Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Frank Kobayashi
Nicole Porter
Melanie Ortega
BJ Snowden
Hannah Blodgett
Carina Hoffpauir
Mikhail Drobot
Justin Tseng
Eliza Arata
Sharon Gott
Marianne Harris
Brian Knirk
Nimo Ali
David Shrope-Austin
Caroline Prieto
Allyson Joye
Tera Reynolds
Arthur Jenkins
Anthony Carter
Kim Herrell
Elizabeth Geisser
Dianne Cervantez
Maria Elena Pulido-Sepulveda

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Student Success Council
DATE OF MEETING: 03/19/2024
TIME: 1:00pm
CALL-IN NUMBER:1-669-900-6833
CALL-IN CODE: 895 3280 0273 (Meeting ID)
FACILITATOR(S): Frank Kobayashi & Marianne Harris
ASSISTANT: Melanie Ortega
MEMBERS PRESENT: Attendees: Sharong Gott, Frank Kobayashi, Hannah Blodgett, Nimo Ali, Ally Joye, Hannah Blodgett, Brian Knirk, Liz Geisser, Dianne Cervantes, Raquel Arata, Anthony Carter, Caroline Prieto, Carina Hoffpauir, David Austin, Marianne Harris
Attached Files:
Student Characteristics Summary: Year-over-Year (Fall 23 vs Fall 22)
Board Goals - Second Read
Calendar and Meeting Schedule Overview - Governance Groups
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
Welcome Frank Kobayashi
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
Board Goals - 2nd Reading - Review Board Goals link Frank Kobayashi Q. Should this document include campus plans for assessing the programs that have been listed and/or speaking to the Academic Senate’s formation of a Dual Enrollment workgroup?

A. The task was approached as a “homework assignment” where the task was to answer the questions and provide additional responses as required. As it relates to assessing content, several of the programs (e.g. Homebase, OER) have assessment components built in.

Q. Are we going to have additional discussions re: Dual Enrollment?

A. Yes, that will be an ongoing discussion. Academic Senate is interested in exploring it further; this document is just an update on the college’s progress on the items the Board has identified as its goals.

Council vote to accept changes: 1-vote thumb sideways (unsure); 12-votes thumbs up

Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
Student Characteristics Summary (attached): Year-over-Year (Fall 23 vs Fall 22). Highlights include: - The growth in headcount for ARC - Identifying the largest gains in student headcount - Identifying the largest percentage increase for any group with at least a baseline headcount of 100 Frank Kobayashi This report includes Apprentice and Public Safety data to provide a clear picture of campus enrollment.

Some highlights include:

In Fall 2023, Apprenticeship and Public Safety combined to account for 16% of ARC’s total enrollments (up from 15% in Fall 22).
Growth in headcount for ARC (excluding A & PS) represents the first year-over-year growth in fall student headcount in over a decade (growth last occurred in Fall 2012) breaking a streak of 10 straight years of declines.
The largest gains in student headcount in each category were Male students (+1287), Latinx students (+875).
Public Safety: not as dominated w/males, but still significant; adult learners skew more heavily
Most common characteristics of ARC students (excluding A and PS) include students of color (62%), a major shift over the years.

Q. As it relates to part-time students: 1 in 5 are full time and a large number are taking less than 6 units. There are pushes to get students to take more classes, but if more than half of our students are taking less than 6 units, are they getting the support they need, given they have fewer opportunities for engagement/access than students taking more courses. So, for students who are not taking full load, what support are we offering them?

A. Good point. 44% are taking fewer than 5 units. Smaller percentages are working full time. Data shows that students enrolled full time in guided pathways, perform well.
When I [Dianne] visit Adult Ed schools, ESL teachers often express concern about how financial aid (e.g. Promise Grants, etc.) will impact ESL students who may need to take fewer classes when they first enter college. What loopholes are available to account for students experiencing DI who may also be enrolled less than full time.
Request for data: How many students are fully online versus those that want to be fully online. What best practices are available for supporting those students (e.g. exploring ways to engage students who are not engaging with us?). Frank will assign this as homework for Jen.
How many adult learners have a need for child/after care? Campus child care centers are often impacted. How many are using ARC’s childcare?Is there room for increasing options/availability?
ARC’s Child Development Center (CDC) is not at maximum capacity. Frank estimates it’s at 60-70% in terms of enrollment; there is no waitlist for the CDC.
Q. How does it work for students to enroll their children into the CDC?

A. Contact Cheryl Watt, CDC Supervisor. You can also play with babies on campus! Week of the Young Child (April 6 - 12) is also an opportunity to read with the CDC kids – contact Cheryl and let her know, if you’d like to participate.

A. Students may also have to be enrolled for a specific number of units and their modality (online courses, etc.) may impact their eligibility.

Frank and Marianne will arrange to have Cheryl Watt present at a future meeting.

AB 1705 Updates Matt Mitchell, Amy Gaudard, and Dean Michelle Brock have been invited to share progress updates on AB 1705 implementation for Math. Frank Kobayashi Rescheduled. Additional AB705 presentations from English and ESL will be scheduled over the remainder of the spring semester.

Fall 2024 SS Council Time Change Request (attachment) - President Cardoza would like her Cabinet to meet on Tuesdays from 2PM to 5PM, so that would require SSC change its schedule. - Review the "Calendar and Meeting Schedule Overview" for the other governance groups schedules. Frank Kobayashi President’s Cabinet meetings are Tuesdays, 3-5pm. Meetings tend to run long, so in Fall 2024, Dr. Cardoza wants to reschedule meetings for 2pm - 4pm (or 5pm, in reality).
Potential possibilities include: Tuesday, 12pm - 2pm or Wednesday, 1pm - 3pm.

Topic Contact Person
OTHER INFORMATION: Upcoming PD: Using ChatGPT in STEM Education | Mar 20 | 10am - 11:30am & Mar 29 | 11am - 12:30pm Art Therapy for Classified Professionals | Mar 21 | 1pm - 3pm Let's Play with AI | Mar 22 | 10am - 12pm Undocu-Knowledge Series: DACA Updates & Advance Parole | Mar 27 | 1pm - 2pm