Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Angela Milano
Nicole Porter
Lisa Cardoza
Koue Vang
Brian Knirk
Veronica Lopez
Jeffrey Sacha
Liz Geisser
Mary Goodall
Carissa Thomas
Kaitlyn Collignon
Sapeidah Saeedi
Alisa Shubb
Jeffrey Sacha
Mary Goodall
Marianne Harris
BJ Snowden
Amanda Lewis
Alicia Szutowicz-Fitzpatrick
Brenda Valles

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Executive Leadership Team
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: Discussion of Current College Happenings
DATE OF MEETING: 03/07/2022
TIME: 3:00pm
CALL-IN NUMBER:+1 346 248 7799 (US Toll)
CALL-IN CODE: 930 7935 1925
FACILITATOR(S): Melanie Dixon
MEMBERS PRESENT: Sarah, Carina, Frank, Bill, Jeff, Amy, Jennifer, Alisa, Scott, Amy, Koue, Tressa, Kristin, Melanie, Alisa, BJ, Jen, Stacey, Mark
INVITED GUEST(S): Marianne Harris Kathy Sorensen Jazzie Muganzo-Murphy
Attached Files:
ELT Notes 02.07.22 (draft)
Strategic Enrollment Management 2.0 - Draft Charter
Employee Onboarding Project Team Charter - Draft
GP - Scale of Adoption (Draft)
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
Council / Project Team Highlights from Written Reports Council Leads / Co-Leads
Constituency Group Highlights from Written Reports Constituency Group Leaders
Academic Senate:
- March/April are Textbook Adoption Months
- Surprised by recommended mask announcement
- Some pressure to comply with new state recommendations
- It's a choice
- Still engaging in contract tracing
- Question:  Have unions weighed in?
- Yes, they've been involved
- Student circulating petition and wanting to speak to the Board about going to 100% remote
- President Dixon meeting with student on Friday and will hear concerns
- Safety of staff and students of paramount concern

Classified Senate:
- A bit behind in elections, probably held the first week of May
- Several positions available
- Need administrator/supervisor support for classified participation in PD Day (week of Spring Break)

- Elections beginning
- Partnership with Beaver Cares to put together shower kits for students with housing challenges and those who use the college's showers
Guided Pathways - Scale of Adoption Jeff Stephenson
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
Approval of February 7, 2022 ELT Notes Melanie Dixon - Thumbs up; approved

Strategic Enrollment Management Project Team Charter II Frank Kobayashi - Draft charter attached
- SEM Part 1.0 was prior to the pandemic
- SEM Part 2.0 is post pandemic
- Changing dynamic of scheduling due to pandemic
- Q: projected membership, include physical education (kinesiology) which might have unique scheduling needs?
- Thumbs up - accepted

Employee Onboarding Project Team Charter - Draft Kathy Sorensen/Jazzie Muganzo-Murphy - Presented by Kathy Sorensen & Jazzie Muganzo Murphy
- Some equity language added to deliverables
- Academic Senate requested more specificity to faculty memberships
- Need a little further information on having a coordinator
- Coordinator may have been involved in hiring practices outside of faculty positions
- Any interest in having a classified professional be a classified supervisor
- Some discussion on classified professionals but nothing specific to supervisor
- Timeline is tight
- BJ's team will be tasked with putting together the implementation phase
- Implementation team will provide another layer of eyes on the recommendations and will likely yield more recommendations
- Faculty appointment looks to have experience with DI populations; include that for a classified employee?
- Some flexibility with deadlines?
- Could result in a recommendation for an extension
- Three classified already appointed, is the classified supervisor in addition?
- Thumbs up

Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
Re-Opening Plan Frank Kobayashi - Third wave of re-opening was February 22
- 30% face to face; 70% online (Sp22)
- Planning for close to 30% face to face; 70% online (Su22) and 37% face to face; 63% online (Fl22)
- Area Offices re-opening over time
- Remembering that we're here for students and a normalcy of being back slowly phases in
- Priority registration for summer occurring right now

Student Services
- Re-opened services on February 22
- Usually 3 hrs/week with longer hrs on Wednesday through the end of this week
- Beginning next week: 9-5 on M,T,Th and 9-6 on Wed
- Food service on ground with food truck, Canteen options in cafeteria
- Unite Center is waiting on new furniture delivery
- Will continue to add services and hours as needed

- How are we gathering information on students needs, wants, etc.
- Student survey being discussed
- Chancellor's Exec discussion about whether it's district wide or ARC only
- What do students expect from their choice of modality
- Survey will come out from BJ and Jen's area, share ideas with them
- Can use Call Center to follow up on some responses
- Definitely include something about transportation and constraints about RT
- Not only RT, but inflated cost of gas impacts students
- Online tutoring preferred right now because the cost of commuting to campus
- We will continue to contend with barriers we have no control over
- Increase cost of technology, wi-fi, internet access, etc.
- Supply chain issue with laptops
- Next meeting agenda: trends that are happening;
- Our technology infrastructure isn't as up to date as other four year/private institutions
- Need to look at access to Re-Opening website and make it much easier to find
- Two different re-opening pages - one from the insider and one accessible to the students
- Employee re-opening page has information specific to employees
- Include on employee page the communications that are sent to students
- Make re-opening more bold on the homepage
- Perhaps a name change to "Open on Ground" as we've already re-opened
- "Back on Campus" used on employee page; no circulating banner on exterior website

Accreditation Frank Kobayashi / Bill Simpson - Meet & Greet with ISER Team and Open Forum in February
- 13-Item Evidence request from the ISER team
- Responded to all requests
- Waiting now for Core Inquiries (due to be received on March 8)
- Will be posted on accreditation website
- 300-word response per inquiry as well as evidence
- Due two weeks prior to site visit (10/10)
- Huge kudos to Frank for stepping into this effort
- Learning and room for improvement in this process
Strategic Plan Melanie Dixon - Reaffirmation of strategic goals
- Plans inform those goals
- Working with BJ, Pam Chao and Joshua Moon Johnson on Institutional Equity Plan

Topic Contact Person
Re-Opening will change to Back on Campus Update - Began receiving phone calls from a former student - Race was a point of contention in these messages - Equity work we're doing is real and impacts lives - TRO will be served and covers the district - Goes into effect once served - Individual has not made any attempt to step on campus or cause any harm - Interest is in getting individual the help and assistance they need - African American (and likely other populations) are targeted on this campus - In response, believe the student when they say it's happening and act from a place that what the student is saying is true