Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Koue Vang
Jeffrey Sacha
Adam Windham
Melissa Fish
Diana Garcia
Sumiah Alharasis
Yujiro Shimizu
Jeffrey Moran
Veronica Lopez
Jeffrey Sacha
Jessica Nelson
Diana Lopez
Joel Keebler
Brenda Valles
Tammi Driver

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Institutional Effectiveness Council
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: Finalize Revised Institutional Effectiveness Council Charter; Provide Overview for Institutional Effectiveness Council for 2018-19 Academic Year; Preview Integrated Planning Portal
DATE OF MEETING: 09/17/2018
TIME: 3:00pm
LOCATION/ROOM #: Student Center Board Room
FACILITATOR(S): Adam Karp and Bill Simpson
ASSISTANT: Joelle Gibson-Wittrup
MEMBERS PRESENT: Adam Karp, Kevin Porter, Yujiro Shimizu, William Simpson, Corinne Arrieta Katzorke, Parrish Geary, Joelle Gibson-Wittrup, Kay Lo, Tyler Rollins, Rina Roy, Alisa Shubb
INVITED GUEST(S): Chris Olson, Jonathan Newnam
Attached Files:
Draft Revisions to Institutional Effectiveness Charter
Draft Institutional Equity Plan Project Team Charter
Draft Integrated Planning Improvement Project Team Charter
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
Welcome and Connection Adam Karp
Executive Leadership Team Update Adam Karp and Bill Simpson
-Operations Council working on campus way finding (campus signage).
-Discussion regarding when/how a project team evolves, as well as appointing people to project teams versus the role of council or project team support.
-Presentation was given on ARC online 2.0
-Student Success Council seeking additional information to make recommendation for design of new student experience

Governance Process - Training and Support Adam Karp
-Offered note taker, leadership, and governance member training. May offer training again to accommodate all governance members.  
-Communication software Basecamp soft launch last year; formally in place now for use with councils and project teams. 
SENSE Survey Adam Karp and Yuj Shimizu
-Survey is part of ARC’s participation in the CA guided pathways project. Surveys for math, English, and HCD students underway this week. 
-Survey results will also help with ARC’s redesign of the student experience. 
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
Does the Council approve moving the revised Council charter forward to ELT? Adam Karp -Draft will be in Basecamp, council will vote on approval prior to next ELT meeting.
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
What are the proposed changes to Institutional Effectiveness Council charter? Adam Karp -More direct language and more specified bullet list of this council’s duties.
-IEC is sponsoring equity plan work, however bulleted list does not specify this.
-Clarified each term is for the listed position, and is defined at the beginning of the document. The timing of the terms are staggered to avoid an entirely new council.

What new and continuing project teams are being sponsored by the Council? Adam Karp -New: Institutional Equity Plan; some overlap of membership. Team will review charter and communicate with IEC.
-Continuing: Integrated Planning Improvement (IPI). Charter was reviewed and approved by team. IT and research built the project team's system (deliverable) during the summer (see next question). Integrated Planning Guide has not been finished.

What is the status of the Integrated Planning Portal? Alisa Shubb, Inna Linnyk Ongoing work: completion of system, compiling list of all units, programs, division offices etc. and connect users to the units.
-AUP is a different concept and is integrated to Program Review. Data relevant to each unit will prepopulate in the new system with a red, yellow, or green light to help answer the question “What are units of the college doing to advance the SP (Strategic Plan)?”
-Research created a set of objectives that align with the college’s SP in the new system. Feedback on objectives from the Academic Senate will be given to research.
-Training for Program Review is next month. The members of Program Review Committee will serve as support for the departments. Training for Annual Unit Plan (AUP) is to be determined.

What is the status of the data on demand system? Adam Karp -Precision Campus (formerly Higher Ed Profiles) will be used for 3 yrs, may have a new state or district wide tool within that timeframe.
-Discussion of concept and definition of Onboarding.
-Showed mockup of the new system. Many breakouts available for the data including gender, units completed. Start Right and IPaSS goals are included as well.

Topic Contact Person