Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Frank Kobayashi
Nicole Porter
Melanie Ortega
BJ Snowden
Hannah Blodgett
Carina Hoffpauir
Mikhail Drobot
Justin Tseng
Eliza Arata
Sharon Gott
Marianne Harris
Brian Knirk
Nimo Ali
David Shrope-Austin
Caroline Prieto
Allyson Joye
Tera Reynolds
Arthur Jenkins
Anthony Carter
Kim Herrell
Elizabeth Geisser
Dianne Cervantez
Maria Elena Pulido-Sepulveda

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Student Success Council
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: Finalize Resource Group membership and deliverables Updates on Achieve, Clarify Program Paths, SEA Presentation ARC Online 2.0
DATE OF MEETING: 10/02/2018
TIME: 1:00pm
LOCATION/ROOM #: Submarine Conference Room
FACILITATOR(S): Lisa Aguilera Lawrenson and Tressa Tabares
ASSISTANT: Teresa Wigner
MEMBERS PRESENT: Roderic Agbunag, Derrick Booth (Absent), Adam Karp, Lisa Lawrenson, Sonia Ortiz-Mercado, Tressa Tabares, Kate Williamson, Susan Andre, Eliza Arata, Heidi Bennett (Absent), Pamela Chao, Jennifer Laflam, Nicole Moise, Robin Neal (Absent), Christopher Olson (Absent), Gladis Sanchez Pantoja, Yujiro Shimizu (Absent), Teresa Wigner
INVITED GUEST(S): Marsha Reske, Dean of Distance Education
Attached Files:
Governance: Resource Panel - general information
Proposed Resource Panel - FYE
Program Pathways Mapping website example (Bakersfield)
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
Executive Leadership Team (ELT) Lisa Aguilera Lawrenson and Tressa Tabares
ELT meet on 10/1/18.  Thomas indicated that a decision regarding student experience lifecycle project is expected in the near future. Committee may be structured like ELSS.  Chancellor’s Exec Staff likely to make the decision. Charters were discussed and SSC Charter is finalized.  Institutional Equity Plan project team as well as the Operations Council and Institutional Effectiveness Council are all in progress. IGOR and levels of permission for Council chairs and co-chairs as well as staff were discussed.  Council terms of "designee" and "alternate" were discussed. Important that language be clear on councils.  
Clarify Program Paths Project Team Status Report Lisa Aguilera Lawrenson and Tressa Tabares
Plan was approved and timelines and work completed.  Currently they are in 2.0 this year and there are 14 more programs and road maps.  How do we put road maps on website?  Bill Simpson called a faculty member and a Curriculum Chair at Bakersfield College and talked to them about looking into and joining Bakersfield College for pilot project to create roadmaps regarding Project Maping.  Bill Simpson discussed this with Kate Jaques and Kate gave full support for Bill if they need help.  Kate sent an email out on 10/2/18 about faculty map mentors. 
Student Equity Achievement (SEA) Lisa Aguilera Lawrenson
The State Chancellors Office had a meeting on Integrating all of the following funding sources from the state SSSP, Student Equity and BSI.  Currently Chad Funk has BSI/Equity.  Lisa represents ARC on the CIO Executive Board at the Chancellors Office.  Currently, SEP, SSSP, and BSI funding  is invested in classrooms and pilot programs.  There will be a Student Equity and Achievement Program Fall Training 2018 on October 9th from, 8:00-4:30 at the Double Tree by Hilton  Hotel Sacramento.  Basic Skills Initiative funding has been historically spend on supporting LRC programs (WAC, RAD, ESL Center, etc.), faculty reassigned time for coordination, and faculty professional development.  SEA requires that funding be integrated.  Funding should be transparent and open to everybody.  Susan Andre asked a question "Regarding AB705 how do you streamline as an institution how to help students, we need support for students and what's needed.  Is there no support for counselors to support students."  Sonia suggested that Susan talk to Robin so Robin could take this interest to District Office. 
Achieve at ARC Robin Neal
Regarding Achieve at ARC Sonia committed that the target for fall was 1,489 case management students reaching out to counselors.  Counselors are booked out to the end of November.  There is a triage process regional meeting with different colleges on how to bring case management to scale.  ARC is one of the colleges in our district that is currently doing this a head of other colleges.  Achieve 2.0 intake process start earlier and needs assessment and to also reach out to students.  Scale early career and exploration and choose majors early. 
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
First Year Experience Resource Panel (Membership and Deliverables) Lisa Aguilera Lawrenson and Tressa Tabares 0
FYE (Resource Team) old title. Now its new title is (Research Panel). Proposal potentially to take action, not today. The new title (Research Panel) was approved at ELT. A panel of experts and specific deliverables, such as membership list and individuals (expertise they would bring) Discussion on FYE. Suggestions for membership were sought. Reading and English chairs would be contacted for representatives. A literature review will be conducted. two year and four year colleges will need to be looked at, as well as the National Research Center for first year experience and students first year transitions. Fiscal analysis and a focus on equity programs that suit the needs of non-traditional students will need to be considered. The resource panel will need to meet with Start Right and I-Pass coordinators. Gladis brought up a discussion about FYE for online students and under deserved students. Include on-line focus, as well as Equity, Start Right, I-PASS, Clarify Program Paths in the literature review. Joe Rust was a participant initial resource, National Resource Center for FYE. The proposed membership will be brought back to the committee. Base Camp was mentioned that you can put information into Base Camp so people can access it.
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
ARC Online 2.0 Presentation - 2:15 Marsha Reske Marsha Reske gave her discussion as a presentation regarding ARC Online 2.0 Project Team. The Virtual Education Center provides students with a centralized location for information, resources, and support for the online courses offered through American River College. ARC ONLINE 2.0 Project Team. Success Indicator: ARC ONLINE is a robust, fully operational, virtual education center which provides myriad opportunities for students to complete programs fully online so that they can achieve their educational goals and/or economic stability. A process for how courses and programs are scheduled for ARC ONLINE/Virtual Education Center will need to be developed. A process for creating online pathways for existing certificates and degrees will also need to be developed. A plan will be created for developing fully online programs that align with labor market and student demand, and that provide flexible learning options. A plan for ensuring comprehensive online academic and student support services is also needed.
Discussion items versus action items on agendas Tressa Tabares Tressa discussed action items on agendas versus discussion items.
Topic Contact Person