Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Frank Kobayashi
Nicole Porter
Melanie Ortega
BJ Snowden
Hannah Blodgett
Carina Hoffpauir
Mikhail Drobot
Justin Tseng
Eliza Arata
Sharon Gott
Marianne Harris
Brian Knirk
Nimo Ali
David Shrope-Austin
Caroline Prieto
Allyson Joye
Tera Reynolds
Arthur Jenkins
Anthony Carter
Kim Herrell
Elizabeth Geisser
Dianne Cervantez
Maria Elena Pulido-Sepulveda

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Student Success Council
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: student success
DATE OF MEETING: 03/21/2023
TIME: 1:00pm
CALL-IN NUMBER:1 669 900 6833
CALL-IN CODE: 980 2359 2402
FACILITATOR(S): Derrick Booth and Marianne Harris
ASSISTANT: Mary Goodall
MEMBERS PRESENT: Eliza Arata, Derrick Booth, Mikhail Drobot, Marianne Harris, Allyson Joye, Veronica Lopez, Caroline Prieto, David Shrope-Austin, Robert Snowden, Nimo Ali, Anthony Carter, Mary Goodall, Jennifer Laflam, Jessica Nelson, Nicole Porter
INVITED GUEST(S): Tiffany Mpagazi, Doug Herndon
Attached Files:
Institutional Implications/Set Standards
Summary of Actions/Set Standards
Strategic Plan - Strategic Goals and Strategies (23-30)
Strategic Plan - Metrics (23-30)
Degree Programs
Certificate Programs
Dual Enrollment Summary
Dual Enrollment Presentation
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
Check In Derrick Booth and Marianne Harris
We started off with music and a few words about "a place that brings us peace"
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
Monthly Research Executive Summary research topic: 1) Degree Programs with Fewest Awards Conferred 2) Certificate Programs with Fewest Awards Conferred. Context: The purpose of presenting this data is to describe degree-awarding patterns at the College. This may be useful for HomeBase staff to understand how students may be affected by these patterns. This is descriptive data that is not tied to evaluation or resource allocation. Related Attachments: Degree Programs Certificate Programs BJ Snowden & Jen Laflam -This information is to start discussions and learn more about the campus.
-Not for making decisions.
-Not to be punitive.
-The areas can work with Research to dig deeper with queries.
-Take this information back to your areas and constituencies for more discussions.
-See how this data compares to those getting IGETC or GenEd.
Institution-set Standards Reporting Summary and Institutional Implications Context: This year, the College implemented a process for departments to document actions that the college (or department) has or will be taking to improve achievement outcomes that fell below the institution (or department) set standard. We gathered this information not only to ensure compliance but to can use to support the work departments are doing to improve achievement outcomes. The attached documents include a summary of department actions as well as implications for the institution. Related Attachments: Institutional Implications/Set Standards Summary of Actions/Set Standards BJ Snowden, Jen Laflam Documents are attached for further perusal.
Strategic Plan Context: In recent months, our college reaffirmed its Strategic Goals and held community forums to gather input about strategies to meet our goals. The next step in our planning process is to share broad strategies. The strategies are based on College initiatives and community input to help us achieve our goals. In addition, we are sharing performance metrics we will use to measure our achievement toward the goals. Related Attachments: Strategic Plan - Goals & Strategies Strategic Plan - Metrics Jen Laflam -Discussed the Forums that we had in the Fall which informed the Strategies and Metrics to be used.
-All Councils and Constituencies have been involved throught the process.
-The data attached is the "starting point". Nothing is set in stone.
-The metrics will be looked at annually.
-SCFF is tied to the metrics.
-DO plans to close gaps completely within 10 years.

- Part-time (PT) students aren't named in the Strategic Plan, even though they reflect a majority of students as well as students in DI populations.
-Focus has been on traditional students (taking 12 units or more) and not non-traditional students.
-Need to include PT students in data metrics that have been and will be shared

Critical questions raised include:
- What can be done to support PT students (e.g. helping them navigate the system more effectively)?
- What's leading to or causing PTers to drop?
- What would it look like of we used Dr. Yosso's model of Cultural Wealth?
- What would it look like if the college was designed to support PT students?
Dual Enrollment (2:30pm) Tiffany Mpagazi Presentation was given (attached)
-Not "advanced education" any more
-AB 288 - high school and college credit simultaneously
-varied partnerships w/districts, charters, and schools
-courses for 9th through 12th grades
-high school counselors AND dual enrollment counselors to partner and be on a specific pathway
-district regulations, changes, and process are outlined in plan
-success coaches work with high school staff
-CCAP data concerning enrollments and success rates, disaggregated by race, gender, categorical funding, and special groups
-report attached

Challenges identified by DE:
- With expectations for projected growth, current supports aren't scalable
- DE students start 3 weeks after ARC's semester has begun
- Counselor to student ratio is exceptionally high, and some of the student plans must be cobbled together w/counselor support (further taxing a limited resource)
- Imbedded Success Coaches are critical supports, but not all campuses provide them.

Refund Policy - Update Jeff Stephenson -The deadline has been moved for short-term classes from the first Friday to the 10% margin.
-More information soon.
Scholarships - Update Derrick Booth -Chair contacted K. Dubray for clarification.
-What is asked for is donor driven.
-They will be asked to make them open to more students.
-Including those doing certificate work.
-There are fewer applicants, some reasons are:
-Fewer offices that can promote and assist in the process.
-Foundation no longer at campus level.
-Ideas from the council:
-Have Scholarship writing help (e.g. workshops facilitated by Joslyn Gaines; Caroline Prieto)
-Student Design Team
-Student Senate
-Make process easier:
-Check boxes for what pertains to you, so you only fill out the scholarships that you can actually receive.

Topic Contact Person