Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Parrish Geary
Breanne Holland
Michele Arnott
Pamela Whipple
Lori Beccarelli
Martina Molina-Kanae
Matthew Blevis
Kolleen Ostgaard
Jan Delapp
Clint Allison
Jeff Stephenson

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Wellness Center (2018-2019)
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: 1. Review purpose of project charter. 2. Set project meeting dates. 3. Discuss subject-matter expert presentations.
DATE OF MEETING: 09/14/2018
TIME: 8:30am
LOCATION/ROOM #: F&AA Conference Room
FACILITATOR(S): Parrish Geary/Breanne Holland
ASSISTANT: Parrish Geary
MEMBERS PRESENT: Parrish Geary, Pamela Whipple, Michele Arnott, Lori Beccarelli, Martina Molina-Kanae, Kolleen, Clint Allison, Matthew Blevis, Breanne Holland
INVITED GUEST(S): Pamela Whipple Michele Arnott Lori Beccarelli Martina Molina-Kanae Kolleen Ostgaard Clint Allison Jan Delapp Matthew Blevis
Attached Files:
Wellness Center Charter
Wellness Center Models/Examples
Additional Health/Wellness Center Models & Evening Hours Query (from Michele)
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
Review Charter Parrish Geary
1)	Committee reviewed charter
a)	Part of the purpose of the project team is to present recommendations to the Operations Council
2)	Committee questioned:
a)	How will the Center, equipment, furniture and move be funded?
i)	What is the budget?
ii)	What is the contract with WellSpace?
(1)	Are there funding constraints tied to current and future spaces?
b)	Discussion about fee collected being applied by population
i)	Will the general current Health Center budget be affected by the new Student Health fee?
ii)	Would that be considered supplanting?
c)	Is this something to consider in funding considerations?
3)	Committee questioned lack of student participation on project team
a)	Requests student representative be appointed by ASB as soon as possible
b)	Tressa Tabares working on getting students appointed as of 09/20/18
4)	Pipeline of upcoming services advertised for Sp. 19
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
Approve tentative meeting dates. Breanne Holland 1) Meeting dates of every Friday, 8:30am- 10:30am through 12/3/18 approved by the team
1) Plan agendas for each meeting based on discussion and action from prior meetings
Determine additional meetings dates. Breanne Holland/Parrish Geary No additional meeting dates necessary
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
Pros and cons of models/examples of Wellness Centers (links attached under Supporting Resources) Breanne Holland 1) “Wellness” vs “Health” Center
a) How we name the center will give implications for services offered
b) Wellness centers have various attributes on college campuses; for the purpose of our center, we want to focus on the physical and mental medical health/needs/concerns of students as opposed to functional health

Who should we invite for subject-matter presentations e.g. Director of The Well at CSUS. Breanne Holland 1) HSACCC
2) Becky Pirelli – Peralta CCD
3) The Well director (CSUS)
Additional discussion topics Parrish Geary 1) Fee announcement with marketing about “why”
2) Title V – cannot use funds to serve a select few
3) Final report from D.O. workgroup
a) Is there a District-wide vision?
i) Many “partners” rotating between campuses
ii) WellSpace Health contract
4) Facilities Update
a) Waiting on feasibility report
i) Expected 09/14/18 (post-meeting)
ii) Additional space added by acquisition of current e-Services space is ~200sqft
iii) Considered early on the feasibility of moving in by Sp. 19?
(1) What if we cannot move?
(a) How to offer expanded services in current space?
b) Services offered should be determined in order to determine building codes to use for space
c) There’s a proposal to have a focus group to converse about the Health Center design
5) Create a survey to gauge the campus needs from the students’ perspective.
6) Current nurses are already at maximum offerings for their licensure
7) Additional services
a) Hire vs partnership – what would the committee recommend?
b) Distinguish the difference between contracts and partnerships
8) Other Health Center considerations:
a) Physical Health Services-UTI, Strep and other Health services
b) Completed by an outside specialist (i.e.Nurse Practitioner)
c) Reproduction Services
d) Mental Health-short term counseling; consider frequency of visits
e) Health Educator (Office Staff member) some job duties are-social media programming and Peer Mentor
f) Episodic Care
g) Adjunct Nurse
h) Health Center collaboration with College Health service programs.
Topic Contact Person
How do we onboard outside health and wellness practitioners?
Budget recommendations - how should funds be utilized?
WellSpace participation with District Office master plan.