Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Frank Kobayashi
Nicole Porter
Melanie Ortega
BJ Snowden
Hannah Blodgett
Carina Hoffpauir
Mikhail Drobot
Justin Tseng
Eliza Arata
Sharon Gott
Marianne Harris
Brian Knirk
Nimo Ali
David Shrope-Austin
Caroline Prieto
Allyson Joye
Tera Reynolds
Arthur Jenkins
Anthony Carter
Kim Herrell
Elizabeth Geisser
Dianne Cervantez
Maria Elena Pulido-Sepulveda

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Student Success Council
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: *Update program review *Update annual unit planning *Update guided pathways *Update resource panel for FYE *Overview accreditation midterm report *Update faculty prioritization process *
DATE OF MEETING: 12/04/2018
TIME: 1:00pm
LOCATION/ROOM #: Submarine Conference Room
FACILITATOR(S): Lisa Aguilera Lawrenson and Tressa Tabares
ASSISTANT: Teresa Wigner
MEMBERS PRESENT: Roderic Agbunag, Derrick Booth (Absent), Adam Karp, Lisa Lawrenson, Sarah Lehmann, Sonia Ortiz-Mercado, Tressa Tabares, Kate Williamson, Susan Andre (Absent), Eliza Arata, Heidi Bennett (Absent), Pamela Chao (Absent), Jennifer Laflam (Absent), Kale Braden, Nicole Moise, Robin Neal, Gladis Sanchez Pantoja, Teresa Wigner
INVITED GUEST(S): Alisa Shubb Kale Braden Marsha Reske  Sarah Lehmann
Attached Files:
ACCJC Midterm Report 2019 Draft
ARC Integrated Planning Portal
Clarify Program Progress Report Fall 2018
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
ELSS Update Kale Braden
Kale Braden gave an end-of-semester report on the Enterprise-Level Scheduling Solution (ELSS). His team has been working on a report, which currently totals 65 pages.  The last ELSS team meeting was last Friday.  The report focuses on how and why various decisions were made, as well as the data used to make the decisions. The report also addresses the next steps required in the process as well as suggested business practices going forward. The team has also been looking at Block Scheduling. For an overview, read the Executive Summary.  Kale will have a draft of the report mid to next week or after, and he requests that this committee should take a close look at the Business practices outlined in the report, and provide any feedback. Kale plans to give presentations about the ELSS to Senators, Deans, Admins, etc.  He will also loop w/Student Services and talk to Counselors.  Next step would be establishing an enrollment management team.  Kale will send report to Lisa and Tressa and they will send out.  Lisa made an announcement that Sarah Lehmann will be taking over Tressa's role as co-chair of the SSC.
Accreditation Midterm Report Adam Karp
Adam Karp gave an update about the Accreditation Midterm Report. The report discusses the College's new governance structure as well as the fact that we are implementing new scheduling software.  The document will be forwarded to the Board in January for review.  Any further changes will be reviewed at the February 13th ELT meeting, and we will will submit the report in March.  The report will be available in IGOR.  
Faculty Prioritization Process Lisa Aguilera Lawrenson
Lisa talked about the Faculty Prioritization Process.  Senate and Area Deans meetings were cancelled due to the smoke closures.  Gary Aguilar met last week for faculty presentations.  They are  15-20 positions that potentially could be given to ARC.  The list goes to Faculty Senate after Lisa and Thomas review.
Guided Pathways Lisa Aguilera Lawrenson
The District put together a district wide Guided Pathways Conference for pre-requisites.  Two colleges have participated and two have not participated.  It has become complicated.  Issues include how to advise counselors to students needs, how curriculum gets formed by professors backgrounds/degrees, and improving the "Front door" process for students.  Six steps to success meta-majors came up.  We should coordinate as a district and work together.  Several faculty of pathways were there and also Jamey Nye, Brian King, Bill Simpson and Tammy Montgomery There were 30 people and VPIs and Presidents  from Los Rios.  
Distance Education Update Marsha Reske
Marsha spoke on Distance Education, 4 sub teams and 6 deliverables.  Split teams between Kuldeep and two others.  Gave them extensive brain storming questions.  Take the process refine them over break.  Creating digital map.  Direct students to Folsom Lake.  Spring on-line courses are available.  Marsha talked about ARC 2.0.  Dean of Distance Ed and Virtual Center.  
Resource Panel Tressa Tabares
There is interest across district for new governance processes.  District Office has noticed brokenness of the governance process.  Lynn Fowler is doing a curriculum analysis.  Distance Education, Marsha Reske, Gary Aguilar, Matriculation committee. SEA, BSI and SSSP need to work with Student Services and Instruction.  ATDs 73 topped additional, new Academic Senate, Atlis Mathing tool, Publishing.  Achieve and Clarify Programs Paths have been working together.  Marsha Reske, Dean of Distance Education and Virtual Center had oversight to DE Interim position of Dean LRC and Instruction  Dean will over see LRC and other tutoring on campus and helping with evaluations in Kinesiology.
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
Presentation on changes to Program Review (2:00pm) Alisa Shubb and Adam Karp Alisa gave a presentation about ARC's new Program Review and Unit Planning process. Gave teams extensive questions to think about their deliverables. Thomas and Marsha are developing an on-line Education Consortium. Kate Jaques will lead a Resource Panel group who will conduct a literature review and make recommendations about potential FYE programs for ARC. The panel will include multiple faculty members.
Topic Contact Person