Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Frank Kobayashi
Nicole Porter
Melanie Ortega
BJ Snowden
Hannah Blodgett
Carina Hoffpauir
Mikhail Drobot
Justin Tseng
Eliza Arata
Sharon Gott
Marianne Harris
Brian Knirk
Nimo Ali
David Shrope-Austin
Caroline Prieto
Allyson Joye
Tera Reynolds
Arthur Jenkins
Anthony Carter
Kim Herrell
Elizabeth Geisser
Dianne Cervantez
Maria Elena Pulido-Sepulveda

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Student Success Council
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: Providing input, feedback, coordination, and project management support for all aspects of the College that impact student success and learning.
DATE OF MEETING: 02/21/2023
TIME: 1:00pm
CALL-IN NUMBER:1 669 900 6833
CALL-IN CODE: 980 2359 2402
FACILITATOR(S): Marianne Harris
ASSISTANT: Mary Goodall
MEMBERS PRESENT: Eliza Arata, Sharon Gott, Marianne Harris, Allyson Joye, Veronica Lopez, Caroline Prieto, Tera Reynolds, David Shrope-Austin, Nimo Ali, Mary Goodall,
Attached Files:
Foundation Scholarships - Eligibility
Executive Summary - Student Retention
Math Department - Response to Student Retention Rates Summary
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
Check In: What's the last thing you recommended to someone? Marianne Harris
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
Monthly Research Executive Summary -- follow up on "Student Retention" Chris Olson & Marianne Harris - Chris Olson joined us to follow up on data presented at the previous meeting.
- Chris shared that Executive Summaries offer a 30k foot view of the question asked; they're a starting point designed to spark discussion and further/refined exploration.
- The 2/13 Beaver Bites included a Presidents Update with some information on retention that caused concern in that it appears as though some policy decisions are being made on data that "should be a starting point" for discussion
- Faculty discussed this in area meetings and asked for more information using a "researcher lens" (see attached Math Department doc)
- Members suggested adding context and mentioning the questions, focus, and reasons behind the Executive Summary would be helpful for clarifying and understanding of data
- Is it possible to provide a list of upcoming queries so members could potentially frame questions around those areas of focus to be included? This might help bring it from a 30k foot view to something more accessible.
- Members also interested in knowing: the context and theme driving queries, ARC's comparison to other comparable colleges
- Members expressed feelings of data fatigue: In 2013, 85k students enrolled; now 46k -- the slide has been happening for a long time; faculty feel they are being held at fault for the measured declines and are being asked, what are you going to do about it, as if faculty are wholly responsible. Need clear data to identify systematic issues contributing to our students' struggles so the college as a whole can directly address what's within its control.
- Need to contact students directly and find out from them why they aren't returning; what factors are contributing to them not returning that the college can address, and which are beyond our control?
Los Rios Foundation Scholarships - Students pursuing certificates are not eligible to apply. Veronica Lopez A Faculty member shared a concern regarding ARC Scholarship opportunities.
- On the Los Rios Colleges Foundation web page under “Can I apply for a scholarship if I am working toward a certificate and not a degree.” It states “ARC students must be working on an AA or AS degree to be eligible for scholarships.”
- This requirement of working toward an AA or AS degree is not the case for CRC, FLC, or SCC. So obtaining funding is different for our students.
- Our chairs are working to gather more information from the LRCCD Scholarship team.
Communications Panel - Update Jessica Nelson
Topic Contact Person