Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Frank Kobayashi
Nicole Porter
Lisa Cardoza
Koue Vang
Brian Knirk
Veronica Lopez
David McCusker
Elizabeth Geisser
Mary Goodall
Caitlyn Spencer
Kaitlyn Collignon
Kimberly Bossman
Kevin Hill
Alisa Shubb
Jeffrey Sacha
Mary Goodall
Marianne Harris
BJ Snowden
Amanda Lewis
Alicia Szutowicz-Fitzpatrick

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Executive Leadership Team
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: Discussion of Current College Happenings
DATE OF MEETING: 11/01/2021
TIME: 3:00pm-5:00pm
CALL-IN NUMBER:+1 346 248 7799 (US Toll)
CALL-IN CODE: 930 7935 1925
FACILITATOR(S): Melanie Dixon
MEMBERS PRESENT: Matthew Blevis, Stacey Burrows, Scott Crow, Melanie Dixon, Kristin Farlow, Amy Gaudard, Frank Kobayashi, Sarah Lehmann, Cesar Reyes, Alisa Shubb, Bill Simpson, Susan McCoy, Mark Sheppard, Jeff Stephenson
Attached Files:
ELT Notes 10.04.21 (draft)
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
Council / Project Team Highlights from Written Reports Council Leads / Co-Leads
Institutional Effectiveness Council
- Went over project team charter for employee onboarding
- Discussed ISER and assigned review of specific parts by council members

Operations Council
- 3.4 M in one-time funds for state capital projects
- Minimal damage from last storm 
- HomeBases are built and ready to go
- IT - Hyflex classrooms (probably 7-8 classrooms will be upgraded)
- Taking principles of Hyflex and applying it so that faculty have the greatest flexibility in offering their courses; ARC's approach is technology based
- Safety - no major safety issues on campus
- Campus fingerprinting will begin on Tuesdays from 9 am to 1 pm

Student Success Council
- $372,000 in HEERF funds available for OER
- Forms & processes group continues; tying into new software at the District level related to forms
- Vaccine implementation
- Approved Bias Response Team charter
- Discussed ISER
- Student Success Co-Chair succession planning (Sarah's term ends in Spring)

Constituency Group Highlights from Written Reports Constituency Group Leaders
Associated Student Body
- ISER discussion
- Logistical needs discussed with Koue Vang
- Meeting with Academic Senate upcoming
- Joint Budget Committee met for the first time
- Three students accepted into NASA internship program
- Looking into downlink session with international space station (recurring yearly)

- Board member positions are being filled
- On-Campus events coming up with a focus on student safety relative to the pandemic
- Undocumented student club finally chartered

Classified Senate
- Jeff Bucher and Koue Vang provided update on technology
- Adam Karp presented ISER; would like an opportunity to provide more feedback
- Communication via email right now
- Listening Sessions on centralization of A/R and F/A
- Listening session also with Koue Vang
- Need for connection - possibly hold virtual event at the end of the semester
- Revisiting Classified Employee of the Year award (possibly in Fall 22 convocation)
- Future PD opportunities with day of PD opportunities off-site

Academic Senate
- Not aware of anyone locked out of Duo system
- Plenary session later this week
- Faculty hiring prioritization (28 presentations requesting 31 positions)
- Also looking at ISER, District strategic plan, change to R-5123 (equivalencies)
- Looking forward to presentation on UNITE and presentation from ASB

- Engaged in trauma-informed care training over the past few months
- Working with ASB, Academic and Classified senates to also provide training to those groups
- Capital Campaign funding - using one-time funds to address high cost items that impact the General Fund each year; list put forward and discussion at Chancellor's Exec Staff
- Dual Enrollment leadership team presenting to Chancellor's Exec tomorrow to educate the District what dual enrollment needs and specifically those of ARC
- Fully standing that project up with full commitment of leadership and staffing
- Hiring underway with specialists for HomeBases
Update on Re-Opening Frank Kobayashi
- Front and center has been vaccine mandate which went fairly well
- Continuing to work with staff and students related to mandate
- Spring 22 schedule out today
- Fall 21 - 9% of course inventory was face to face; Sp 22 - closer to 30% of course inventory to be offered face to face
- Unsure what enrollment in Sp22 will look like

- Questions on how to communicate with faculty when the student gets sick or has a personal challenge
- Faculty looking for alternate ways for students to participate thus our move towards Hyflex; will be classroom specific; on the minds of instructional faculty
- Based on policies, there's no such list of excused and/or unexcused absences; would like instructional faculty to be aware of that; students should not have to reveal personal information in order to beg/plead for an extension or ??
- Give the faculty permission not to have to be so stringent
- Training can be provided to faculty but probably won't have a 100% faculty participation
- Will trauma-informed care touch on this; i.e., it's traumatic for a student to have to relive the experience repeatedly by having to contact multiple faculty members explaining a traumatic experience (i.e., domestic violence)
- Example, was hospitalized with Covid and one professor asked for documentation of hospitalization which contained some personal information
- Not a wide-spread quick fix by Spring semester

- Library will open Mondays - Thursdays and a few Saturdays
- Expanding hours of Welcome and Support Center along with LRC
- Working with Koue on opening Student Center for grab/go food service
- Counseling Center will not be open but counselors will be available in Welcome & Support Center
- Final information on hours and services will be shared once it's finalized

Accreditation Adam Karp
- Presented by Melanie in Adam's absence
- Some work fell behind and resulted in last minute scrambling
- Presentation to BOT this month with a focus on HomeBases
- Team will review ISER and evidence provided
- Team then visits in October 2022
- A huge thank you to those who picked up the slack and reviewed in detail over the past two weeks; greatly appreciate the partnerships
- Big picture - our processes and procedures are sound
- ACCJC moved from punitive action to being supportive of colleges
- Need to have a post mortem of our process
- We had great bones for developing ISER but may not have had the capacity or time for implementation
- Still time to review and comment; doesn't go to ACCJC until December or January
- Having candid conversations so we won't be here again
Spring 2022 Convocation Planning Melanie Dixon
- Past two convocations have been a little rocky
- Owe college community a thoughtful program
- Planning document produced and has been initially reviewed
- Three planning sessions already scheduled prior to end of the semester
HomeBases Melanie Dixon
- Team brought together and planned for on-ground HomeBases
- Covid happened and HomeBases went virtually
- Now there's a need to plan for both virtual and on-ground
- Jeff and Frank lead Homebase resource team to reflect on the work accomplished and work for the future
- Possible further discussions with program pathways group next semester
- Need to fit HomeBases, Program Pathways, Areas, and need to engage in further discussion about how all these mesh together
- Need a workable structure so fantastic work can be accomplished
Hiring Melanie Dixon
- About 11 full-time faculty positions likely available to hire in Spring 22
- Huge gap between what we need and what we'll get
- For manager positions, need to make great hires
- Need to be certain we can provide assistance with gaps in competency, etc.
- We offer great resources to new faculty but don't provide resources to existing faculty
- A real gap exists between the curriculum offered to new faculty and existing faculty having no idea what's covered in that curriculum
- Perhaps use existing resources to offer pre-NFA faculty the opportunity to grow and experience something new
- Provide some leadership cultivation
- Peer review team members may not be connected to NFA curriculum and could be detrimental to achieving tenure
Professional Development - Trauma Informed Care Melanie Dixon
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
Approval of October 4, 2021 ELT Notes Melanie Dixon Approved - thumbs up
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
Strategic Planning Melanie Dixon - Ed Bush and Julie Oliver explored strategic plan and timeline with the Covid environment
- Proposal brought forward - 1) reaffirmation of strategic goals and 2) look at them annually (update in real time)
- Strategies that allow us to accomplish those goals
- Can't just reaffirm strategies but need to evaluate and change as needed
- Spring - open forums and charettes will take place to review strategies
- What will the process look like moving forward to annual review of goals and strategies
- Annual process will be developed; may look like fall development, spring review and implementation the following year
- Perhaps dovetail with annual unit planning process
Dual Enrollment Melanie Dixon
On-Campus Office Moves Melanie Dixon - The HUB has transitioned to UNITE
- Establishing budget and milestones
- One-stop shop being created in Welcome and Support Center
- Kale's area moving from the library third floor to Administration Building
Topic Contact Person