Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Frank Kobayashi
Nicole Porter
Melanie Ortega
BJ Snowden
Hannah Blodgett
Carina Hoffpauir
Mikhail Drobot
Justin Tseng
Eliza Arata
Sharon Gott
Marianne Harris
Brian Knirk
Nimo Ali
David Shrope-Austin
Caroline Prieto
Allyson Joye
Tera Reynolds
Arthur Jenkins
Anthony Carter
Kim Herrell
Elizabeth Geisser
Dianne Cervantez
Maria Elena Pulido-Sepulveda

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Student Success Council
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: Provide an overview of Student Success council for Academic Year
DATE OF MEETING: 09/06/2022
TIME: 1:00pm
CALL-IN NUMBER:1 669 900 6833
CALL-IN CODE: 994 1948 7724
FACILITATOR(S): Frank Kobayashi and Marianne Harris
ASSISTANT: Cesar Reyes
MEMBERS PRESENT: Frank Kobayashi, Cesar Reyes, Sharon Gott, Chris Olson, Adam Windham, Veronica Lopez, BJ Snowden, Hannah Blodgett, Nimo Ali, Marianne Harris, Caroline Prieto, Jennifer Laflam, Connie Ayala Mikhail Drobot, Jeff Stephenson
Attached Files:
Student Success Council Charter
Climate Survey
Student Success Council Calendar
Enrollment UPDATED version
Checklist for Sustaining Institution Wide Racial Equity
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
Check In: Share one of your favorite songs or music that you enjoy. Marianne Harris
Shared via chat. 
Review Charter Frank Kobayashi Marianne Harris
Shared. No Questions. 
Checklist for Sustaining Institutionwide Racial Equity: Touchstone Text Frank Kobayashi and Marianne Harris
Document shared with committee.  No Questions
Fall 2022 Update Frank Kobayashi
Enrollment is still down, but we have reached an uptick in traffic on campus. 
Homebases Resource Panel Update Frank Kobayashi
UndocuScholar Liason with Student Success Marianne Harris
New UndocuScholar Specialist - Catherine Murillo. 
The purpose of UndocuScholar is read: "The UndocuScholar Resource Connection empowers students, staff, faculty, and community members who are undocumented, of mixed-status families, or allies by supporting their academic, personal, and professional goals. The UndocuScholar Resource Connection is committed to providing individualized support and resources to help students achieve their academic pathway."
Sharing the resource and ability to make appointments with Catherine.
Access to legal services through a grant from Los Rios that is available for student, faculty, and staff. 
Student ID Help Form created and shared. 
Question: Only available to employees or also their families? Only student, faculty, and staff - referral to Catherine. 
Fall 2019 Institutional Campus Climate Survey - Updated Jennifer Laflam
422 respondents: Low compared to last survey (1294 respondents). 
Research office is now doing analysis of data received. 
Enrollment Jennifer Laflam
To pull data for different executive topics suggested by the executive team. 
Most reports are static, manually developed - provided by Precision Campus. 
Chris Olson shares with committee example of pulled data and how to retrieve this information at any point. 
Data points shared: Enrollment by Race, Gender, Disability population, Foster Youth, Full-Time, Unhoused, and Promise Grant recipients. 
Executive summary to be rolled out each month. 
Access via Inside ARC, Employee Login Drop-down Menu, ARC Data on Demand. 

Question: Looked at Head count vs fulltime vs part-time? Head Count is possible. 

What's the ask? A starting point to provide data to the campus to get an understanding of the campus climate as it stands. To pull multiple and different reports to help inform decision making processes. To be more transparent in having data available at anytime. 

How often will it be updated? Once data is archived every semester. 
ISER Core Inquiries Frank Kobayashi
Fall of '21 ISER Report was submitted to ACCAG. 

Team reviewed our ISER in early '22: Came up with a series of core inquiries. 

The visiting team provided a heads up regarding these core inquiries - 4 college and 2 district questions. 

All information is on the ARC Accreditation Website. 

Attachment provided on draft response to these questions. 

ELT will proofing the core inquiries and submit them to ACCAG. Holding pattern until visiting team arrives Oct. 10, 11, 12. 

11am open forum available for all campus community can attend. Wednesday, 12th, 9am - closing forum and visiting team can share thoughts on ultimate recommendations

Between, interviews will be taking place with institutional effectiveness council, operations council, and faculty leaders. 
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
Student Success Council Calendar Marianne Harris & Frank Kobayashi Sketched out the academic year by putting in the topics the council was interested in exploring.

Such as: dual enrollment, website information/data, updates, etc.

Monthly resource executive summary will be built in to start conversations.

Project team: Bias response team to plug in check-in, and Strategic and management part 2.

Topic Contact Person
How Can We Navigate Our Religiously Diverse Campus? Upcoming Zoom Workshops Engaging Diverse Religious, Spiritual, and Secular Identities & Why It Matters Contrary to popular belief, campuses can engage religious, spiritual, and secular identities and, in so doing, bolster student success, equip students to live and lead in a diverse world, and ultimately cultivate the skills to work across deep differences for the benefit of our communities. Friday, September 16 1:00pm - 3:00pm Welcoming, Belonging, and Thriving: Religious, Spiritual and Secular Identity & Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Religious, spiritual, and secular identities and movements inspire some of the most impactful positive social changes in the U.S., yet they are also sources of prejudice and exclusion. Join Interfaith America to explore the policies, practices, and programs that can prepare students for success on campus and beyond. Wednesday, September 21 10:00am - 12:00pm