Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Frank Kobayashi
Nicole Porter
Melanie Ortega
BJ Snowden
Hannah Blodgett
Carina Hoffpauir
Mikhail Drobot
Justin Tseng
Eliza Arata
Sharon Gott
Marianne Harris
Brian Knirk
Nimo Ali
David Shrope-Austin
Caroline Prieto
Allyson Joye
Tera Reynolds
Arthur Jenkins
Anthony Carter
Kim Herrell
Elizabeth Geisser
Dianne Cervantez
Maria Elena Pulido-Sepulveda

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Student Success Council
DATE OF MEETING: 02/06/2024
TIME: 1:00pm
CALL-IN NUMBER:1-669-900-6833
CALL-IN CODE: 895 3280 0273 (Meeting ID)
FACILITATOR(S): Frank Kobayashi & Marianne Harris
MEMBERS PRESENT: Eliza Arata, Dianne Cervantez, Mikhail Drobot, Liz Geisser, Sharon Gott, Marianne Harris, Kim Herrell, Arthur Jenkins, Allyson Joye, Brian Knirk, Frank Kobayashi, Nicole Porter, Caroline Prieto, Tera Reynolds, David Shrope-Austin, BJ Snowden, Nimo Ali, Hannah Blodgett, Anthony Carter, Jennifer Laflam, Angela Milano, Jessica Nelson, William Robey,
Attached Files:
Options for New Office and Classroom Space Presentation
California's Fiscal Outlook
Overview of the Governor's Budget
Joint Analysis
Davies Portable Village Project Charter
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
Welcome Frank Kobayashi
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
OER Printing Support for Students - Update Sarah Lehmann & Kate Williamson (1pm) 1.) ZTC - zero textbook cost

Students want a print copy for their books
Kate and Sarah want to work with the bookstore and faculty
No ISBN - couple thousand dollars to do it on the book (bookstore needs an ISBN in order for the bookstore to adpot it)
-BS cannot use it for commerical use (OERs) "non commerical license"

Solution: exploring new options with the
Affordable Learning Materials committee.

Print on demand for students (possible)

Aiming for Homebases to utilize this for students printing OERs
-STEM is open to it

Option 2: can print them out ready on reserve for students

**need a work group to see if this is possible for resolve issue**

OER: can print for free
Getting faculty to share what they're using is a challenge
Need coordination of where students can go for print resources/support.

Library is under staffed; HomeBases may be able to help

Printing prior to semesters starts may be an option HomeBases can support


Next step: meet with Angela Milano + HB team and team to WORKGROUP/beta test it

Printing Services can be a part of this action/OERs text are lengthy

Tera suggested certain areas like the UNITE center to have these OERs printed
(signal focal point)
Potential Charter Revision: On roles for members on SSC my role is stated as Instructional Representative – Math. The Math Department is being combined with the CIS department. Can the role for Math now also be from CIS? Sharon Gott AB 705/1705 had significant impacts on: ESL, English, Math

Impact also resulted in reorganization to merge CIS and Math departments

Action Item for next meeting:

Review SSC charter membership to discuss benefits/drawbacks to having Math position served by either CIS or MATH faculty member
Davies Hall - Additional opportunity for feedback on the 4 options being considered for new classroom and office space. Watch the "Options for New Office and Classroom Space Presentation" webinar. Frank Kobayashi Four options presented; collecting additional feedback from SSC

Leaning towards portable option near stadium

Davies Hall - Initial Discussion of a Project Team to inform the future new Portable Village. Frank Kobayashi Project Charter: Additional feedback will be sought form campus community
Various stakeholders will be part of this process
Two semester project team
Draft of document will be available for a second reading at the next SSC meeting

Take charter back to constituents for Senate's revision/feedback

Project lead is Brian Knirk

Goals includ looking at proposed location (site) and offering feedback

Jen Laflam - will draft ideas about how using an equity lens, where data is used to inform the work, can appear in the draft;
research dept is available for data and to support.

Carina Hoffipauir: Project memberships -- not all staff are evenly staffed
Classified staff in not there (specifying who will represent)

Caroline Prieto (English): Are there alternative options other than portables?
Want departments close together, want to meet with students individually and
1:1 time with students
How will we accomplish that w/ space?

Is it possible to build: small offices like Health Ed Center

Concern: flexibily for chairs to be moved around, not like a lab
Want old Davies desk structure

B. Knirk's response: Allow faculty to be on charter work group to give their feedback.

To meet the needs of the faculty, portables are the fastest option.

Topic will be further discussed at Academic Senate meeting

Frank: Spring 24 scheduling has been a challenge.
Impacted departments have rounds 1 and 2; now they have to crave out space in the three divisions.

Ally Joye: Office spaces are individual office space (confirmed by Frank)

Caroline Prieto: Will faculty be able to keep existing offices that were temporarily assigned?

Stadium Portable Village: lot A has 90 Faculty offices (individual offices)

Shade structures for portables and bathroom access is working
Bathroom structure will be placed in the Portable Village
no timeline yet on that
Entering the Lean Years - Legislative Analyst Office (LAO) "California's Fiscal Outlook" and "Overview of the Governor's Budget" (see attached). LAO offers a non-partisan perspective on the budget. -Joint Analysis of the Governnors Budget (see attached). Prepared by the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office with review and support from the Association of California Community College Administrators, Association of Chief Business Officiials, and the Community College League of California. Questions to consider: - What did the college do in the previous recession? - What can the college do better in preparation for the upcoming recession? Frank Kobayashi California budget cycle is based on 3 elements:

1) Gov budget released in Jan and revised in May.
Legislature decides on budget by end of June w/a summary

2) Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) is nonpartisan, and they look at budget from a non-biased perspective.

3) Joint Analysis (put together by Chancellor's office and includes Admin/CEOs) take a look at the budget.

Frank: take a look at executive summaries for all 3. Essentially, we are headed to rough budget items over next 3-5 years. State revenue is expected to be lower than anticipated. Initial governor’s budget reflects this, debate is how much less money will we have – not our job as SSC

Big take away: lean years during pandemic didn’t materialize; last cuts were during 2007-2012 years; not saying we’re headed into something like that, but the expectation is that things will get tougher.

Let's open a conversation about what we can do in recession and consider what we did well in the past and what we want to do better. What do we want to keep in mind? Intention is to answer questions you have about the documents and also discuss what should we do to prepare for a recession?

Ally Joye: a cost cutting measure could be shifting on-ground classes; but she's hoping that's not a direction the college takes

B.Knirk: was here during last big cuts. My division: we talked amongst divisions, faculty, and recognized that across the board cuts weren’t equitable; help protect smaller programs (running smaller classes now, that may not happen in the future)

Ally: consider impact on part-timers (lots of PTers lost their jobs and suffered severely in the great recession); remain cognizant of that and minimize that as much as possible

Marianne Harris: wasn't here during recession. What CC did well during this time?

Frank: offered a perspective from another college: implemented zero based budgeting, starting from scratch; laid of a lot of workforce, faculty and staff;

Carina Hoffpauir: strengthen basic needs resources, thinking about the whole person as students, staff employees; being prepared to be human about it and to connect people with resources as needed; budget cut with empathy

Ally: during that time it felt as though board supported us due to sound fiscal planning

Tera Reynolds: how will this effect our students? (not here during recession)

Frank: need to plan for cuts in Jan

Ally: Federal Work Study students can earn more hours; how to make students more aware of FWS as an option. Hope those funds remain available to students. To qualify for FWS, students must maintain a certain number of federal work study credits

Nimo: It's not too late to apply for 2024-2025 FAFSA. Perhaps HB workshops can do small workshops for students and add to Canvas

Frank: Funds that will be impacted SEAP, General, Strong Workforce. Those funds are the lifeblood of the institution, even though they’re not meant to be long term
Topic Contact Person
Please share the upcoming PD opportunities with your constituents: - Listening to and Supporting LGBTQ+ Students: An Intersectional 3-Part Workshop Series, begins Feb 6 - Accessing/Using Data in Equity Work as Instructors at ARC, Feb 9 -Application to Attend Equity Conferences in Spring/Summer 2024 Marianne Harris