Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Koue Vang
Jeffrey Sacha
Adam Windham
Melissa Fish
Diana Garcia
Sumiah Alharasis
Yujiro Shimizu
Jeffrey Moran
Veronica Lopez
Jeffrey Sacha
Jessica Nelson
Diana Lopez
Joel Keebler
Brenda Valles
Tammi Driver

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Institutional Effectiveness Council
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: Monthly IEC Meeting for February
DATE OF MEETING: 02/07/2025
TIME: 1:00pm
FACILITATOR(S): Brenda Valles and Jeff Sacha
Attached Files:
Spr25.Program Review Update
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
Welcome and (Re)Introductions Brenda Valles
Revisiting the Integrated Planning Guide: A collective reminder of the the IEC charter and its integral connection to the Integrated Planning Guide. Jeff Sacha
Reviewed the IEC Action Charter by way of the graphic on the Integrated Planning Portal page (also appears in the ARC Integrated Planning Guide document on p. 3). The eight planning components are the purview of the IEC and directly relate to our College's accreditation process.
Program Level Student Learning Outcomes (PSLO) Mapping Tool Project Update: Update on the use of AI to analyze and describe this data. Implications for AI's use in other campus process to be discussed. Jeff Moran
Finalize AI-Generated PSLO Alignment Reports – Tak Auyeung will input Chemistry, Psychology, Math, English, History, and Art programs into the AI tool before the March meeting.

Distribute Reports to Faculty for Validation – The AI-generated PSLO/SLO alignment reports will be sent to department faculty for review and scoring on a 0–4 scale before the March meeting.

Prepare for March IEC Discussion on AI Tool – Faculty feedback will be reviewed to determine necessary prompt adjustments and refinements.

Develop AI Policy and Training Recommendations – IEC members are encouraged to provide feedback on ethical AI implementation, faculty-led AI adoption, and possible training strategies.

Plan for Academic Senate Presentation in April – Present full results of AI-driven PSLO mapping, solicit feedback, and discuss long-term institutional adoption.
Annual Unit Plan (AUP) and Program Review Update: An updated on the AUP submission rates for Fall '24, as well as plans to support the Program Review process through Spring '25. Veronica Lopez
Clarify AUP Process Awareness – Increase faculty and staff awareness that Annual Unit Plans (AUPs) are required yearly and distinct from program review, which happens every few years. Many are confused about their responsibilities.

Send Systematized Reminders – Develop and send regular reminders to deans and departments with links, deadlines, and instructions to ensure timely AUP submissions.

Reevaluate AUP Submission Assignments – Examine whether certain offices should or shouldn’t be submitting AUPs and address potential duplication.

Onboarding for New Deans – Develop training for deans and administrators regarding AUPs, given that many new deans are unfamiliar with the process.

Review Program Review Training Sessions – Ensure upcoming April 2–3 training sessions for program review are well-publicized and attended.
Institution set standards (accreditation): All units (there was only 1) that fell below their department set standards for course success rates (institution set standards at the department level) have completed the institution set standards reporting form indicating the actions they intend to take to improve student achievement outcomes (as required by ACCJC accreditation standards). These actions include offering one or more sections using a Hyflex model and offering at least 1 ZTC course section in their department. Yuj Shimizu
All units (there was only 1) that fell below their department set standards for course success rates (institution set standards at the department level) have completed the institution set standards reporting form indicating the actions they intend to take to improve student achievement outcomes (as required by ACCJC accreditation standards).  These actions include offering one or more sections using a Hyflex model and offering at least 1 ZTC course section in their department. 
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
Re-chartering ARC Councils: At the end of this term, all three Council "action charters" will expire and need to be renewed. I propose suggesting three Project Teams be formed at the next ELT, with clear timelines. Jeff Sacha 0
Review & Update IEC, Student Success, and Operations Council Charters – These charters expire at the end of Spring 2025, and project teams will be formed to review and update them before Fall.

Review and Update the Integrated Planning Guide – The six-year-old guide needs to be reassessed to reflect the current institutional context.

Ensure Institutional Plans Reflect Current Needs – Consider revisiting and aligning outdated governance documents, including the Equity Plan, in response to political and institutional changes.

Invite HomeBase Realignment Representative to March IEC Meeting – Identify and invite someone involved in the HomeBase restructuring to provide updates and discuss its alignment with institutional effectiveness efforts.

Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
Professional Development for Non-Classroom Faculty: Counseling faculty are interested in exploring ways to offer a deeper dive into equity work for a small group of non-classroom faculty, including counselors, librarians, nurses, and faculty coordinators. Many are interested in exploring ways to improve their practice and outcomes for the Disproportionately Impacted students they serve. The college has a successful track record of offering equity training for small groups of instructional faculty. Some counselors, particularly those who teach HCD, have participated over the years. Maybe we can discuss: • Ways to improve our practice in a non-classroom context • Informing our efforts with relevant data (even if it is less specific that the instructional retention data our colleagues use) Jessica Nelson Potential Faculty Liaison Roles – The idea was raised about ensuring non-instructional faculty (librarians, counselors, nurses, etc.) have designated liaisons who can help shape professional development opportunities.

Proposal for an Institute – There was interest in developing an institute-style professional development program for non-instructional faculty, modeled after past institutes for instructional faculty.

Collaboration with CTL – The discussion touched on integrating non-instructional faculty development into the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) to provide structured, ongoing support.

Continued Discussion at ELT – There was an intention to bring this discussion to the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) to explore potential resources and next steps.

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