Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Koue Vang
Jeffrey Sacha
BJ Snowden
Adam Windham
Kathryn Sorensen
Diana Garcia
Yujiro Shimizu
Jeffrey Moran
Veronica Lopez
Jeffrey Sacha
Jessica Nelson
Diana Lopez
Christina Wagner
William Robey
Joel Keebler
Jennifer Laflam
Aleia Stalker

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Institutional Effectiveness Council
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: Status of program review, data on demand rollout, ACCJC Annual Report and Fiscal Report; professional development project team charter; discuss SEA and Vision for Success data; Institutional Equity Plan, 2nd Reading
DATE OF MEETING: 04/08/2019
TIME: 3:00pm
LOCATION/ROOM #: Student Center Board Room
FACILITATOR(S): Adam Karp and Bill Simpson
ASSISTANT: Joelle Gibson-Wittrup
MEMBERS PRESENT: Roger Davidson, Adam Karp, Kuldeep Kaur, Inna Linnyk, Kevin Porter, Yujiro Shimizu, William Simpson, Corinne Arrieta Katzorke, Joelle Gibson-Wittrup, Tyler Rollins, Rina Roy, Alisa Shubb
INVITED GUEST(S): Pam Chao, Joshua Moon Johnson
Attached Files:
ACCJC Annual Report
ACCJC Fiscal Report
Institutional Equity Plan Draft 2
Draft Professional Development Project Team Charter
SEA Plan Draft Version E
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
ACCJC Annual Report and Fiscal Report Adam Karp and Yuj Shimizu
Both have been submitted by President Greene. Thank you to Yuj Shimizu for his hard work.
Program Review update Alisa Shubb
Email invitations sent out campus wide for Program Review presentations 4/24 and 5/8, which will include a quick overview of program review.
-Add to portal: power point presentations should be archived (possibly under help links or FAQ), and program review PDF invitation which includes the cohort for next year. 
SEA and Vision for Success data update Adam Karp, Tyler Rollins
-Required documents had been completed, but new data was released by the state last Friday. Discussion regarding the new data, which is college wide (includes apprenticeship and safety center) and has an unknown impact on the data. There are new categories (minimum equity and full equity) in the SEA template with values that are prepopulated and not editable.
-Success rate goals take into consideration what is needed to close the gap by 2021, so not always 20% in every category.

-May 1st copy will be sent to Academic Senate president, college president, and board president. 
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
Does the Council support the Institutional Equity Plan moving forward (2nd Reading)? Joshua Moon Johnson, Pam Chao -Approval to move forward to ELT.
-Townhall is scheduled May 1st; communication coming soon.
-IEP was submitted to CUE (Center for Urban Education) for feedback during a conference last month.

Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
What is the process for evaluation governance? Adam Karp, Tyler Rollins -A charge of this council is to evaluate the governance. A section of the governance framework was made into survey questions to be sent to project teams and council members. Members on both will complete the survey twice. Discussion of additional survey questions: "I participated.... ", "I understood my role", "I had the opportunity to participate". Questions to ask project teams: Does the team feel they delivered something they are satisfied with? How did they feel about accomplishing the purpose?
-Discussion about first question in survey: who is "executive leadership"? ELT? Is the question asking about communication, or how do you think decision making has gone this year? Is communication coming back down from the councils? Has decision making at the executive level been transparent?

-The general campus survey will be sent to a sample population of the employees (excluding those serving on councils and/or project teams). Surveys will be sent out soon, with results reviewed in this council. Data will be used for creation of training in the fall.
-At the next council meetings, the chair and co-chair will be asked to step out with someone to facilitate obtaining the council member's impressions of where improvements could be made and what has gone well. Themes will be collected.
Topic Contact Person
What is the plan for rolling out the data on demand system? -Rollout is Monday April 15th; will have several 1 hour training sessions for department chairs and faculty, general orientation and where/how to find their own data. Specific training provided in the fall. -Q and A information will be sent out (such as how do I look up enrollment or course success rate) campus wide with a link to the system. This system will use the single sign on. Adam Karp
OTHER INFORMATION: -For the Professional Development attachment, revisions are being made to the members. Discussion regarding adding specific items (such as the data on demand system) into the document. Early Alert system to turn on mid-August per District, which will also require professional development. This is an evolving draft and is not comprehensive at this point. Next meeting May 20th 3-4pm Student Center Board Room.