Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Marsha Reske
Daniel Gilbert-Valencia
Tatyana Torgashev
Pamela Bimbi
Ben Barber
Sonia Ortiz-Mercado
Reyna Moore
Jason Ralphs
Jesus Malaret
Janay Brown-Wood
Kevyn Montano
Josef Preciado
Scott Crow

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: ARC Online 2.0 (2018-2019)
DATE OF MEETING: 09/18/2018
TIME: 12:00pm - 1:30 PM
LOCATION/ROOM #: ITC Conference Room
FACILITATOR(S): Marsha Reske & Daniel Gilbert-Valencia
ASSISTANT: Tatyana Torgshev
MEMBERS PRESENT: Benjamin Barber, Pamela Bimbi, JaNay Brown-Wood, Jesus Malaret, Kevyn Montano, Reyna Moore, Josef Preciado, Jason Ralphs, Daniel Gilbert-Valencia, Marsha Reske, Tatyana Torgashev
INVITED GUEST(S): Lisa Lawrenson and Tressa Tabares
Attached Files:
ARC Online 2.0 Project Charter
Basecamp: ( Charter, Team Folders with getting started questions; Related research  
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
Welcome and Introductions Lisa Lawrenson and Tressa Tabares
Student Success Council (SSC) chairs Tressa and Lisa welcomed everyone  and clarified their role: 
-Provide support and sponsorship
-Offer resources
 and answer questions
-Decision making by Executive Leadership - ELT and PES.
-Everyone introduced themselves. 
Project Overview - Why is this project happening? - Project Charter: What does the project involve? • Project scope • Timeline and deliverables • Key stakeholders Marsha Reske, Project Lead
-ARC has a long history of offering online courses. Distance Education is well recognized. DE plan was written in 2015.
College president approved the plan and called for implementation. Steps done: DE dean and Universal Design for Learning Coordinator hired, offering OTI, OEI Rubric Academy, Accessible Course Creation Academy and various workshops. ARC is now a member of the CVC-OEI Consortium. ARC ONLINE provides the framework for a robust online learning experience for students.

-Importance of having  charters - allow time to get the process going. 
Refer to charter handout.

-ARC Online as a virtual center in the same way that Natomas Center is a physical center.
Current accomplishements:
some fully online certificates and degrees. ARC ONLINE website showcases these. More additionas are planned. Need to look strategically and identify the pathways.
-All project work has to be completed by mid February 2019.  The team has a few months only before project submitted for for 1st and 2nd readings.

-Refer to p. 6 of the project charter to see stakeholder list

Tentative Work Plan -Work Plan: How might we accomplish the deliverables? -Subteams -Group feedback and input • Suggestions on work plan adjustments • Potential meeting schedule (see Basecamp>Project Files>tentative monthly meetings>Doodle • Introduction to Basecamp and IGOR Daniel Gilbert-Valencia: Project Co-Lead
-Project leads put together four teams. Familiarize yourself with Basecamp. Look inside of team folders. Members for each team were selected based on their skill set. Each team has its own folder. 
Questions are posted for each team's consideration. Questions serve as guides. 
-Memebers have complete access and may input any helpful information and provide feedback and recommendations.
Look under project files. Each team has assignments.
-The whole team will meet once a month
Leads will meet with subteams on a weeekly basis.
Teams can meet online as well via ConferZoom. 
Doodle Poll will be used to schedule meetings. 
-IGOR will be used for posting agendas and notes

Getting Started -Expectations for participation (Basecamp, etc.) -Team Folders • Initial research and resources • Sharing ideas • Homework 1: Answer Q’s by 9/25 • Lead assigned to your team will contact each team during that week Marsha Reske and Daniel Gilbert-Valencia
-Some team work has been done over the summer related to student services. Personal experiences and connections are important.
-Essential step - navigate BaseCamp and IGOR
-Read all data in your team folder. May read information in other team folders.
-All information, working documents, and ideas are shared through BaseCamp. 
-Do your homework by 9/25. Lead assigned to your team will contact each team last week of September.
Connect to your team members and do your best. 

Q & A/Wrap-up Marsha Reske and Daniel Gilbert-Valencia
-Why are we looking at Natomas? 
Natomas is a model for us to look at and ARC Online will be similar to a college outreach center. 
-We need support from student services, enrollment services and financial aid. Work is in progress to make it easier for students to navigate and get help and services quickly. 
-Electronic signatures issue was brought up regarding forms that students must sign with a wet signature. 
-Who is our target population or student profile? We should look at the research done by other online colleges. 
Our courses not all fully accessible but we are moving towards it. 
Some members shared their experience with using BaseCamp. 
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
Does the team support the sub-team selection? Marsha Reske and Daniel Gilbert-Valencia Members supported the subteam membership selection and because of the interest noted, they were encouraged to read the information in the other teams' folders.
Leads will contact subteams the week of September 24th
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
Topic Contact Person