Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Frank Kobayashi
Nicole Porter
Lisa Cardoza
Koue Vang
Brian Knirk
Veronica Lopez
David McCusker
Elizabeth Geisser
Mary Goodall
Caitlyn Spencer
Kaitlyn Collignon
Kimberly Bossman
Kevin Hill
Alisa Shubb
Jeffrey Sacha
Mary Goodall
Marianne Harris
BJ Snowden
Amanda Lewis
Alicia Szutowicz-Fitzpatrick

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Executive Leadership Team
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: Discussion of Current College Happenings
DATE OF MEETING: 02/07/2022
TIME: 3:00pm-5:00 pm
CALL-IN NUMBER:1 346 248 7799 (US Toll)
CALL-IN CODE: 930 7935 1925
FACILITATOR(S): Melanie Dixon
MEMBERS PRESENT: Stacey Burrows, Melanie Dixon, Kristin Farlow, Amy Gaudard, Carina Hoffpauir, Adam Karp, Frank Kobayashi, Sarah Lehmann, Cesar Reyes, Mark Sheppard, Alisa Shubb, Bill Simpson, Tressa Tabares, Scott Crow, Susan McCoy, Jeff Stephenson, Koue Vang, Melanie, Matthew, Marianne, Sarah, Cheryl, Bill, Alisa, Frank, BJ, Amy ,Kristin, Mark, Jeff, Koue, Tressa, Stacey, Carina,
INVITED GUEST(S): Marianne Harris Cheryl Sears
Attached Files:
ELT Notes 12.06.21 (draft)
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
Council / Project Team Highlights from Written Reports Council Leads / Co-Leads
Operations Council
- Updates on facilities, IT and budget
- 3 statues in front of SS bldg
- Non-gendered, single stall restroom signage; 
- Held meeting about a year ago re non-gender restrooms with DO
- Project team put together to explore restroom opportunities for LGBTQ students; outline of what footprint would look like was presented; project was stalled a year ago primarily around safety; also included safety concerns of our current restroom facilities; consultant brought in to discuss safety issues; report from consultant will provide a framework for continuing discussions

Student Success
- HomeBase Resource Panel #2 to be implemented
- OER huge topic of interest
- Presentation on Student Design Team
- Transition plan for faculty co-chair (Sarah Lehmann departing at the end of the semester and Marianne Harris will be new co-chair beginning Fl22)

Institutional Effectiveness Council
- Now headed by BJ Snowden
Constituency Group Highlights from Written Reports Constituency Group Leaders
Classified Senate 
- Have a point of contact in each area for IT help desk tickets to assist IT with the computer to laptop transition
- Written report provided

Academic Senate
- Not much in the loop about computer transition (when and how faculty become involved in getting a laptop)
- Written report provided
- Discussing the use of notes section on class schedule to provide more information to students on modality of each section; uniformity and support will be needed and helpful

Student Senate
- Passed funding bill for Native American Resource Center 
- Upcoming discussion on HomeBase feedback
- First virtual Club Day upcoming; looking to do an on-ground day in March
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
Approval of December 6, 2021 ELT Notes - approved (thumbs up)

Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
Re-Opening Plan Frank Kobayashi - Started with impossible to convert at the start of the semester - went well
- Next went with difficult to convert (science labs, etc.) - went well
- February 22 remainder of scheduled face-to-face will return to campus
- Enrollment is down across the district (ARC down approximately 8.5%)
- Every day is a new adventure
- Students are very appreciative of being able to be in the classroom
- With the third wave coming up, any targeted communication to those faculty about what to do and not to do, etc?
- Will put together a guidance document and push it through the deans for distribution
- Provide information about food, coffee, etc.
- Are we going to have folks around campus on the 22nd who can answer questions of students (i.e., where are services located, restrooms, etc.)
- All services and hours will be published prior to the 22nd
- Welcome tables will be around campus with volunteers
- Is there a dashboard with student vaccination status
Accreditation Frank Kobayashi / Bill Simpson - ARC's ALO (Accreditation Liaison Officer) is now Frank Kobayashi
- Bill Simpson is Faculty Co-Chair
- ISER submitted to ACCJC in December
- ISER team has been formulated
- Team has read our ISER
- Week of February 14 is deadline for the team to make requests of the college for further information (one week turnaround)
- February 17 will be Accreditation Open Forum
- Campus community has that opportunity to share any information with the team
- End of February will receive information from ISER team on those areas (core inquiries) they wish to further explore
- Campus visit is scheduled for October 10
- Received good initial response from ISER team chair
- Executive team will not be present at the Open Forum
Strategic Plan (Including Updates to Institutional Equity Plan and Professional Development Plan) Melanie Dixon / BJ Snowden - Reviewed Educational Master Plan, DI reports, PD Plan, etc.
- Looking to document the work accomplished through these plans to affirm our strategic plans
- Working to develop detailed timeline
- Will be working with councils
- Work to be concluded by the end of the spring semester
Personnel Updates Melanie Dixon - An interim dean overseeing research is currently in the recruitment/hiring process
- Interim will be in place for spring and fall semesters
- Permanent position will be advertised in Fl22 for a Sp23 start date
- Also looking to add a researcher position
- All in efforts to build capacity to provide actionable data
- ITC, CTL and research will all be located in one space
Nongendered/single-stall restrooms signage Cheryl Sears - September 2016, AB1732 required signage for single stall restrooms
- Symbol was triangle superimposed over a circle
- In 2018, DAS (State Architect) mandated signage
- A year later, temporary signage with additional language were posted by staff
- Temporary signage removed as a result of student concerns
- With a majority of buildings on campus still locked, access to single staff restrooms remains a challenge
- Questions coming forward again about additional signage and providing restroom access in Davies Hall
- What is the need of students? Our good intentions may not meet the needs and interests of our students
- Interest in gathering more information from our students
- Thinking about venue of further discussion about removing "faculty only" restrooms
- No mechanism to get feedback from our students either
- Next step is to have a discussion about how to get input from the students
- Any projected time when the consultant's report will be ready
- A few more eyes at the DO need to review it prior to dissemination
Topic Contact Person
Re-Opening (standing update) Accreditation (standing update) Strategic Plan (standing update)