Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Frank Kobayashi
Nicole Porter
Lisa Cardoza
Koue Vang
Brian Knirk
Veronica Lopez
David McCusker
Elizabeth Geisser
Mary Goodall
Caitlyn Spencer
Kaitlyn Collignon
Kimberly Bossman
Kevin Hill
Alisa Shubb
Jeffrey Sacha
Mary Goodall
Marianne Harris
BJ Snowden
Amanda Lewis
Alicia Szutowicz-Fitzpatrick

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Executive Leadership Team
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: To update the ELT on preparations for the accreditation self-study; review the 2019-20 ELT calendar of project team deliverables; and discuss myriad aspects of the current COVID-19 situation.
DATE OF MEETING: 03/02/2020
TIME: 3:00pm-5:00pm
LOCATION/ROOM #: Admin Conference Room
FACILITATOR(S): Thomas Greene
MEMBERS PRESENT: Aesha Abduljabbar, BonnyJean Bowman, Kevin Hill, Amy Gaudard, Thomas Greene, Adam Karp, Frank Kobayashi, Olga Prizhbilov, Alisa Shubb, William Simpson, Tressa Tabares, Scott Crow, Kuldeep Kaur, Susan McCoy, Jeffrey Stephenson
INVITED GUEST(S): Kevin Hill - CAEB President
Attached Files:
ELT Draft Notes 02.18.20
2019-20 Project Team Reading Schedules
Draft Accreditation Project Team Membership
Operations Council Charter 2018-2021
Institutional Effectiveness Council Charter 2018-2021
Student Success Council Charter 2017-2020
Draft Accreditation Project Team Charter
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
Council Chairs and/or Co-Chairs will provide an update on the work of their Councils, including efforts of their respective project Teams Chairs and/or Co-Chairs
Operations Council
- reviewed emergency preparedness plan; district contracted w/outside consulting firm to update plan; reviewing and will provide feedback; action at March meeting; upcoming ELT agenda item; 
- received safety update, fire drills, and officer rotation
- guidelines for everyone on exchange distribution list; finalized at march meeting; ELT April agenda item
- Tech Ed and Natomas are in architecture planning process
- keys and access requests now with Operations (moved from College Police)
- stadium lighting project bids are being received; project completed by September
- wayfinding project
- Health & Wellness Center move
- IT:  Office 19 installed over summer
- will be sponsoring project team to  update technology plan; coming to April ELT Mtg
- first reading of Sustainability Project Team recommendations; recommendation to read current draft plan from OC agenda
- campus art:  develop guidelines; looking for what’s currently available at other institutions

Student Success Council
- ongoing conversations and updates regarding HomeBase
- Latinx student conversation programmatically if HSIIS institution
- AB 705
- update from Dee Dee on Health & Wellness Center
- project team updates:  on track with enrollment management; DI a little behind schedule
- homebase update:  looking at organizational models for leadership and oversight; agreements on baseline services; continuing conversation on organizational, tech, locations, roles
- future items:  homebase updates, textbook affordability, professional development

Institutional Effectiveness Council
- updates to annual unit planning system; more robust data set provided
- governance schedule of deliverables
- sharing campus climate survey results prior to spring break
- update on professional development project team
- upcoming project team for accreditation self-evaluation team
- all draft charters for 2020-21 project teams should be coming to April ELT meeting
- time to renew/revise council charters; recommendation to have councils review charters at next their meeting
Constituency group representatives from the ASB, Classified Senate, Management and Academic Senate will provide brief updates on their current efforts Appropriate Leads
Associated Student Body
- thank you for working to benefit students, keeping them updating
- exciting project coming at the next ELT meeting
- creating student government program at Natomas Center
- elections for student government officers
- Club Day on 3/19
- financial literacy program for students

- FLC hosted 4CS event last week
- nominations for officers due last week
- elections in a few weeks
- classified temp training 
- classified temp of the month and student employee of the month awards
- Asilomar Leadership seminar – possibly making it a PD event for classified professionals on campus

- reports starting to be heard
- governance process is still new to some folks; recommendation to continue with training modules at the start of each semester
- possible training for academic and classified senates and students that explains our governance process with explanation of how senate standing committees fit into the process; how do information and decisions flow through the system; focus more on what we do now as opposed to explaining what we used to do and what we do now; invites senates to training at the start of the semester
- include Classified Senate on IGOR

- dealing with coronavirus:  using videoconferencing to update ALC with new information; employee questions should be directed to their direct supervisor; student questions and concerns should be directed to Scott
- faculty hiring and six classified positions related to HomeBases
- Vice President of Instruction and ARC President searches
- Kuldeep moving to Yuba CCD as Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services; she’ll be on campus through end of April
- interim announcement coming out in March
A brief update will be provided on upcoming accreditation training for the ELT scheduled for March 18th 9-10am. The role of the ELT in the Accreditation process will be highlighted. Additionally, the updated Accreditation Self-Study Project Team Charter will be reviewed and the annual ACCJC report will be discussed. (attachments forthcoming) Adam Karp
- district-wide training on the March 17 - orientation to new process
- project team and ELT members will be invited to one-hour training on the 18th
- ARC will be first cohort for new process
- 10-11 am will be open forum for general overview of process
- ACCJC VP’s are now liaisons to the colleges; serve as resource person throughout the entire process
- project team charter:  changes in membership from last ELT mtg; Adam and Bill lead/co-lead 
- reviewed standards
- discuss Standard 4 prior to Thomas leaving
- appointments prior to the 18th 
- classified representation on 2C

- ACCJC annual report:  every March two reports are due to ACCJC
- templates received last month and webinar coming up
- Yuj already reviewing data
- due at end of month
A brief update will be provided on the schedule of deliverables/action items for the remainder of the 2019-20 academic year. (attachment) Adam Karp
schedule reviewed
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
Approval of 2/3/20 notes Thomas Greene Approved
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
What steps have been taken over the last week in responding to and preparing for the impact of the COVID-19 situation? What other steps should the college and/or district consider from the perspective of ELT members and/or their constituents? Thomas Greene and Project Lead(s) Background
- late Wednesday evening college notified
- Solano patient brought to UCD
- ARC & CRC students exposed – one paramedic and one respiratory care
- students self-quarantined
- notice sent to campus on Thursday
- team brought together including Dee Dee Gilliam, Gabe Ross, Melanie Dixon, Scott Crow, and Chief Savidge
- SCC students exposed
- FAQ site developed
- District is taking their direction from State and Sacramento County Public Health agencies
- protocols are hygiene
- increasing surface disinfecting protocols across campus
- not shaking hands
- study abroad program suspended: some students may decide to stay on their own; all classes will be offered online
- a few requests to turn all courses online
- students and staff fearful: Dee Dee and colleges nurses can have personal conversations
- questions and protocols will be developed for if/when an ARC student or employee becomes infected
- pivoting towards deeper preparation for long-term impact

Current Information
- media seems to be overblown
- it’s a virus just like any other, possibly a little more potent
- risk of dying is quite low; risk of contraction is low
- concern that student came back to campus after exposure
- possibility of student contracting who is working at UCD is very, very low; hospital protocols already in place
- basic hygiene and increased cleaning protocols
- fear turning to anxiety is more contagious than the virus
- faculty expressed frustration when college closed due to fire – DE classes not able to continue
- makes presumption that all DE students have access to technology
- how do we support students who have to miss classes – Academic Senate needs to have conversations
- flexibility will be important
- conversations going on at all levels to be flexible while continuing to serve our students
- students will be informed that changes may occur in class
- consistent message to students across the district
- what if some instructors refuse to use DE systems placing students in danger of not graduating, not being able to transfer, etc.
- not all students can easily and equally transition to DE
- faculty need extra resources in order to be flexible
- there is currently a general sense of calm with understanding we’re in unchartered territory
- messages from faculty to faculty about being mindful and permissive should things turn worse
- be mindful that we’re not adding to a faculty member’s burden of creating another option for students who miss class

Topic Contact Person
OTHER INFORMATION: Notices: Two individuals killed on Friday were ARC students. Personal notes being sent to the families along with flowers. Students will be pulled from Italy and Study Abroad program today