Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Angela Milano
Nicole Porter
Lisa Cardoza
Koue Vang
Brian Knirk
Veronica Lopez
Jeffrey Sacha
Liz Geisser
Mary Goodall
Carissa Thomas
Kaitlyn Collignon
Sapeidah Saeedi
Alisa Shubb
Jeffrey Sacha
Mary Goodall
Marianne Harris
BJ Snowden
Amanda Lewis
Alicia Szutowicz-Fitzpatrick
Brenda Valles

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Executive Leadership Team
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: Discussion of Current College Happenings
DATE OF MEETING: 12/06/2021
TIME: 3:00pm-5:00pm
CALL-IN NUMBER:1 346 248 7799
CALL-IN CODE: 930 7935 1925
FACILITATOR(S): Melanie Dixon
MEMBERS PRESENT: Melanie Dixon, Kristin Farlow, Amy Gaudard, Carina Hoffpauir, Adam Karp, Frank Kobayashi, Sarah Lehmann, Cesar Reyes, Alisa Shubb, Bill Simpson, Tressa Tabares, Scott Crow, Susan McCoy, Mark Sheppard, Koue Vang,
INVITED GUEST(S): Chad Funk sitting in for Jeff Stephenson
Attached Files:
ELT Notes 11.01.21 (draft)
Bias Response Project Team Charter
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
Council / Project Team Highlights from Written Reports Council Leads / Co-Leads
Institutional Effectiveness Council
- No verbal updates provided

Operations Council
- No verbal updates provided

Student Success Council
- No verbal updates provided
Constituency Group Highlights from Written Reports Constituency Group Leaders
Academic Senate
- Working on how faculty are and are not using "notes" within the course schedule
- Will take institutional support
- Big project to undertake

Classified Senate
- Last meeting this week
- Community building event on the 14th
- Working on spring annual professional development day (in person)
- Working to increase communication (podcast and e-newsletter bites)
- Classified Appreciation Award for presentation at the Fall 22 Convocation

- No verbal updates provided

Student Association
- Appointed Director of Finance for CAEB
- Getting ready to host events on ground in the Spring
Update on Re-Opening Frank Kobayashi
- Spring 22 schedule is 30% face-to-face, 70% online
- Fall 21 enrollment trends appear to be repeating in Spring 22
- Currently working on Fall 22 schedule; hoping to have more face-to-face classes
- Spring will offer the ability to have field trips

Q - Where are we with allowing students to finish their degrees and online processes; can someone do everything online
A - Working with ACCJC on substantive change submitted a few years ago; theoretically, all classes can be offered online per ACCJC's approval of that substantive change submitted

Los Rios Online
- Staffing needs determined to be much greater than anticipated
- Would require staff from the colleges

Admissions/Records & Financial Aid Update
- Many forms automated with the exception of those related to residency
- Working to includes SARS in Enrollment Services and Financial Aid so students can get appointments similar to Counseling
- Working on redesign efforts with the District Office
- Hoping to see enhanced capability
- More refinement to take place during Spring

COVID Update
- Mask accommodations available for student services to see that information
- Some students have a health condition that requires them to not wear a mask
- Only select few people see that granted accommodation
- General rule of thumb  . . . student must be able to produce that accommodation
- Working with IT to allow those who need to know
- Cleared4 potential partner in COVID contact tracing process
- DO still considering whether we're moving forward with vendor and refine our own process; that decision will help to resolve the question of who can see accommodations related to COVID
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
Approval of November 1, 2021 ELT Notes Melanie Dixon 5
Thumbs Up
Approval of Bias Response Project Team Charter Melanie Dixon 0
- Charter created for Bias Response Project Team
- Has gone through several charter approvals through Student Success Council
- Suggested timeline is already outdated and will be updated
- Thumbs up to approve charter with caveat to incorporate feedback and adjusted timeline
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
  OER Project - Next Agenda Item
- a lot of ground work already in place due to prior work of faculty

Convocation planning underway
- having a luncheon between convocation and area meetings
- invitation to all employees will go out

-have some work to do with our planning processes
- communication of timelines and guidelines (i.e., annual unit planning, etc.)
- observed some gaps; less presence of an actual action plan
- i.e., DI project teams, had recommendations come forward with no implementation plans
- i.e., annual unit plans mostly instruction with few student services
- investing energy during the Spring semester to begin to resolve our planning challenges
- another robust hiring round in the spring
- very successful hiring season but had some failed searches
- improved communication on project team plans and progress; also possible program manager
Topic Contact Person