Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Parrish Geary
Breanne Holland
Michele Arnott
Pamela Whipple
Lori Beccarelli
Martina Molina-Kanae
Matthew Blevis
Kolleen Ostgaard
Jan Delapp
Clint Allison
Jeff Stephenson

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Wellness Center (2018-2019)
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: Review & select recommendations. Understand how contracts work.
DATE OF MEETING: 11/09/2018
TIME: 8:30am
LOCATION/ROOM #: Fine & Applied Arts Conference Room
FACILITATOR(S): Parrish Geary, Breanne Holland
ASSISTANT: Breanne Holland
MEMBERS PRESENT: Parrish Geary, Breanne Holland, Pamela Whipple, Michele Arnott, Kolleen Ostgaard, Clint Allison, Matthew Blevis, JP Sherry
INVITED GUEST(S): Parrish Geary, Breanne Holland, Pamela Whipple, Michele Arnott, Martina Molina-Kanae, Kolleen Ostgaard, Lori Beccarelli, Clint Allison, Matthew Blevis, JP Sherry, Jan DeLapp
Attached Files:
Recommendations Compilation Input
Recommendations Input Compilation  
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
What information should we be aware of when contracting an outside providers? JP Sherry
Contract: an agreement between two parties; has three critical components-(offer, acceptance, consideration)
Typical/Standard three types of contracts through the district: PO, Services Agreement, Professional Services Agreement. Other types e.g. MOU

Protections: what services, what level of quality, what time frames, ability to select provider and terminate/replace if it isn't working, build in an interview process for selection of actual service provider.

Who is the contracted entities supervisor? The other entity.

Examples of MOU's that did not establish a full contract agreement- Planned Parenthood & Women's Health (no financial involvement - we only provided space) had concerns with consistency in personnel and reliability

In a Contract the Area Dean typically has oversight to address personnel or other concerns, not the area staff or faculty

Our WEAVE contract is the current model in how to provide services in a "disconnected" way - continuous feedback loop on data exchange - if an issue with WEAVE representative arise -it is immediately addressed through our WEAVE agreed. 

It is important to protect the interest of the college when creating a contract.  Therefore, make sure all concerns are addressed and agreed upon by both parties.

JP's goal is to get a contract turned around in a week - more difficult ones can take two weeks - if there is a sensitive timeline, the contract will become a priority.
Routing: negotiate terms; ask JP to check draft for red flags (during negotiation); (get a copy of Professional Services as a base); get a copy of WellSpace contract as an example (no HIPPA issues, good example); send to general services; 

What the colleges want/need comes first and then they'll figure out the legal side.

Documentation - think about what you're getting, what you want to do, and document the scope of deliverables.

ALWAYS want people who are insured.

We determine scope of work - how much are we going to pay and when -  what are  going to do: you'll be here at these times/days, provide your own supplies, etc

Be VERY specific about space, equipment, and access/software

Do we need to include what we are going to provide e.g. "90sqft" - be as CLEAR as possible in what is being provided and what is expected of the contracted entity

Write expectations unambiguously

Independent contractor:
Example-Medical care
-Do we need to bid? Not required to be bid HOWEVER we are a public entity so being able to demonstrate that we are getting a good cost is important
--no specified dollar limits for contracts

Purchasing – should put out RFPs and work with Deborah Kristoff (identified as DO contact to assist with Wellness Centers RFPs) – should be able to set up an RFP process by the end of the semester.

It's good to converse with other colleges to guide us based on their successes and failures. 

 Working with other Los Rios Colleges to collaborate on ideas for contracts and/or services (and the “how”) will benefit long term agreements

“Sticky wickets”: insurance requirements, ADA requirements, indemnities (an agreement that states "we don’t give you what we promised, we’ll give you your money back" will not work), termination per convenience (it's important to have a clear understanding of termination.)  

Example of an independent medical contract is our PSA agreement with the Los Rios Dr. 

There is still a limit on what a contractor may be able to do on-site. May still have to refer students off-site for additional services.
Survey Parrish Geary
Reached out to Tyler to get an update on student survey. Have not heard back  as of 11/9/18.

The goal is to complete the survey by 11/16/18.
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
Are there additional recommendation items needed? Parrish Geary 0
Activities needed to move forward with new space Parrish Geary Additional notes:

We are episodic
We are not a medical provider
We are short term, episodic care

Create a detailed referral process for off-site providers

Offer a very specific menu of services

Matthew – what furniture will be moving over (if any); what do we need?
- Nurses to provide a list of items up to date enough to move
- Nurses to provide a list of items needed to appropriately furnish new space
o Priorities and ideals
- Type of equipment that might need to be hooked up by mental health provider
- Recommendations for computers
o Reception area, offices
- MediCat
- Flooring needs to be VCT (unless nurses want carpet in offices)

State allocation to ARC is $190,000 for mental health (per email from Chad) *needs to be expensed by 2020

Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
What is our strategy to incorporate survey responses from students? Parrish Geary Recommend focus groups from within the campus community.
Topic Contact Person
Continue to work with the survey Continue drafting recommendations