Notes - Approved

Meeting Notes

Frank Kobayashi
Nicole Porter
Lisa Cardoza
Koue Vang
Brian Knirk
Veronica Lopez
David McCusker
Elizabeth Geisser
Mary Goodall
Caitlyn Spencer
Kaitlyn Collignon
Kimberly Bossman
Kevin Hill
Alisa Shubb
Jeffrey Sacha
Mary Goodall
Marianne Harris
BJ Snowden
Amanda Lewis
Alicia Szutowicz-Fitzpatrick

NAME OF COUNCIL/TEAM: Executive Leadership Team
OBJECTIVE OF MEETING: Receive Council / Project Team and Constituency Group Highlight Reports; Discuss Bookstore Advisory Committee recommendation; Receive initial Draft of Accreditation Report
DATE OF MEETING: 10/04/2021
TIME: 3:00pm-5:00 pm
CALL-IN NUMBER:1 346 248 7799 (US Toll)
CALL-IN CODE: 930 7935 1925
FACILITATOR(S): Melanie Dixon
MEMBERS PRESENT: Stacey Burrows, Kristin Farlow, Carina Hoffpauir, Adam Karp, Frank Kobayashi, Sarah Lehmann, Cesar Reyes, Alisa Shubb, Bill Simpson, Tressa Tabares, Scott Crow, Sue McCoy, Mark Sheppard, Jeff Stephenson, Koue Vang,
Attached Files:
ELT Notes 09.13.21 (draft)
ELT Notes 05.10.21 (draft)
Topic Person(s) Responsible Notes
Council / Project Team Highlights from Written Reports Council Leads / Co-Leads
Student Success Council
- First reading for bias response team charter
- COVID and upcoming schedule

Operations Council:
- SEAP budget (one-time funding requests) available online
- HEERF funds (carryover) available
- PIO and Community Relations budgets now being used to cover overages in Child Development Center
- CDF fund allocations adjusted to reflect changes in organization (i.e., library now in student services)
- CDF carryover now used to offset shortages
- Operations and facilities update
- WiFi now available in parking structure
- Tech Ed bldg to be demolished in April
- No parking or fines in Spring 2022
- Fingerprinting may go back to 1 day/week at College Police

Institutional Effectiveness Council
- Employee onboarding charter receiving updates
- Accreditation update
Constituency Group Highlights from Written Reports Constituency Group Leaders
Academic Senate
- Faculty hiring prioritization; presentations on 10/28
- Statement of support for Afghan students
- Community guidelines to support courageous conversations
- Textbook advisory committee

Classified Senate
- No meeting since last update
- Matthew Blevis new co-chair for OC
- Seeing some hesitation from classified individuals on serving on committees (college & district)

Student Senate
- Board appointed communications director
- Student Trustee was invited guest
- Many courses happening w/o lecture (zoom or on-campus) causing quite a bit of confusion (more info below) 
- Students unable to access resources (Career Center events not distributed to students) (more info below)
- Students appointed to faculty hiring committees but no communication on schedule, etc. (more info below)

Lecture:  no lecture being delivered (powerpoint may be posted to Canvas but no voice over provided); if asynchronous, students can expect no lectures (readings, etc.); if synchronous, then there is an established meeting time and instructor should be meeting with students during that time; students signed up for a course they thought was primarily lecture but aren't provided any lectures and left to self teach themselves

Information Dissemination:  Career event information will be shared with students once the information is made available; Friday newsletter goes out to all students in the District and is completely student-centered; Career Center info wasn't made available in time for the October 1 student newsletter;

Hiring Committees:  schedule is developed in collaboration with all hiring committee members; this timeline this semester is very strict; 
college doesn't have any language related to students being excused from class for participation on hiring committee (similar to what's available for athletes); could be helpful for students

- Officially charted about 15 clubs and currently working to recruit some students for district committees
- Students who participate in ELT, students haven't been paid for 20-21 service
Update on Re-Opening Plans Frank Kobayashi
- Saturday was the first day of the vaccine requirement
- Quite a bit of angst for this week
- All administrators are on campus this week to provide assistance and support
- Relatively good start to the week
- Some blips in terms of questions on exemption requests and status of those requests
- No significant challenges thus far
- A couple of students upset with the mandate
- Work happened throughout the weekend to provide all employees and students with responses to exemptions (all were completed by noon on Saturday)

Question:  a couple of student exemptions did not receive response
Answer:  make certain that students uploaded the official form; some students click the box saying they wanted an exemption but they didn't actually submit the required form
Question:  faculty could use specific instructions on how to provide uncleared students with information about their non-clearance; 
Question:  what is the impact of the vaccine mandate on participation in commencement
Answer - will bring forward to next SS meeting; participation in theatre events, etc. has required vaccine cards

- Welcome & Support Center will open tomorrow
- Tent on the west side to check vaccine status of individuals entering the building
- Tables outside the LRC doing the same thing
- Family members under 12 need to be masked to go indoors; 12 and over need to provide vaccine proof of remain outside the building
- District working on policy related to public events and public coming on campus
- Station will be set up in the tent to upload vaccine information so they can be cleared to enter the building
- Request for ELT or subgroup of ELT to discuss our Spring 22 reopening
- Still thinking about Stacey's comments about lecture and synchronous/asynchronous
- Messaging about students not able to sign up because of vaccine mandate
- Need planning / talking session (perhaps calendar for next ELT meeting)
- ELT meeting may not be the space for this discussion
- Need a venue to think about how classes are being offered (and content delivered) and how is that information is conveyed to the student
- How will the information be disseminated to students?  Perhaps utilize the student design team?  Need to use all avenues available to share information with students.
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Decision(s) Next Steps
Approval of September 13, 2021 Notes Melanie Dixon 0
Thumbs up
Approval of May 10, 2021 Notes Melanie Dixon 0
Thumbs up
Question Person(s) Responsible Notes and Next Steps
Bookstore Advisory Committee Koue Vang / Sarah Lehmann - Library tries to purchase a copy of every book used for student use
- Challenging when the adoption form comes in late
- Faculty don't always know they need to communicate with the Bookstore
- Benefits of submitting a bookstore adoption form on time:
* Students can use their financial aid in the Bookstore
* Bookstore has a better chance of being able to purchased used books
* Students can shop around for better pricing
- Faculty should submit adoption form even if no book is being used in the class
- Emails from bookstore to faculty come from "external source" and may be overlooked
- Working with timing of bookstore requests and assignment of faculty
- Perhaps establish a bookstore advisory committee/group with bookstore staff; students (perhaps student design team); classified staff; library tech; faculty; admin (Koue and instructional dean); dual enrollment representative
- Group will serve as Liaison between Follett and college
- Committee will also address customer service
- Need some support around advisory committees in IGOR
- Not tracking membership of advisory committees
- Advisory committee information lists name of contact but doesn't provide any role (i.e, Honors Advisory Committee should have contact as Honors Coordinator)
- How often might committee meet? How/what relationship will be developed between the advisory committee and the Bookstore?
- Bookstore manager mentioned that this happens at other colleges and suggested that perhaps ARC might want an advisory committee.
- Committee would likely provide recommendations to the Bookstore but couldn't direct their business.
- Perhaps modify language slightly on request to reflect that we are not directing the work of the bookstore.
- No objections to the formation of the Bookstore Advisory Committee/Group
- ELT supports advisory committee/group (thumbs up)
Draft Accreditation Report Adam Karp - Final draft available by Friday, October 8
- Review/approval schedule: Classified Senate 10/13; Academic Senate 10/14; Students 10/15
- Academic Senate: Feedback can be received by 10/14 but approval requires voting and wouldn't be able to do that by 10/14; First reading would need to be 10/14 and second reading on 10/28
- Review approval schedule: IEC 10/18; SCC 10/19; OC 10/26; ELT 11/1
- College approval needed by 10/29
- Don't necessarily need approval of councils, included them for additional feedback
- BOT presentation 11/10 (still in draft form); presentation will be on quality focus essay (ARC's is on HomeBases)
- Week of February 21 is peer team ISER review
- Approaching it from the standard that we are meeting all the standards and believe what is in the report
- Not looking for any "gotcha's"
- Core inquiries will be submitted by team to college president
- Core inquiries are asking for clarification or further information on topic(s)
- College has from March through October to respond to core inquiries
- Team will identify a subset of members to review our responses
Topic Contact Person