on-boarding new and newish members, as well as anyone else who'd like to join in, so bring your questions about SSC with you today! Frank Kobayashi & Marianne Harris The questions raised were:

- How do I know which council serves my question/need, so I can go to the right place?
- How do we start conversations with councils?
- Can Classified and students be compensated to increase likelihood of participation?
- Can the practices in the sustainability report be a part of SSC? All Council considerations?
- Why isn't VPSS part of SSC leadership? Tri-Chair model?
Topic Contact Person
OTHER INFORMATION: Contributions shared in a separate conversation include: - How can we increase governance participation so folks feel there are organized places for influencing change (perhaps through the on-boarding process?) - Consider BIPOC tax in conversations related to resourcing and supporting DI populations getting more voices in Governance - Students can be compensated and faculty get release time, but what can be done to promote the voices of Classified Professionals in the Governance Process?