Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Frank Kobayashi
Nicole Porter
Melanie Ortega
BJ Snowden
Hannah Blodgett
Carina Hoffpauir
Mikhail Drobot
Justin Tseng
Eliza Arata
Sharon Gott
Marianne Harris
Brian Knirk
Nimo Ali
David Shrope-Austin
Caroline Prieto
Allyson Joye
Tera Reynolds
Arthur Jenkins
Anthony Carter
Kim Herrell
Elizabeth Geisser
Dianne Cervantez
Maria Elena Pulido-Sepulveda

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Student Success Council
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: Discuss professional development, employee retention, online forms, accreditation, and DI project teams updates.
DATE OF MEETING: 09/15/2020
TIME: 1:00pm
FACILITATOR(S): Frank Kobayashi, Sarah Lehmann
ASSISTANT: Beth Madigan
MEMBERS PRESENT: Carina Hoffpauir, Adam Karp, Frank Kobayashi, Sarah Lehmann, Adam Windham, Vicki Alonso, Susan Andre, Raquel Arata, Pamela Chao, Jennifer Laflam, Beth Madigan, Jeffrey Stephenson, Nisha Beckhorn, Ramses Galvez, Afsoon Aflaki
Attached Files:
ARC Equity Framework
Draft PD & Training Map
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
Check In Frank Kobayashi
Introductions and ice breaker question.
Online Forms Update Jeff Stephenson
Student Petitions that are electronic now include: 1) late drops; 2) late additions; 3) exceeds units; and 4) course repetition. Level One approvers may access PeopleSoft to follow student progress. Deans are level one approvers. Questions were posed about PeopleSoft's capacity and research is needed about the following: 1) how many level one approvers  PeopleSoft can handle and whether there is a need to rotate faculty off during the summer to make room for 77+ counselors, AAs, deans; 2) rerouting a petition to another approver if main approver is not available; 3) closing the loop once a petition is either approved or denied; 4) detailed instructions on workflow; 5) additional ways for students to find petitions online; 6) can Pre-requisite Challenge Forms have own tile in student's eservices or be added to title under "other resources?" 

District is taking the lead on student petition training videos.  Suggestions that any IT or training group include staff and students to help design workflow and other processes and whether an internship position be created for ARC students to assist IT team in creation of videos and to test petition workflow?
Accreditation Update Adam Karp
Accreditation Project Team is one of three Teams. A kick off with Team Members was held on August 31, 2020 where an organizational document was shared. This document was shown to Council Members which included 120+ standards for which evidence is being collected, member assignments and deadlines. The goal is to provide a draft ISER accreditation report for approval by Spring. This is a 2 year project coordinated across all 4 colleges and the District culminating with a final decision on accreditation by the Commission in January 2023.  The Student Success Council oversees collecting evidence for Standard II and will be meeting to discuss tasks and expectations soon.
DI Project Teams status updates Frank Kobayashi
Both Charters for the two DI Project Teams were approved by the Executive Leadership Team, and the API Team is ready to be renamed. A status update will be made available later this semester.
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
What is the status update of Professional Development? Please see attached document regarding PD strategies. Jen Laflam, Pam Chao, and Nick Daily Professional Development (PD) strategies, current progress and future projects outlined in the Draft PD & Training Map document as well as the ARC Equity Framework illustrating the Institutional/Personal/Professional overlapping circles were reviewed with Council Members including the following: 1) On Boarding series which addresses competencies for constituent groups of classified staff, full-time faculty, adjunct faculty and administrators; 2) Classified Equity Institute is slated for Spring 2021; 3) Actionable Equity in Leadership will focus on governance and "standing committees" this semester and in Spring semester; 4) Program Review with Equity Lens; 5) Foundations of Equity Series; 6) Individual Data Faculty Discussions; 7) Applied Allyship series kicked off with focus on American Indians and will include Black/African Americans and Latinx possibly in 2021; 8) Best Practitioner Inquiry Group is focused on classroom instruction based on data and ARC's needs to begin in Spring 2021; 9) Common Read has been offered for two years and may be offered as a podcast series; 01) Community Conversation; 11) HyFlex; and 12) Flex Week will continue as a structured professional development offering to maintain its venue in January and August each year.

The two main facilitators of ARC's PD strategies emphasized that PD is most effective in maintaining its gains and growing its capacity, especially in the area of equity, when incorporated into the larger context of district priorities and with an ongoing district commitment of resources - especially during times of financial instability and during times of budget cuts. To grow capacity at ARC, a facilitation group initiated by the Office of Equity & Inclusion under the Center of Teaching & Learning umbrella needs clear messaging on ARC's priorities followed by the resources to implement the priority strategies.

Working remotely has had an unintended consequence of allowing many more people to participate in professional development classes, sessions and series. Zoom meetings offer an enhanced method for break out sessions which are proving very effective.
Disproportionate impact in employee retention and its effects on African American, Native American, and Latinx students. How does the college try to meet the specific needs of Black/African American, Native American, and Latinx students when it makes decisions regarding personnel and resource allocation? Does the College have an employee retention strategy focused on employees of color? If not, what should such a strategy include? For example, collecting disaggregated race and gender data on employees who leave the college, conducting exit interviews, and engaging in double loop learning to examine and change the practices that may affect retention of employees of color. Please see attached ARC Equity Framework (page 11) document - particularly "institutional equity." Jen Laflam ARC's Employee Retention Plan needs to include data-informed strategies to address the disproportionate impact of not retaining employees of color and specifically address the impact on Black/African American, Native American, and Latinx students. Suggestions included: 1) implementing exit interviews to provide some data points, but District Human Resources does not have a practice in place for these, and is working on an exit survey; 2) implement double loop learning so the results of decisions are clearer; 3) create a new support infrastructure comprised of faculty and staff of color to take the pressure off individual departments' efforts to welcome, integrate and retain new employees of color.
Topic Contact Person
1) President's Executive Staff (PES) response to Update on suggested strategies to address the disproportionate impact in retention of employees of color. 2) ARC Draft of Equitable Decisionmaking