Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Frank Kobayashi
Nicole Porter
Lisa Cardoza
Koue Vang
Brian Knirk
Veronica Lopez
David McCusker
Elizabeth Geisser
Mary Goodall
Caitlyn Spencer
Kaitlyn Collignon
Kimberly Bossman
Kevin Hill
Alisa Shubb
Jeffrey Sacha
Mary Goodall
Marianne Harris
BJ Snowden
Amanda Lewis
Alicia Szutowicz-Fitzpatrick

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Executive Leadership Team
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: Discussion of College Happenings
DATE OF MEETING: 12/05/2022
TIME: 3:00pm-5:00pm
LOCATION/ROOM #: Student Center Board Room
FACILITATOR(S): Melanie Dixon
MEMBERS PRESENT: Warda Ali, Melanie Dixon, Mary Goodall, Carina Hoffpauir, Brian Knirk, Frank Kobayashi, Veronica Lopez, Alisa Shubb, Caitlyn Spencer, Jennifer Laflam, Susan McCoy, Robert Snowden, Jeff Stephenson, Koue Vang
Attached Files:
Bias Response Project Team Report - Second Reading
Onboarding Project Team Report - Second Reading
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
Council / Project Team Highlights from Written Reports Council Leads / Co-Leads
Student Success Council
- Bias Response read/approved
- HomeBase Resource Panel approved
- Communications Resource Panel development in process

Institutional Effectiveness Council
- Walked through re-affirmation of strategic goals 
- Formal process of aligning ARC's goals w/DO goals to happen in the Spring
- SEAP submitted and certified
- 2nd reading of Onboarding Project Team Report
- Virtual or In-Person Program Review presentations decision coming next semester

Operations Council
- LRPD coverage at the college; Captain Day now covering both ARC and FLC
- Using Men in Black to cover Natomas and Safety centers
- STEM Bldg elevator update not yet fixed; ETA is next week
Constituency Group Highlights from Written Reports Constituency Group Leaders
Student Association
- Natomas Center event very successful
- Planning spring event; looking to involve outside organizations as well, "Zen Fest" with a focus on wellness
- Make sure that students are aware of the resources available
- Small board; people are spread pretty thin
- Elections in March

Classified Senate
- Postponing Winter luncheon to January

Faculty Senate
- Approved SEAP
- Update on vaccine mandate
- Project teams have not presented to Senate; will be scheduled for meeting in early spring
Back on Campus Update Frank Kobayashi
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
Approval of 11/7/22 ELT Notes Melanie Dixon To be email for approval prior to end of semester
Bias Response Project Team Report Presentation (Second Reading/Approval) (3:30 pm) Kolleen Ostgaard / Parrish Geary - recommendation changes highlighted in yellow in report
- consider length of Bias Response appointments (initially six-semester appointment; perhaps shorter after that)
- data collecting moved from level 2 to 1
- (Obj 6) referencing training for BRT members
- BRT develop unified messaging following an incident providing resources, talking points, etc. (Obj 7)
- Connect work of BRT with Equity Plan

- if a student experiences a microaggression with a faculty member; does that fall into a complaint to the dean, the BRT, and ??
- not intended to be used with evaluations, discipline, etc.
- include communication strategies to classified professionals as deemed appropriate
- team will present at Thursday's Academic Senate meeting
- coming back to February ELT meeting

- establishing communication plan can't be the last priority;
- first action, develop plan how to communicate
- team members should not necessarily be the responsibility of the BRT members
- with only one communication individual assigned to the college; may need to look at different strategies

Employee Onboarding Project Team Report Presentation (Second Reading/Approval) (3:30 pm) Kathy Sorensen / Asha Wilkerson / Hannah Blodgett Feedback from classified incorporated in Excel spreadsheet
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
HomeBase Resource Panel 2 Frank Kobayashi Resource Panel Part 1 met for two semesters
- one recommendation, go back to the original 8 homebases (had 6 due to space limitations)
- another recommendation, looking at organizational structure of instruction, counseling, etc.
- strengthening mechanisms to allow students to transfer homebases
- align and strengthen relationship with First Year Experience
- need to reconcile that recommendation as aligning FYE with HomeBase is problematic
- conversation centered around students not declaring a major fall within FYE
- recommendation that if keeping FYE, make it the first semester experience, not an entire year
- students within Rising Scholars don't know what they want to do, they are meeting with a career counselor; possibly include that for all non-declared students
- need to evaluate HomeBases
- HomeBases originally developed to be an on-ground program and then was employed online because of the pandemic
- former evaluation metrics were developed for on-ground program and deemed not plausible for online
- haven't been good measurers
- last recommendation is to have HomeBase advisory board to continue the conversations

Resource Panel 2
- looking to address questions that have risen and have a lot more conversations
- District research team now at a point where they can address the research challenges

- HomeBases is not a destination
- it will need a constant revisit and assessment to improve
- strongly encourage HCD 310 as a course to those undeclared
- develop a similar course for students who do have a declared major but want more information on how to be successful
- have more focus on orientation (can't be mandatory but can entice)
- possibly incorporate portions of the HCD 310 into orientation
- recommendation has been made to Exec Team to have someone whose responsibility is to oversee HomeBases
- possibly have a team to prevent siloing of information
- meeting planned for next week to discuss the restructuring involved in HomeBases with counselors
- senate and labor have been involved
- restructuring information will then be shared college-wide

HomeBase Next Steps Frank Kobayashi ss
Strategic Plan BJ Snowden Timeline:
- strategic goals can be set for 7-year cycle with an annual review
- formal goals were 2017-2021
- would align with accreditation cycle
- goals are broad enough to make sense for 7 years
- thumbs up for 2023-2030

Aligning with District metrics in Sp23
- Start w/open forums during first four weeks
- Early February - presenting to senates and councils
- Early March - align w/DO
Topic Contact Person
Interim Presidency Search FLC president decision expected by 12/6 Then, ARC interim process will begin Anticipate decision by end of next week Formal search info will be included in interim announcement ARC and SCC searches both in Spring ARC Honors Program and its current status Build Process to Avoid Missing Presentations Build Process to Implement Recommendations