Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Nicole Porter
Angela Milano
Melanie Ortega
BJ Snowden
Hannah Blodgett
Narinedat Madramootoo
Mikhail Drobot
Eliza Arata
Francisco Chima Sanchez
Marianne Harris
Brian Knirk
Laketa Johnson
Daniel Alexander
Caroline Prieto
Caterina Falli
Tera Reynolds
Arthur Jenkins
Anthony Carter
Kim Herrell
Brenda Valles
Liz Geisser
Dianne Cervantez
Maria Elena Pulido-Sepulveda
Soraya Amin
Catherine Murillo

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Student Success Council
DATE OF MEETING: 10/04/2022
TIME: 1:00pm
CALL-IN NUMBER:1 669 900 6833
CALL-IN CODE: 994 1948 7724
FACILITATOR(S): Frank Kobayashi and Marianne Harris
ASSISTANT: Cesar Reyes
MEMBERS PRESENT: Jennifer Laflam, Frank Kobayashi, Anthony Carter, Ally Joye, Jessica Nelson, Connie Ayala, Veronica Lopez, Hannah Blodgett, Mickhail Drobot, Adam Windham, Nimo Ali, Raquel Arata, Sharon Gott, BJ Snowden, Tera Reynolds, Marianne Harris, Jeffrey Stephenson, Parrish Geary
Attached Files:
Checklist for Sustaining Institution-Wide Racial Equity
Undocumented Week of Action
Draft UndocuScholar Advisory Committee
SSC Communications
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
Check In Frank Kobayashi and Marianne Harris
New member: Anthony Carter from Business HomeBase. 

A Language you have always wanted to learn? 
Check In - What language have you always wanted to learn? Frank Kobayashi and Marianne Harris
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
UndocuScholar check in Veronica Lopez Undocu week of action 10/17 - 10/21. Dreamer Liason, Catherine, they will do a soft opening of the Undocu resource connection - 10/20. 10am - 11:30am.

Request to look at the Charter as defined as Work Group to provide clarity.

Request for BJ, Jen, and Veronica to set-up a meeting to discuss further.
Website Data Scott Crow Where to start: Bucky the chatbot would misdirect students or not be relevant.

Can we add a mini survey "was this helpful"? Product team is working on.

Is there a review processes? That is something that is being looked at as well.

Suggestions for improvements.

Original questions for Scott from Marianne:

Response types generally gievn: Knowledge base, suggestion, or search.

Look at the I don't know answers to see trends or questions that are not covered to create a custom question.

We see all of the questions., but most focus is on IDK questions.

Website search box doesn't work very well. Is there an opportunity for a group to regular seeing what students are asking. Website team is looking to upgrade search.

Request for top 10 results and results for questions from last month.
Bias Response Team check in/status update Parrish Geary Establish/addressed the 8 points required of the charter to complete.

Reviewing 7 of 8. Established their goals, differences between discipline officers, as well as title IX.

November 1st deadline to read and review. Then turned over to the committee to decide how to do this work.

Team comprised of? Diversity equity officer, affinity groups (nursing, counseling, instruction, student services), police officer. Break down in report of various recommendations (best fits based on research).
90 Day Outreach - update Hannah and Jeff State funding/one-time funds to increase enrollment numbers and retention.

Consulting group - Gravenburg group worked with the colleges to create the 90-day Outreach Plan.

90-day Outreach Forum was held on 9/20 to provide input from college campus.

Upcoming planning retreats with invitations to college community to engage with that.

Any themes? A lot of suggestions on marketing and branding ourselves/making ourselves known/what programs we offer.

Funnel issues from application to first day of class: Investment in retainment and support widening that funnel.

So many components in FA and how it affects students retention. Need of materials in various languages for the students we serve especially for critical documents.

Engaging with a language interpreting service. Currently piloting to assess cost and usage.

Tracking enrollment of what students prefer from virtual vs in person? It is being tracked by the instructional deans every day.

Does district send an acceptance letter to students when they apply? Can we send a tangible letter? We need to get back to those fundamental needs.

District wide Customer Relations Management work group to work on centralizing our communications and tracking that information. To capture student data and information so we can follow up. To track a lot of data, district-wide. Outlining the goals and what we want that tool to completely do.

Community partners from one of these transportation organizations to weigh in on this 90 day outreach plan? Good idea!

DEI reports been used to tap into these 90-day plan? Given those reports to the consulting group to integrate those ideas into the plan.

Revisions and suggestions are welcome!
Student Communications and the SSC Jessica Nelson Presentation provided.

Communication not great to students. Too generic, no personal touch. How can we engage with students?
Topic Contact Person
Undocuscholar committee Charter conversation to define group.