Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Frank Kobayashi
Nicole Porter
Lisa Cardoza
Koue Vang
Brian Knirk
Veronica Lopez
David McCusker
Elizabeth Geisser
Mary Goodall
Caitlyn Spencer
Kaitlyn Collignon
Kimberly Bossman
Kevin Hill
Alisa Shubb
Jeffrey Sacha
Mary Goodall
Marianne Harris
BJ Snowden
Amanda Lewis
Alicia Szutowicz-Fitzpatrick

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Executive Leadership Team
DATE OF MEETING: 03/04/2024
TIME: 3:00pm
LOCATION/ROOM #: ARC Student Center Boardroom
FACILITATOR(S): Lisa Cardoza
ASSISTANT: Amanda Lewis
MEMBERS PRESENT: Kimberly Bossman, Lisa Cardoza, Liz Geisser, Mary Goodall, Mary Goodall, Brian Knirk, Frank Kobayashi, Veronica Lopez, Nicole Porter, Jeffrey Sacha, Alisa Shubb, Kaitlyn Collignon, Jennifer Laflam, BJ Snowden, Koue Vang, Alicia Szutowicz-Fitzpatrick
Attached Files:
2023-24 Annual Unit Plan Summary
Davies Project Team Charter
AB 1705 STEM Calculus Pathway Placement and First Math Course Enrollment Analysis: American River College
AB 1705 STEM Calculus Pathway Data Submission Template
CCC Memorandum ESLEI 24-15 - AB 1705 Validation of Equitable Placement, Support and Completion Practices for STEM Programs
ARC Integrated Planning Guide
Davies Project Team Charter: 2023-2024 ARC Annual Unit Planning (AUP) Summary:  
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
Council/Project Team highlights: Student Success Council Frank Kobayashi (VPI)
-Council conducted a review of the board goals document, specifically related to dual enrollment.
-Council determined that dual enrollment will be an ongoing discussion.
-Council reviewed the Fall 22 vs. Fall 23 student characteristics summary and discussed current support for students taking less than a full load of courses, especially enrollment of children into the Child Development Center.
-Council planning to change their meeting times for the Fall semester.
-The project team for Davies is being brought to the Academic Senate.
Council/Project Team highlights: Operations Council Koue Vang (VPA)
-IT is currently replacing 186 PCs and Laptops
-Natomas 2 and 3 are 32% complete
-CTE is 39% complete
-Veteran’s resource center’s plans have been approved by DSA, FM is still working out issues with HVAC
-Looking into purple village and more options with the stadium. Specifically, they are looking into the status of classrooms and moving delivery and shipping of items in faculty offices
-Existing fencing around Davies was discussed with DO and determined that the fencing will be expanded in case of collapse.
-Space Utilization study:
1. Los Rios’ applied research and consulting is conducting a space utilization study. So far they have met with the Cabinet for a kickoff. 
2. Looking ahead, they are planning to collect current classroom scheduling, host feedback sessions and survey different populations on campus including ALC/Classified senate/student gov/etc.
3. Done this at CRC, 200 pg report, a lot of work, requesting lots of information
4. Goal: Get perspective of what each different areas’ goals are, going to share what they think we do need
5. Next Steps: request presentation of findings, VPA of CRC bring back their feedback from their report, get a timeline specific to ARC, create an anonymous option for campus survey
Council/Project Team highlights: Institutional Effectiveness Council BJ Snowden (AVP of IE&E)
-The updated 23-24 annual review plan was shared
-Update of data on-demand
-Update on faculty/classified PD funding process, Brian is working with the committee to utilize process and provide updates to the charter of this team, Jen is working with classified to make sure that process is clear
-Update on funding for equity conferences (supported by CEAP dollars) which is a process that's being piloted
Constituency Group highlights: Academic Senate Brian Knirk (AS)
-Approved the charter for the dual enrollment task force. This group will help inform faculty of how decisions are made.
-Approved critical hire for nurses
-Approved Davies hall project team
-Started discussion on Artificial Intelligence and training needs
Continuing discussion on general education requirements to share findings at the end of semester to the Board
Constituency Group highlights: Classified Senate Liz Geisser (CS)
-Senators are currently focused on PD day which is Thursday, 3/13
-Conducting elections in April, info will be going out the end of March
-Constitution and Bylaws committee are going through these and making much needed updates
-There is a meeting this week to award classified funding money for professional development
Constituency Group highlights: ASB Senate Alicia Szutowicz-Fitzpatrick (ASB)
-Had a great lobby day, SBA56 was dying in appropriations, lobbied for SP1200, California promise
-Sending model UN to a conference in the near future
-Psi beta got approved to survey the student body for motivation classes on academic advising, self efficacy, etc. Three different reports will be published at an undergrad level in San Francisco
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
Portable Village 3 Project Team Charter Frank Kobayashi (VPI) -No specific comments were made

-Unanimously approved
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
Retiree Reception/Years of Service Kaitlyn Collignon (PIO) -The reception is an annual event that invites retirees from the current academic year to celebrate their retirement.
-Decision was made to incorporate years of service into this event as well.
-This year, the goal is to make the event more ARC branded in spirit
-A spring ‘24 date will be selected in the near future.
-The importance of still recognizing retirees at convocation was emphasized.
Commencement Kaitlyn Collignon (PIO) -An update was shared about current discussions about splitting graduation into two so fewer students will have to turn family/friends away from attending.
-Reception of this idea was positive so long as operations believed it to be feasible and communication about the split was done strategically.
-The group determined that the evenings of Thursday and Friday May 16th and 17th would be preferable over mornings.
AB 1705 Math Validation Response Brian Knirk (AS) -The state released information early last week about preliminary data they have specific to STEM majors. -The information questions whether there should be a sequence of math courses prior to calculus. The data suggests that students should immediately be placed into calculus without precalculus courses.
-Our math faculty are concerned about the impact this would have on students if the district chooses to go in this direction
-Nothing has changed thus far but this data release however, the Chancellor’s Office sent out an email requiring the Academic Senate to respond by June 1 with a decision regarding four potential options for moving forward
-Our math faculty are currently discussing these options at length -The Academic Senate hopes to vote in support of the math faculty’s preferred option
2023-24 Annual Unit Planning (AUP) Summary Report Background: The AUP Summary Report (see PDF attachment) summarizes actions taken by all Program Units that submitted AUPs in Fall 2023. The report also shows the relationship between actions, resource requests, and our Strategic Goals. Discussion: Discuss the frequency of department actions in relationship to our Strategic Goals. What goals are receiving attention from programs? What parts of our Strategic Goals are receiving less attention? How can this information inform Leadership priorities, plans, and communication in Spring and Fall 2024? Jeffrey Sacha (IEC) -Overview of what the document is
-The updates included new features to make it easier to read and point to different information

2023-24 Annual Unit Planning (AUP) Summary Report Background: The AUP Summary Report (see PDF attachment) summarizes actions taken by all Program Units that submitted AUPs in Fall 2023. The report also shows the relationship between actions, resource requests, and our Strategic Goals. Discussion and Recommendation: In the discussion about the AUP Summary report at IEC in February, some important questions and points were raised regarding administrative response to departments' plans and requests for support in their AUPs. The IEC expressed a desire to “close the loop” more transparently and effectively by ensuring that requests in the AUP are either met or addressed by management in a timely manner. The IEC recommends including institutional response as part of the AUP process. For example, Deans could document the response and support they provide to departments in the Integrated Planning Portal by a given date each Spring, and this process can be reflected in the Deans' evaluation process. Jeffrey Sacha (IEC) -Deeper discussion about documentation of collaboration between deans and faculty/dept. chairs for resource requests and goal achievement ensued.
Integrated Planning Document Brian Knirk (AS) -See attachment/discussion regarding AUP.

Space utilization study (if not covered by ops council.) Brian Knirk (AS) See operations council.
HSI Grant Nicole Porter (SS) -HSI grant is for the entire institution, not just student services.
-Student Service’s role is to engage the campus but the division will need the support of all constituent groups to get the initiative up and running.
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