Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Frank Kobayashi
Nicole Porter
Melanie Ortega
BJ Snowden
Hannah Blodgett
Carina Hoffpauir
Mikhail Drobot
Justin Tseng
Eliza Arata
Sharon Gott
Marianne Harris
Brian Knirk
Nimo Ali
David Shrope-Austin
Caroline Prieto
Allyson Joye
Tera Reynolds
Arthur Jenkins
Anthony Carter
Kim Herrell
Elizabeth Geisser
Dianne Cervantez
Maria Elena Pulido-Sepulveda

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Student Success Council
DATE OF MEETING: 04/18/2023
TIME: 1:00pm
CALL-IN NUMBER:1 669 900 6833
CALL-IN CODE: 980 2359 2402
FACILITATOR(S): Derrick Booth and Marianne Harris
ASSISTANT: Mary Goodall
MEMBERS PRESENT: Eliza Arata, Derrick Booth, Sharon Gott, Marianne Harris, Kim Herrell, Allyson Joye, Veronica Lopez, Caroline Prieto, Tera Reynolds, Robert Snowden, Nimo Ali, Anthony Carter, Mary Goodall, Jennifer Laflam, Jessica Nelson, Nicole Porter
INVITED GUEST(S): Jesus Valle, Melissa Diaz, Rick Ramirez, Parrish Geary
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
Welcome Derrick Booth and Marianne Harris
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
Native American Resource Center (NARC) - 1pm The following were provided as potential areas of focus for the presentation: Program Overview Successes - Institutional - Programmatic Challenges Encountered - Barriers students encounter - Programmatic barriers Supports Needed - Student - Program Jesus Valle Native American Resource Center (NARC) discussion points:
- 22 years
- Move to the Unite Center has been positive and collaborative
- Have had high schoolers that were not able to graduate
- Have had returning elders (some of which are not degree seeking, but interested in Arts, Sports, self-exploration)
- Receiving $30 million in funding from the State Chancellor to help build up the NARC
- Have an Elder in Residence on Tuesdays providing hands on work with students on Natural Resources, community, building relationships
- The Native student total population in the California community College system before the pandemic was 10,000 or so
- Then became the most impacted group in terms of enrollment to approx. 6,000-8,000
- Since the outreach effort started about a year and a half ago they have rebounded 7%
- 150 Native students on campus
- 20-30 actively using the center
- Oscar Gomez (HomeBase Coach and NARC alumni) has been instrumental in connecting students to NARC
- Native student population is about 150; 4th largest in the state. About 20-30 actively use the center, the others are working, taking remote classes, may have one class 1 day a week

- Create MOUs -- relationship based work; can't be rushed, grounded on being real
- Areas of focus include: vocational, workforce development; creating space for elders; traditional planting on campus; creating a demonstration area (e.g. Effie Yeaw)
- A holistic approach to education is how we approach learn; it's not separate from your lifeway or reality, so for students to see themselves supported through campus partnerships (MOUs) is powerful
- Nimo offered to partner with high school recruitment, and Anthony offered additional support via HomeBase.

- How can HomeBase personnel support? (make connections)
- Are you aware of the Beaver Connections Survey?
- Proposed use for grant $
- Hire FT coordinator/scale up elder in residence program (teaching history, indigenous planting)
- Developing MOU's with local tribes concerning their needs with outreach work

Pacific Islander Asian American Resilience Integrity Self-Empowerment Education (PRISE) - 1:30 pm The following were provided as potential areas of focus for the presentation: Program Overview Successes - Institutional - Programmatic Challenges Encountered - Barriers students encounter - Programmatic barriers Supports Needed - Student - Program Caroline Prieto PRISE Center discussion:
- Pacific Islander Asian American Resilience Integrity Self-Empowerment Education
- Potential name change to better incorporate students served
- Wanting feedback
- 66 students (new/returning/graduating)
- Serves more that Pacific Islander community (e.g. some Afghani students identify as Asian and others as Middle Eastern)
- Combining support of class work and outside issues
- Making it all culturally relevant
- Looking for support staff (SPA and counselor)
- Data tracks classes but not student stories
- Need to track transfer rates
- Tutoring in UNITE
- Moving all meetings to in-person
- Referrals needed to boost program
- Looking to improve AAPI enrollment; currently offering English and Communications classes that are exclusive to PRISE

- Jen and BJ offered to provide support in securing descriptive outreach data that's needed

- Nimo Offered to sit in at orientations to connect students to the program and send welcome letters on behalf of learning communities

- Counseling could meet up w/students after orientation to help match to learning communities
- Collaborate with API Learning Community

Puente - 2:30 pm The following were provided as potential areas of focus for the presentation: Program Overview Successes - Institutional - Programmatic Challenges Encountered - Barriers students encounter - Programmatic barriers Supports Needed - Student - Program Melissa Diaz Puente Program
- 40 year model
- Team of 5 (SPA/Faculty/Counselors)
- 3 Cohorts each semester
- Puente has expanded to Washington and Texas
- Middle schools are being added to the program
- Recommend courses taught by equity minded instructors
- Mentoring: one-on-one, small groups, online mixers
- Fostering community (social and cultural events)
- Transfer culture (campus tours, counseling, support)
-Statewide MOU wants fully in-person, but the need is there to meet students where they are
- Identifying mentors from 3 cohorts is a challenge, but allows to add students at any point in the school year

Support needed:
- Support for 3rd cohort
- Students first means support various modalities
- Need to align campus offerings for hybrid/online cohorts, in particular, to keep cohorts intact
- Budget issues cause delays and cancellations
- Information sharing
- Additional .5 FTE (.25 each for instructor and counseling)
- Statewide office is looking for a more equitable allotment for Cathy and Carmelita so the additional cohorts have their own coordinator and counselor

Budget delays; district interaction can be slow and cumbersome and lacking transparency.

Topic Contact Person
OTHER INFORMATION: Final meeting of the semester May 2nd, 2023