Notes - Approved
Meeting Notes
Kuldeep Kaur
Jeff Bucher
Annaliese Pennell
Paul Bethel
Marc Condos
Traci Gourdine
Sarah Mattson
John Coldiron
Lorraine Chow
Rick Anderson
Aileen Halseth
Mike Payne
Richard Stoker
Jennifer Scalzi
Daniel Crump
Rina Roy
Cheryl Sears
Jeff Stephenson
Cheryl Watt
Richard Wood
Kathleen Sullivan-Torrez
NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Facilities Master Plan (2018-2019) | |||
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: Objective #3: Campus Improvements - Campus Projects | |||
DATE OF MEETING: 10/22/2018 TIME: 2:00pm |
FACILITATOR(S): Kuldeep Kaur, Jeff Bucher | |||
ASSISTANT: Annaliese Pennell | |||
MEMBERS PRESENT: Kuldeep Kaur, Jeff Bucher, Graham Smith, Courtney Howard, Aileen Halseth, Annaliese Pennell, Cheryl Sears, Dan McKechnie, Daniel Crump, Jennifer Scalzi, John Coldiron, Lorraine Chow, Michael Payne, Paul Bethel, Richard Wood, Rick Anderson, Rick Stoker, Rina Roy, Rick Anderson | |||
Attached Files:
Design Guidelines 10-3-18 Meeting Minutes Project Matrix Potential Projects Map Campus Spaces |
Topic | Person(s) Responsible | Notes | |
Question | Person(s) Responsible | Notes and Decision(s) | Next Steps |
0 |
Question | Person(s) Responsible | Notes and Next Steps | |
1. Meeting Recap and have we captured the notes accurately from the last meeting? | All |
Recap -Discussed Design Guidelines for addressing future modernization/growth -Officially changed "district" to "zones" -Updated the zones -Added two new Design Guidelines 1) Inclusion, Social Justice & Equity 2) Sustainability -Infrastructure was discussed as being incorporated within the Design Guidelines rather than a separate guideline -Discussed the Project Matrix Design Guidelines -Kuldeep asked the team to please forward any suggested revisions to the Design Guidelines to Annaliese and she will incorporate them -Graham to add Math Department's input regarding CDC Parking |
2. Review of Revised Design Guidelines per our last meeting | Gould Evans | ||
3. Does the Project Matrix represent the interests expressed by the team members? | All |
-Graham to add Math Department's Addition to the Compiled Project Matrix |
4. Campus Projects - Review and Discussion • Review of Revised Project Matrix • Review and Discussion of Draft Project Location Map • Review and Discussion of Draft Campus Spaces Map | All |
Project Matrix -Currently listed in no specific order Tech Voc/Educ -In Campus Master Plan in 2012 -It was confirmed that Environmental Resources is NOT a part of this plan, but Funeral Services is as well as the two portables -We need to add Environmental Resources as a separate project Corp Yard -Carried over from 2012 -Printing is in plan, Police Services is in flux -Police Services is not something that is impacted by our cap/load ratio - if it is incorporated into Corp Yard, we could build a police services location without affecting cap/load ratio and potential growth -Add Police Services to Project Matrix -Davies Hall precedes Corp Yard -Plan to prioritize in whole numbers Davies Hall -New building is built, existing is taken down -Whole building is upgraded -Carried over from 2012 Master Plan -It was suggested to tear down Old CDC, and incorporate into Davies Hall -We should determine a permanent location for Paramedics, and list it as a separate project. This will be considered as a possible relocation with Health and Education (where it belongs). -Suggested that police services move to where grounds is now, or admin lawn -Create an appealing "front door" to campus Administration -Modernizing current footprint to building -Counseling should be incorporated into this project. Create a larger project that is broken into different funding, where Admin is State supportable -Wellness Center is moving into Student Center Building One-Stop Shop -Combine Admissions, Records, Counseling, Categorical Programs, Financial Aid, Assessment, Career, Transfer, Student Success & EOP&S, CalWORKs, Bookstore, Veterans Center, Business Office Annex, Health -Reconfigure divisions/employees to create a One-Stop Shop rather than building new -Students coming into campus can get all things taken care of in one place -More of a reconfiguration of individuals into one new space -Need to look at the prioritization of this project -Serves the campus to keep this as a project on the Campus Master Plan -The building pad for Science is a potential option for the One-Stop Shop -Include Cashier Services into this building Instructional Space II -Building Pad next to STEM -Growth for campus, if we grow in FTE's Science -Move to building pad next to STEM building -Fall lecture/lab space -Building pad adjacent to STEM is a 57,000 sq ft building -Science is not currently on the Master Plan Raef Hall -Modernization of existing structure or combined with a new modernization Fine Arts -Modernization of overall structure, classrooms, technology, faculty offices Stadium -Modernization of existing facility -Include PE Storage Gender Neutral Facilities -It was decided that this will be incorporated into the Design Guidelines, instead of being a separate project on the Master Plan -Design Guidelines are guiding principles for each new modernization Physical Education -Modernization of locker rooms, main gyms and offices HEED -Modernization of rooms, more lactation rooms, storage, classroom upgrades - more of these items can be handled at a campus level -Include Paramedics/Old CDC into Campus Master Plan -Need to look long-term and place Paramedics into a location with HEED since they are a part of that division Loop Drive -College Oak Drive into Campus -Improve accessibility into campus -Draw people to Welcome and Support Center -Can be chaotic due to the Bus and traffic jam potentials -Loop Drive does not need to be on the Campus Master Plan -Buses/Student Drop off should be distinguished Parking -Reconfiguring/organizing the parking lots themselves for continuity and accessibility -Create Drop Off Zones -Child Development Center Parking suggestions from Math Department to be added to the Project Matrix -Northern & Southern Lot upgrades in 2012 Master Plan -Bus Hub - Need to include the Transit Center in the Project Matrix -Fire Truck Access Lanes Bike Accessibility -Part of Design Guidelines, not a separate Project Student Center, Storage, Outdoor Community Space & Food Pantry -Handled at a Campus level, and should not be included in the Campus Mater Plan Identify Infrastructure Projects -Hydronics -HEED Ped Mall Promenade -Main walk path across campus with increased visibility through campus Welcome Loop -Campus Level project Stadium Entrance -Add arch to parking lot entrance to soccer stadium -Nothing wrong with soccer stadium -NE corner was originally going to be the new entrance that was wrought iron, but the project went over budget but it then it was not completed as anticipated Parking Lot S/Solar -Include under sustainability Design Guidelines Wellness Center -Currently a campus project in progress Environmental Resources -To be included as a project in the Campus Master Plan Funeral Services -Incorporated in Tech Ed Plan Add to List -Police Services -Transit Center -Hydronic & HEED Ped Mall Flexibility/Usability to accommodate student and space needs over time - to be included in Design Guidelines Discussion Topics for Next Week's Meeting -Identify ASF -Bring back uses of that projects -Give you objective/relation to campus -General Prioritization |
Prioritization |
Plan #0 -Tech Ed (Jan 2019 will know if we have funding) -Natomas Center Phases II & III -IPP has been submitted for Davies Hall, June 30 2019 a FPP will need to be submitted -It was confirmed that we cannot submit Science in replace of Davies Hall at this time, and that we should continue with Davies Hall and the IPP for Science should be submitted at teh time that Davies FPP is submitted -Corp Yard would have to precede Davies Hall and is paid out our current budget -With the Corp Yard project, we will have to find new locations for Police, Paramedics and EMT -Potentially relocate Police to the back of Bookstore -We should prioritize State and District Funded Projects separately Plan #1 -Science - Submit Science concurrently with Davies Hall |
5. Next Steps • Campus Improvements - Campus Projects / Zone Guidelines o Refined Project List o Refined Campus Spaces o Zone Identification / Guidelines - DRAFT | All |
Next Meeting -Information about zones from the Wayfinders -Dan to bring State Supportable Projects to next meeting |
Topic | Contact Person | ||
NA | |||