Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Frank Kobayashi
Nicole Porter
Lisa Cardoza
Koue Vang
Brian Knirk
Veronica Lopez
David McCusker
Elizabeth Geisser
Mary Goodall
Caitlyn Spencer
Kaitlyn Collignon
Kimberly Bossman
Kevin Hill
Alisa Shubb
Jeffrey Sacha
Mary Goodall
Marianne Harris
BJ Snowden
Amanda Lewis
Alicia Szutowicz-Fitzpatrick

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Executive Leadership Team
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: Discuss College Happenings
DATE OF MEETING: 09/12/2022
TIME: 3:00pm-5:00pm
LOCATION/ROOM #: Student Center Board Room
FACILITATOR(S): Melanie Dixon
MEMBERS PRESENT: Melanie Dixon, Kevin Hill, Carina Hoffpauir, Brian Knirk, Frank Kobayashi, Veronica Lopez, Nicole Nugent, Alisa Shubb, Bill Simpson, Caitlyn Spencer, Scott Crow, Jennifer Laflam, Robert Snowden, Jeff Stephenson
Attached Files:
ELT Notes 05.09.22 (draft)
College Update on Core Inquiries (DRAFT)
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
Council / Project Team Highlights from Written Reports Council Leads / Co-Leads
Operations Council
- First meeting next week.

Student Success Council
- Written report will be submitted
- Presented ISER core inquiry responses as information item
- First meeting for Marianne Harris as co-lead.

Institutional Effectiveness Council
- First meeting on the 19th
Constituency Group Highlights from Written Reports Constituency Group Leaders
- Approved statement of values
- Collaborating with program review with an equity focus
- Developing process to handle course substitutions
- Discussion items include professional development, accreditation, student-centered course language, online assessment implications and new technology, exploring impact of COVID protocols

- Retreat this week

- Approved a few bills including funding student leadership conference
- CAEB now officially meeting in person
- All CAEB members except Kevyn are new
- Approved funding for constitution day and voter registration
- Preparing event to highlight constitution day
- Club rush event on September 20 to increase clubs
- Creating athletic spirit event and sophomore breakfast

Question:  Heritage month coming up - any planned activities
Nothing currently planned but been thinking about it and want to tie in with learning communities

Question: DACA action week in October - any planned activities
Haven't yet discussed, will bring up in next meeting

- Nothing to report
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
Approval of 5/9/22 ELT Notes Melanie Dixon Approved
Review / Approve Core inquiry Responses Frank Kobayashi 0
- Fall 21: submitted self-evaluation report
- Spring 22: visiting team reviewed ISER and provided comments via core inquiries; four inquiries for the college and two for the district; used councils to prepare responses to inquiries; district inquiries responded to by the District Office staff
- Following approval by ELT, responses will be submitted to ACCJC
- Team then visits for a few days in October
- Thumbs up approval

  Jeff Stephenson
90-Day Action Plan: Outreach Jeff Stephenson
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
90-Day Action Plan: Outreach Jeff Stephenson Topic moved to Discussion Items

- District engaged an outside agency (Gravenberg Group) to assist with outreach and recruitment
- 90-day action plan being rolled out to the college next Tuesday, 3 pm
- Plan will also be presenting to all the senates
- Beginning to set metrics for recruitment
- Communication plan also being discussed to share information with new students
- Looking into CRM system to follow-up with prospective students
- Looking at other groups outside of just high school seniors
- Using Beavers Build Together website
- All four college presidents were tasked with improving outreach and recruitment
- Equity focus on outreach efforts - address lifelong learners, recapturing individuals lost during the pandemic
- Retention: cheaper to keep student then get a new student, can't complete goals if we can't keep the students
- Community partnerships with community-based organizations (i.e., Highlands Adult Charter)
- Will be looking for an individual who will be based at Highlands to provide over 7,000 students a pathway
- Hoping to have some influence over Spring 23 enrollment
- Anything we apply a strategy to has to be measured
- Glad to hear that equity focus was presented today
- Adding more individuals to outreach team
- District originally going to employ an SRM using a modified model in PeopleSoft but it didn't work well
- Now moving to a CRM - customer relations module - to track students, communication, etc.,

- Is this a district initiative or college only?
- District initiative; movement toward centralized processes with a goal of efficiency.

- Concern - each college has unique demographics and is each plan college specific?
- Shared element will be setting metrics based on college information; each college determines their own targeted populations

- I hear a focus on traditional learner and lifelong learner; where does career ed fit in?
- There's a starting point and then building on that; need to look at programs and determine which ones are loosing students; ask the question "why"

- Why was Gravenberg and what is their experience with equity?
- It's headed by an African American male who has been in a variety of roles; multiple presentations by various groups and Gravenberg was thought to be the best fit; a consultant was chosen because it was a district-wide initiative

- How are students going to be involved in the development of communication? Will students help to craft messages? Focus groups?
- Focus groups mentioned in the plan; always need to ask does the message make sense to students
- Gravenberg selected at a time when faculty were off contract; they met with teams of managers, outreach folks, etc.; now is time to bring in students and faculty
- UNITE Center and categorical programs are excellent places to get input

- Different segments of the population may need to hear the message in a different way, How is the message delivered? Email or other means?
- Phone, email, generic methods currently used; Call Center at the DO; chatbot - only as efficient as the amount of input used to create it
- Chatbots can take years to become sophisticated - 94% of the questions get a response; it's worked on every week; there's a different chatbot on each college website with college specific questions addressed

- Perhaps we could use the Student Design Team to ask the chatbot all kinds of questions?
- Yes

- Are the colleges going to get the data relative to uncompleted applications? Also, demographically, who stepped out and at what part of the process did they stop?
- Possibly pulled from crystal reports; should be able to pull demographic information; may be more difficult as far as finding out where in the process the student stopped applying
- CCCApply has a built in barrier for apprenticeship students; wondering if there are other groups of students who are encountering similar barriers

Back on Campus Update Frank Kobayashi - Gradual reopening of the campus
- Spring 22: 70% online; 30% face to face
- Fall 22: 58% online; 42% hybrid and face to face
- Major decline when all classes taught online
- Having move face to face classes appears to have a positive impact on enrollment
- Will be expanding face to face classes in spring 23
- Need to start thinking like a medium-sized college as opposed to a large college
- Need to be more thoughtful when scheduling face to face classes; increase block scheduling to make it work the student's time to come to campus for classes; avoid long periods of empty time between face to face classes
- Will likely never get back to 80% face to face like we were prior to the pandemic
- Looking to find a balance
- Opening buildings has resulted in an increase of student activity every week
- Once we figure out where students want to be, we'll need to see if they're successful
- A lack of a district-wide remote policy has caused some confusion
- Districts that do not have a vaccine mandate have seen an uptick in enrollment
- Silent quitting is a real thing
- Still so many unanswered questions

- Have we asked students who returned what the difficulty was? Was it technology?
- A survey was done but responses were sparse

- There are significant financial burdens for students - fees, books, computer, etc.,
- Student financial issues are real and definitely burdens; we haven't solved but have acknowledged

- Students come to college for the college experience; don't want to deal with a faculty member who doesn't respond; is paid the same salary whether they actually teach or not
- Perhaps offer more hybrid classes particularly for higher-level courses
- Need a personal touch for student retention
- During COVID, all faculty were forced to teach online and not all instructors should teach online
- Recognition by faculty for shared student frustrations
- When offering both online and in-person classes, the online classes fill first

- How is it being communicated to faculty that this is a safe environment? Am I safe?
- Looking for data on infections rates but data wasn't available
- Primarily looking at data for specific counties in our service area; can break it down by zip code but can't be specific to the college

- What information do we have and how are we communicating with our community
- Share with the President ways to share that information with our constituency groups
- Need to have an awareness of protocols
- Deans might be able to share how many faculty were out last semester with COVID - would give us an idea
- For planning, would be helpful to share all data available for individuals to process and make the best decision for themselves

- Lack of food on campus
- Formerly in a contract with Aramark
- Food trucks were brought in but we couldn't provide the base foot traffic needed to adequately support
- Brought in Canteen for grab and go
- Steve's Pizza and a local coffee shop also contacted but insurance costs were too high
- Koue worked with the District to reduce the insurance and Steve's Pizza and coffee service will be brought into the cafeteria
- Expired food from Canteen
Strategic Planning: Strategies Melanie Dixon - Strategic planning process is historically a college-wide approach
- Just prior to pandemic, ARC had developed strategic goals
- New approach currently going through Chancellor's Cabinet is to look at reviewing/revising strategies every year while goals have a longer cycle
- Strategic goals will be developed every six years and will be reviewed every year
- Strategies would then be reviewed and updated every year
- Draft now being reviewed by constituency groups across the district
- Will look at ARC strategies following accreditation process
- Data provided was aggregated so wondering where the disaggregated data went
- Each of the colleges should be able to get the data for their respective institution
- Interest may be to have a smaller number of strategies that the entire college can focus on
Topic Contact Person
SEAP: Student Equity & Achievement Plan for 22-25; (will be on agendas for all councils and senates); due November 30 Status Update: Institutional Equity Plan Student Petition Process Housing HomeBase Integration Communication Plan