Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Frank Kobayashi
Nicole Porter
Melanie Ortega
BJ Snowden
Hannah Blodgett
Carina Hoffpauir
Mikhail Drobot
Justin Tseng
Eliza Arata
Sharon Gott
Marianne Harris
Brian Knirk
Nimo Ali
David Shrope-Austin
Caroline Prieto
Allyson Joye
Tera Reynolds
Arthur Jenkins
Anthony Carter
Kim Herrell
Elizabeth Geisser
Dianne Cervantez
Maria Elena Pulido-Sepulveda

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Student Success Council
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: Update Student Success Council Project Teams Update Institutional Equity Plan Report on SEA
DATE OF MEETING: 10/16/2018
TIME: 1:00pm
LOCATION/ROOM #: Submarine Conference Room
FACILITATOR(S): Lisa Lawrenson
ASSISTANT: Teresa Wigner
MEMBERS PRESENT: Roderic Agbunag (Absent), Derrick Booth, Adam Karp, Lisa Lawrenson, Sonia Ortiz-Mercado, Tressa Tabares, Kate Williamson, Susan Andre, Eliza Arata, Heidi Bennett, (Absent) Pamela Chao, Jennifer Laflam, Nicole Moise, Robin Neal, Gladis Sanchez Pantoja, Teresa Wigner, Sonya Ables.
INVITED GUEST(S): Bill Simpson, Clarify Program Paths
Attached Files:
Equity Charter - Draft
Equity Town Hall - Flyer
Resource Panel (FYE) Proposal
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
FYE Resource Panel Proposal Online Decision Lisa Aguilera Lawrenson and Tressa Tabares
FYE Resource Panel.  Basecamp electronic vote that was taken. 
Adam Karp:  "Thumbs up".  I am in support of IR providing support for this work.  
Susan Andre:  "Thumbs sideways".  Important Considerations:  After spending a little more time reviewing the document and speaking to colleagues, I gathered additional feedback such as:  Why such a short timeline?  Getting lit. review finished by November 5th may be unrealistic.  Why are we doing this research (again) since Start Right and iPASS teams already conducted research on programs on other colleges.  Why aren't we looking at our own successful programs (such as EOPS, Puente, PRISE, Umoja, Student Athletes, ACE cohorts) in addition to other colleges; programs?  Are we focusing on a class or a program or both?
Rod Agbunag:  "Thumbs up".
Derrick: "Thumbs Up".
EMPLE ID: W0506451:  "Thumbs Up".
Raquel Arata:  "Thumbs Up, Very Nice!"
Kate Williamson:  Thumbs Up".
Heidi Bennett: "Thumbs Up."
Robin Neal:  "Thumbs Up".
Pamela Chao:  "Thumbs Up".
Jennifer Laflam:  "Thumbs Up".
Clarify Program Paths Lisa Aguilera Lawrenson
Bill Simpson gave an update on the Clarify Program Paths.  Bill's team is on schedule, creating a new academic center leadership.  Also working on software for solutions, and applied for Bakersfield grant but got turned down.  Socrates is new to them.  The Clarify Program Paths Project Team had concerns that perhaps the program maps would be used for decision making. Bill stated that it is important to honor the agreement to Senate and faculty that program maps would not be used for decision making, but that students would be encouraged to see a counselor. It was brought up that Ben in DE was working on a program tat would allow scrolling through GE so that students could see options for the the GE.  This seemed to meet Counseling's interest that students have choices and content faculty interests that the maps not be used for decision making.  We need the technology to help students stay on the paths to what they want.  Need connection between the Clarify Program Paths and Achieve to ensure coordination an clarification with regard to program maps. Lisa will take this to PES and ELT as a point of discussion.  We need someone from Achieve to join Bill's team.  We will get back to the group.
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
SEA Lisa Lawrenson and Robin Neal SEA is important as well but did not see any concrete evidence no details at all at the CCCCO training. SEA will mean that the three plans are integrated with well aligned goals. Institutional Equity Plan (IEP) charter was sent out. The main thing they need is to look at Equity for the institution as a whole, focusing on cultural shift. The IEP reports to the Institutional Effectiveness Council (Adam Karp is Chair and Bill Simpson is Co-Chair).
Institutional Equity Plan - Update, Draft Charter, Campus Wide Input Pam Chao and Lisa Aguilera Lawrenson IEP Charter was sent out on 10/16/18 by Lisa and is on our agenda in today's meeting. Campus culture - when will that be addressed? Pam Chao said that she and Joshua Moon-Johnson met all summer, and first week of classes for 12 hours, and for a full day retreat and additional two hours or more for meetings. Goal is to create a sense of community. The charter draft is done. First semester information gathering mini research projects done by December 15th. Listening sessions will be offered, and input will be uploaded to Google Docs. Goal is to draft a report done by March 2019. They did not follow all of the consultants (Sherry's) deadlines, but the charter is done. First semester will be information gathering using specific research in areas. There is a Town Hall from 10:00-1:00 on October 26th. There are two dozen stake holder groups and needs to be done by December and a draft by the end of March 2019 there are 5 different questions - equitable experience. State Chancellor's meeting said to spend money on outcomes for student equity. Achieve program helps students of color. Lisa suggested to the council members that they look through each plan to see where money is going. The state is making spending guidelines more flexible, but focused on student outcomes for equity.
Topic Contact Person