Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Frank Kobayashi
Nicole Porter
Lisa Cardoza
Koue Vang
Brian Knirk
Veronica Lopez
David McCusker
Elizabeth Geisser
Mary Goodall
Caitlyn Spencer
Kaitlyn Collignon
Kimberly Bossman
Kevin Hill
Alisa Shubb
Jeffrey Sacha
Mary Goodall
Marianne Harris
BJ Snowden
Amanda Lewis
Alicia Szutowicz-Fitzpatrick

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Executive Leadership Team
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: Discuss College Happenings
DATE OF MEETING: 04/03/2023
TIME: 3:00pm
LOCATION/ROOM #: Student Center Board Room
FACILITATOR(S): Frank Kobayashi
MEMBERS PRESENT: Warda Ali, Derrick Booth, Liz Geisser, Mary Goodall, Marianne Harris, Kevin Hill, Carina Hoffpauir, Frank Kobayashi, Veronica Lopez, Alisa Shubb, Bill Simpson, Caitlyn Spencer, Robert Snowden, Jeff Stephenson, Koue Vang,
Attached Files:
ARC Strategic Plan Aligned Metrics 2023-2030 (DRAFT)
ARC 2023-2030 Strategic Plan (DRAFT)
ELT Notes 03.06.23 (draft)
Strategic Enrollment Management Strategies
SEM Access Indicators
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
Council / Project Team Highlights from Written Reports Council Leads / Co-Leads
Student Success Council
- Review of Strategic Plan draft document
- Support for part-time students
- Review of our refund policy
- Update on scholarship eligibility issues for students not pursuing AS/AA degrees
- Interest in bringing UNITE groups to share updates and future plans

Operations Council
- Review of Strategic Plan draft document
- Updates on IT and Capital Projects
- Forming a workgroup to explore braille signage on campus and self-guided campus tours

Institutional Effectiveness Council
- Review of Strategic Plan draft document 
- A new process for the publication of ELT notes: can handle voting which will speed up decision-making
- A plan for assessing HomeBases: will be an ongoing discussion to define what success looks like in implementation and collaboration between stakeholders
Constituency Group Highlights from Written Reports Constituency Group Leaders
Classified Senate
- Introduction of new Classified Senate President, Liz Geisser
- Upcoming elections
- Website update

Student Senate
- Upcoming elections; encourage students to vote and run for positions
- Return to in-person meetings
- Training club leaders
- Plans for an end-of-year banquet
- Brainstorming about campus events for next year

Academic Senate
- Approved resolutions on LRCCD leadership and Priority Registration for Learning Community Students
- Discussions of HomeBases dual enrollment, all-gender restrooms, and Strategic Planning
ARC Strategic Plan: Sharing Strategies and Performance Metrics BJ Snowden / Jen Laflam
- Recap of the Strategic Planning process in Fall 2022: reaffirmation of goals for 2023-2030
- Current work focuses on the metrics and strategies
- Draft Strategic Plan Metrics document:
   * Under Strategic Goal #1: Students First, goals are to increase overall achievement by 7 percentage points; eliminate existing equity gaps for African American, Latinx, and Native American students; and eliminate existing equity gaps for African American male students. 
    * For Strategic Goal #2: Clear and Effective Paths, goals are to restore and increase enrollment; meet Vision for Success Goals; increase certificate, degree, and transfer-ready rates by 7 percentage points; eliminate equity gaps in certificate, degree, and transfer-ready rates for African American, Latinx, and Native American students; and improve career education outcomes.
   * For Strategic Goal #3: Exemplary Teaching & Learning Environment, first goal is to improve overall achievement by 7 percentage points for course success rates, A-B rates, and reduction of our drop rate; second goal is to eliminate existing equity gaps for African American, Latinx, and Native American Students for all goal #3 metrics (course success rates, A-B rates, drop rates).
   * For Strategic Goal #4: Vibrancy & Resiliency, this area was not previously measured. May include several forms of qualitative measurement such as surveys for various stakeholders and rates of professional development participation. 
- Draft Strategic Goals and Strategies document:
   * Document identifies various potential strategies for achieving the four goals 
   * Discussion from ELT members included suggestions about using student surveys, strategic enrollment management strategies and course scheduling, and progress tracking. Suggestion to move strategy about Open Educational Resources (OER) under Goal #3. 
HSI Grant BJ Snowden
- ARC has been awarded a Hispanic Serving-Institution (HSI) due to increased congressional funding. 
- The grant will commence on October 1, 2023 and will amount to $4.8 million over 5 years.
- Potential uses might include establishing a Latinx Center, mentoring, a peer ambassador program, a summer program for new students, career partnerships, and more. 
- ELT members expressed interest in viewing a copy of the grant. There was also discussion of the grant’s connection to the Latinx disproportionate impact (DI) report and interest in conducting an update on our DI project team reports. 
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
Approval of 3/6/23 ELT Notes Frank Kobayashi Thumbs up; approved
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
HomeBase Frank Kobayashi - An email from Interim President Kobayashi was sent to college explaining the proposed realignment plan for HomeBases and Areas of Interest
- Communication was also sent to impacted departments with explanation of a feedback process in collaboration with the Program Paths committee and Academic Senate
- Collegewide feedback forums
- Counselor impact is still being negotiated by LRCFT

Meeting adjourned early due to a fire alarm in the Student Center Bldg
Data Share BJ Snowden / Jen Laflam
Topic Contact Person