Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Frank Kobayashi
Nicole Porter
Melanie Ortega
BJ Snowden
Hannah Blodgett
Carina Hoffpauir
Mikhail Drobot
Justin Tseng
Eliza Arata
Sharon Gott
Marianne Harris
Brian Knirk
Nimo Ali
David Shrope-Austin
Caroline Prieto
Allyson Joye
Tera Reynolds
Arthur Jenkins
Anthony Carter
Kim Herrell
Elizabeth Geisser
Dianne Cervantez
Maria Elena Pulido-Sepulveda

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Student Success Council
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: Discuss agenda items
DATE OF MEETING: 04/19/2022
TIME: 1:00pm
CALL-IN NUMBER:+1 669 900 6833
CALL-IN CODE: 998 5611 0100
FACILITATOR(S): Frank Kobayashi, Sarah Lehmann, Marianne Harris
ASSISTANT: Beth Madigan
MEMBERS PRESENT: Sharon Gott, Marianne Harris, Carina Hoffpauir, Allyson Joye, Frank Kobayashi, Jennifer Laflam, Sarah Lehmann, Jazzie Muganzo Murphy, Tera Reynolds, Raquel Arata, Pamela Chao, Mikhail Drobot, Beth Madigan, Jeff Stephenson, Angie Velarde-Burch
INVITED GUEST(S): Yujiro Shimizu
Attached Files:
Draft: Student Success Council Charter 2022-2025
A Checklist for Sustaining Institution-Wide Racial Equity
Comparison of ARC Employees of Color and ARC White Employees on the Fall 2019 ARC Institutional Campus Climate Survey - March 2022 Re-Analysis
LimeSurvey - 2022 Los Rios Campus Climate Survey v3
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
Check in: what's something fun you did over the weekend or over spring break? Sarah Lehmann, Frank Kobayashi
Check in completed.
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
SSC Charter revision & approval. Review the latest updates to the SSC draft charter. Do we approve the 2022-2025 charter as revised? After we approve it, it will go to ELT for final approval to become our official 2022-2025 charter. Sarah Lehmann 0
The draft presented to the Council incorporates the feedback from members. Clarification about counselors being included under faculty members. Consensus to move the new 3-year Student Success Council Charter forward to the Executive Leadership Team for final approval.
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
(Time-specific: Begins at 1pm) The ARC Student Campus Climate Survey was launched last week. Once the survey closes, ARC's Research Office will begin analyzing the data according to our College's priorities. Yuj and Jen will share what the climate survey is, and we will also discuss how College use the data generated by the climate survey tp further our equity priorities and goals. Please see the two PDF attachments on this topic. Jen Laflam, Yujiro Shimizu Data from the 2019 ARC Institutional Campus Climate Survey can be used to compare data from an ARC Student Campus Climate Survey rolled out in early April 2022. The student survey asked questions about A Checklist for Sustaining Institution-Wide Racial Equity. Please review section 2 of the checklist: "Language." team spirit, are you proud of your college, safety, student success and overall educational experience.

Overall findings of data analyzed and presented from the 2019 Institutional Campus Climate Survey confirmed that ARC's employees of color (EOC) were less likely to agree about topics such as "am I satisfied with my job?", "is teaching and learning equitable?" and "is equity, inclusion and social justice applied fairly?" than their white counterparts. In addition, perceptions of the primary work location that ranked "hostile to friendly," "racist to non-racist," and "competitive to cooperative," were viewed as more hostile, more racist and more competitive by employees of color than white employees. EOC reported more frequent microaggressions. These data align with national data on these topics.

Surveys such as the 2019 ARC Institutional Campus Climate Survey and 2022 ARC Student Campus Climate Survey give powerful snapshots of culture at ARC. Surveys conducted every two years will collect and analyze relevant data to be used to identify patterns and trends, and to meet the goal of becoming a data-informed institution.

Presentations and Executive Summaries created from these data that are clear, digestible and packaged as a shared visual will be starting points for future discussions.

A Checklist for Sustaining Institution-Wide Racial Equity. Please review section 2 of the checklist: "Language." We will continue to discuss how this checklist can help our Council be more equity-minded and effective as we review College policies, processes, and programs. Please come prepared to share questions, observations, and/or a "golden line" from the section. Sarah Lehmann, Frank Kobayashi, Marianne Harris A Checklist for Sustaining Institution-Wide Racial Equity from the Center of Urban Education is being discussed by section by members. "Language" was the section discussed at this meeting. Comments about deficit-mindedness thinking, how coded language is still used in federal grant titles and programs to describe "at risk" persons, that faculty may not understand why the origin of words matter.
Time for discussion of various important questions raised during the last few meetings related to how we plan and assess our work as a Council: --How can the SSC share it's work more effectively with the rest of the College? Could we provide more ways to get input from those outside the Council? --How do we assess our work and our effectiveness as a Council? Are we meeting the goals outlined in our Charter? --How to we assess the success of our project teams that we "sponsor?" What does it mean to support a project team? --How do the teams know what support is available? --The idea of double loop learning seems important, where you study a situation, make changes to address the root causes of the situation, assess those changes, and make new changes as needed in an ongoing cycle. Question #1: How can the Student Success Council (SCC) share it's work more effectively with the rest of the College and how would one bring something to the Council? Comments included that the SCC has members who report out to the Academic Senate and the Classified Senate and instructors can partner with research.

Question #2: How do we assess our work and our effectiveness as a Council? Are we meeting the goals outlined in our Charter? This is a more difficult question to answer so a recommendation to outsource this to a consultant and to add an equity lens to the assessment tool used to evaluate the Council.

Question #3: How to we assess the success of our project teams that we "sponsor?" What does it mean to support a project team? Feedback included double loop learning to make systemic changes, review the previous assessment done by the SCC, how do we avoid business as usual and to use IGOR as a repository to name a few.

Topic Contact Person